Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Guardian...all the lies fit to print - I won’t try to answer all the lies; it would be a second career.

More lies from the Guardian?

Well fresh from printing scare stories about 'eco terrorists', the Guardian has been found out to be selling dodgy stories about Venezuela.

If 'left' 'liberal' newspapers print right wing propaganda...this has more effect than when it is printed by the right...boycott the Guardian, well I have stopped buying it while it promotes this kind of CIA/MI6 stuff...this is from Calvin at 21st century socialism

by Calvin Tucker / December 20th 2008
Hugo Chavez, the FARC laptop, and the non-existent emails

The Western press rushed to report a story which framed Venezuela's socialist president Hugo Chavez as a covert supporter of terrorism. Now it is clear that the key 'evidence' on which the story was based does not exist- but this is a fact which the media chooses not to publish.

Remember the laptop computer that, according to the Colombian government, miraculously survived the bombing of the Farc guerrilla camp in Ecuador? Yes, that one. ... Read more...

And more...

The Guardian newspaper in the UK just published a piece on Omarska by Ed Vulliamy. Vulliamy is one of the reporters who went to Bosnia with ITN. If you have seen 'Judgment!' and you read this article by Vulliamy you will be aghast. He simply lies. I won’t try to answer all his lies; it would be a second career. I'll just focus on two of the most striking. When a supposedly objective reporter is caught in two grotesque lies, why should one trust anything else he says?... Read more...

Shall we continue?


This website does not promote conspiracy theory. It promotes facts. And the facts laid out within these pages demonstrate that The Guardian newspaper and its lawyers conspired in a conscienceless cover-up in league with the volatile owner of Harrods store, and father of Dodi, Mohamed Al Fayed.

The Guardian had enacted its conspiracy to escape redress, when those whom the paper had accused as part of its political war against the Conservative Party sued the paper for libel to clear their names.

That The Guardian succeeded in deceiving the British nation into believing evidence-less corruption allegations levelled against a Government Minister, hanging as they did on the word of a man whom The Guardian itself had castigated as a serial liar four years earlier... Read more...

Not finished yet...

Alan Dershowitz has a truly damning piece about The Guardian's distortions here at the Jerusalem Post.

And you're not going to like this...

The Guardian of big lies
Winston Smith

The propagandist who wants to demonise a racial group has two targets. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, recognised that in order to demonise Jews effectively as criminals, he had either to win the support of liberal “Jewish-sympathisers”, “the good-natured German Michel”, or he had to demonise them as well (Goebbels, 1941).

In 2000, the Tory attack on the “liberal-elite” was the Metropolitan police first volley in its propaganda war to rollback Macpherson (Hague, 2000). The “liberal elite” in question not only consisted of columnists of the Guardian newspaper and its readers ... Read more...

If you're not satisfied yet, come back for more...I'll try to keep up with the lies but as you know they lie every day and I have better things to do.

This posting was in response to a very un-informed believer in the Guardian... poor soul!


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