The following article appeared at
ABC News on-line with the Associated Press as the source.
Study: Artic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than ExpectedArctic sea ice meltdown under way faster than expected, most could be gone in 30 yearsBy RANDOLPH E. SCHMID AP Science Writer
WASHINGTON April 2, 2009 (AP) The Associated Press
Arctic sea ice is melting so fast most of it could be gone in 30 years. A new analysis of changing conditions in the region, using complex computer models of weather and climate, says conditions that had been forecast by the end of the century could occur much sooner. ... For Full Story Click Here ABC News
Climate change is NOT caused by man! Global warming started well over 14,000 years ago! Sun spot activity causes temperature variations on earth! Although many predict some catastrophic event with their false reporting of global warming the earth's temperature experienced much warmer temperatures over 700 years ago...and we are not even approaching those temperatures today (and when you check the charts you will note that it was a lot warmer in the 1300's and then it got cool...hmmm I wonder why...natural fluctuations maybe. Sun spots anyone?)
All the talk about climate change is entirely political! Most, if not all, originates with the United Nations...the most corrupt organization in the world! The United Nations sees this as a means of collecting revenues...as do all politicians!
Scientists have known for years that we are currently in a cooling period. The fluctuations of earth's temperature is a natural occurring event and cannot be changed or affected by man!
Read more here... Global Cooling Due to Decreased Sunspot Activity?
and here... A Brief History of Ice Ages and Warmingand here...Woods Hole Ocenographic Institution Are We on the Brink of a 'New Little Ice Age?and here... Sun Spot Cycle Prompts Fears of Global Coolingand here... The Greatest Scam In History Remember this: Everytime you hear Obama, Al Gore or even the likes Marc Pacheco mention anything about climate change that all they want is your money to fund their go-nowhere projects (Have you bought you're carbon credits yet? What an insane concept!) . They are not here to help you or the weather because they can't! You cannot play politics with Mother Nature...you could get struck by lightening...hmmm, that would be interesting.
Norman E. Hooben - 3 April 2009
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