Saturday, March 8, 2025


Neuschwanstein Castle

Bangkok Thailand 

Edwards Air Force Base 

Taunton, Massachusetts 

Vice President Joe Biden Leaked Call With Petro Poroshenko

Question: If this call was available, then why wasn't Joe Biden impeached immediately after the recording?  Ahh, dumb question, Obama was still in control 🙄. 


Friday, March 7, 2025

TOM HOMAN...he's the man!


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Clintons Guilty As Sin


Monday, March 3, 2025

"If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes." ~ Mark Twain

See video below. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025


"In 2022, General C.Q. Brown, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs who was then chief of staff of the Air Force, co- authored a memo that set *aspirational race and gender quotas for Air Force officer applicants: He sought an Air Force that was 36 percent female, 67.5 percent white, 13 percent black, and 10 percent Asian. A subsequent lawsuit filed by the Center to Advance Security in America uncovered slides showing that the Air Force planned to achieve these quotas in part by making changes to its qualifying test to achieve the "desired end-state" of increasing the number of Hispanics in the Air Force. One would be hard-pressed to think of anything more corrosive to an organization that views itself as merit-based."



"I Look to A Day When People Will Not Be Judged by The Color of Their Skin, But by The Content of Their Character" - Martin Luther King.



US Air Force promoted drag events on military bases, internal documents show 


US Air Force Base Hosts Drag Show to Demonstrate Commitment to 'Diversity and Inclusion'

Tré Goins-Phillips 06-26-2021

Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas hosted a drag queen show last week in order to demonstrate its commitment to “diversity and inclusion.”

A spokesperson for Nellis told Newsweek the base “is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion,” adding that “base leaders remain supportive of events and initiatives that reinforce the Air Force’s emphasis on diversity and inclusion toward recognizing the value every one of our airmen brings to the team.”

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Roosevelt's Policies

In 1936 no one recognized what was revealed in the quote...and apparently no one today gives a damn. 

A Look Back In Time

By Norman E. Hooben 

It was once said by an author who's name escapes me at the moment (I think it was Ann Coulter but it doesn't really matter because others have implied the same.) that Franklin Roosevelt was the Father of the Democratic party or some other god-like inspirational figurehead that saved us from German occupation and/or from speaking Japanese if we lost the war on both sides of the that I mean WW II. 
In realty Roosevelt was a racist like Adolf Hitler; he hated blacks as much as Hitler hated Jews...he also hated Japanese, it's why he round them all up at the outset of the war (American citizenship be damned!).  
Like all Alinskyites Roosevelt was able to indoctrinate black families into turning into Democrats (previously they voted Republican) by the New Deal promises.  We could say he literally bought their vote and it would be accurate.  
Let's  get back to that word above; Alinskyite.  That's someone who promises one thing but does the opposite.  So the blacks, and a whole bunch of other people,  were hoodwinked into the party of corruption without even mentioning the party of the KKK.
You know Hitler and his Nazi party also used Alinskyisms to attain power but he loved the way Roosevelt used such rhetoric to successfully win the White House more times than any other...things were going his way.
Because one generation soon forgets what the previous generation has done to get us where we're at, especially generations that are also separated by continents.  So let us look back in time...say about 1936. 
"In the U.S. Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected by a whopping majority, and Germany mounted the bandwagon of well-wishers for the occasion.  Roosevelt, the Nazis proclaimed, was a prime example of what they called the "FÜhreprinzip"-the policies of Herr Hitler himself."* 
*1936, the picture story of an unforgettable year by D.S. Halcyon, Jr.

Book overview

This book tells the story of an unforgettable year; 1936 when the Lindberghs fled the U.S.and sensation-hungry newspapers, King Edward VIII renounced his throne for the woman he loved, Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard boarded a steamship for what might develop into a honeymoon cruise and many other events. The book also tells of The New Deal, John L. Lewis, Adolf Hitler, The Spanish Civil War, Selassie's Ethiopia, The Scottsboro Boys, Stalin's Russia, and many other highlights.
Copyright 1963

Suicidal Empathy Is Destroying The West


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Buy, Sell, Hold... What's the best way to get rich quick? INVEST IN A POLITICIAN


Sunday, February 23, 2025


To whomever wrote this- Well said!! 

When millions of illegals were ushered in through the southern border, you said nothing! 

When they abandoned millions of dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan, you said nothing! 

When they flaunted a two tier justice system, one for them and one for everyone else, you said nothing!

When they covered up the Hunter Biden laptop, you said nothing!

When they passed a trillion dollar infrastructure bill that failed miserably, you said nothing! 

When they forced Americans to take an untested vaccine, you said nothing! 

When inflation crushed the middle class, you said nothing!

When they sent billions to Ukraine, you said nothing! 

When chemicals polluted the water in East Palestine, Ohio and they ignored it, you said nothing! 

When Americans were raped, robbed and murdered by illegals, you said nothing!

When they implanted Kamala as the presidential nominee without getting a single vote, you said nothing! 

When billionaire and anti American George Soros funded dozens of AG elections, you said nothing! 

When they turned our classrooms into liberal indoctrination camps, you said nothing! 

When they spent our tax dollars on inmates transition surgeries, you said nothing! 

When they gave the citizens of Hawaii $700 after losing their entire city, you said nothing! 

When they gave free money, food and 5 star hotel lodging to illegals, you said nothing! 

When they came for our free speech, you said nothing! 

When DEI weakened the military and put our national security at risk, you said nothing! 

When they colluded with the media to push false reports, you said nothing!

When it was open season on law enforcement and criminals reigned, you said nothing! 

When they weaponized the justice system to take down their political opponents, you said nothing!

When the bureaucrats took over the White House and ran the government, you said nothing! 

When they covered up Biden's rapidly declining mental state, you said nothing! 

When they groomed our kids in school and hid it from the parents, you said nothing! 

When the drug epidemic exploded and 1000s died annually, you said nothing! 

When they accosted the jews on their campuses, you said nothing!

When they weaponized the intelligence agencies against Americans, you said nothing! 

When they spent $45 million dollars on "Diversity and Inclusion" scholarships in Burma, you said nothing!

When they let men play women's sports, you said nothing! 

When they chanted "Death to America" and burned our flag, you said nothing! 

When they shutdown our energy production, and emboldened Russia, you said nothing! 

When the crime rates in American cities increased, you said nothing!

While thousands of veterans were left to sleep out on the streets, you said nothing!

When 300,000 migrant children went missing and no one had a clue, you said nothing!

When Joe Biden pardoned his friends and family, you said nothing!

When they sent billions to Iran and inadvertently funded Hamas, you said nothing! 

When men were celebrated for pretending to be women, you said nothing! 

When they let a Chinese Spy Ballon sail across America, you said nothing! 

When 50 intelligence agents all lied to bury the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation, you said nothing! 

When American citizens were taken hostage and held for a year in Gaza, you said nothing! 

When Facebook admitted, they conspired with the Biden administration to censor the truth, you said nothing!

When they cleaned the streets of San Francisco for the communist Chinese President Xi Jinping, you said nothing!

When Fauci and the WHO peddled covid 19 virus lies and covered up the origins, you said nothing! 

When they sealed the January 6th commission files or "lost them", you said nothing! 

You saw the corruption, the lies, the bad policy, the anti American agenda and said nothing, so please spare us your crocodile tears and all your fake hysteria now. For 4 years you watched this country get run into the ground on all fronts and you said nothing!

Now, it’s our turn!!!! 🇺🇸🙏🏼🏆

Saturday, February 22, 2025

We report that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection


Martin J Vincent, Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R Erickson, Pierre E Rollin, Thomas G Ksiazek, Nabil G Seidah, Stuart T Nichol
Publication date
Virology journal
BioMed Central
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.
We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of …
Total citations
Scholar articles
MJ Vincent, E Bergeron, S Benjannet, BR Erickson… - Virology journal, 2005

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Biggest Fraud In History


This Might Be The Biggest Fraud In History"

Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025 - 03:20 AM

Update (1524ET):

*   *   * 

Elon Musk was expected to remain offline Sunday night into Monday morning as his xAI team prepared for the highly anticipated debut of "Grok 3," scheduled for release Monday evening at 8 p.m. EST. However, the head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), tasked with streamlining the federal bureaucracy, returned very excited to his social media platform around midnight, unveiling what "might be the biggest fraud in history."

Musk posted a spreadsheet of Social Security Administration data showing "numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE!"

The data shows that 20.789 million Americans are collecting social security benefits over the age of 100. Drilling down into the age buckets, benefits are still being paid out to folks over 140! 

"Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security," Musk emphasized. 

According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE!

Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security 🤣🤣

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2025

One X user pointed out that 2023 data showed the US population at around 334.9 million. However, Musk's data (likely from DOGE's 'Big Balls' analyst) shows 394 million names in the Social Security Administration database. 

Musk responded: "Yes, there are FAR more "eligible" social security numbers than there are citizens in the USA. This might be the biggest fraud in history."

"Maybe we pause payments to everyone 120+ until they can authenticate they're among the living, to start," Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) wrote on X in response to Musk's post. 

Collins is far too conservative. Lawmakers should freeze payments over the age bucket of 100 until a clear determination can be made where taxpayer funds are disappearing in this possible money pit that smells like fraud. 

"If DOGE's numbers are right, $522B—1/3 of ALL spending on Social Security each year—is fraudulent," X user Robert Sterling said. 

At a DOGE press conference last week in the White House, Musk said: 

"If money is spent badly. If your taxpayer dollars are not spent in a sensible and frugal manner, then that's not okay. Your tax dollars need to be spent wisely on the things that matter to the people," Musk said.

"It's just common sense. It's not Draconian or radical. I think it's really just saying let's look at each of the expenditures and say, is this actually in the best interest of the people, and if it is, it's approved, if it's not, we should think about it," he added.

"There's crazy things, like, just a cursory examination of Social Security and we've got people in there that are about 150 years old," Musk said. "Now, do you know anyone that's 150? I don't. OK. They should be on the Guinness Book of World Records, they're missing out."

"So, you know, that's the case where, like, I think they're probably dead is my guess, or they should be very famous. One of the two," he added.

It now appears DOGE's Big Balls has been heard at work using AI to uncover possible fraud in federal entitlements. So far, we have not verified the data Musk shared on X, but confirmation could be just ahead. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

How USAID is helping Zelensky to destroy Christianity


I'm not sure when I first noted that there was a war on Christianity, but certain observations dating back to the 1960's were beginning to take shape.  Throughout the remaining years of that century (70's, 80's, and 90's) I was an avid reader of subject matter which tied politics and religion that were antithetical to one another.  If I were to boil it down to one quote that cemented my ideological belief that the war has been raging far longer than I first suspected, it was this:
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?"
That was written in 1933 by one of the co-authors of the book, First Humanist ManifestoC.F. Potter.  One could go back beyond that year and find more evidence, but that quote sunk in with me. 
In the following video it becomes clear that the war is more intense, however using the current war between Russia and Ukraine to make the point. 
Please, by all means, find the time to listen to this excellent interview hosted by Tucker Carlson.  Thanks, Storm'n Norm'n. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

We were so close... Then Elon came along.

I was fired from my job at USAID today.
I worked in the woodchuck department.
We were so close to finding out how much
wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
Now we will probably never know.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Big Winner At Daytona


What Constitutional crisis are they talking about?

"A regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time."

Saturday, February 15, 2025

I meant to post this last July 31st. For what it's worth, I'm posting it now...6 months later 😆.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Germ Warfare... What's bugging you?





Judge John J. McConnell, Jr. has ordered Trump to resume all paused funding and restore withheld funds. If Trump wants to pause any federal funding he will need to seek specific permission from the Rhode Island judge. The judge also threatened criminal contempt for anyone caught violating his order.


PROVIDENCE, R.I. — U.S. District Judge John J. McConnell Jr., who ruled against the Trump administration’s effort to freeze billions in federal grants, has a daughter currently employed as a senior policy advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, a position to which she was appointed by President Joe Biden.

That is a claim made today by Laura Loomer.

McConnell, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for Rhode Island, ordered the Trump administration to “immediately restore frozen funding” and accused officials of failing to comply with a previous order. The ruling has drawn scrutiny from conservative commentators, who argue that McConnell should have recused himself due to his daughter’s role in the agency impacted by the decision.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Ukraine Is Selling American Weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels. Col. Daniel Davis


To fix ugly, it gets ugly.

See also: Senator Kennedy's video below. 

Author Dennis Conforto

Ah, here we go again with the far-left extremists labeling Trump a dictator and Musk an evil billionaire supposedly orchestrating a shadow government. According to Democratic elites, both pose a threat to democracy. Honestly, it's as if their heads are about to explode. They declare it a war and urge people to take to the streets. On TV, they're seen setting their hair on fire over this absurdity. Their on-camera antics deserve an Oscar in the slapstick comedy category. It's like watching an SNL parody. But why? What exactly have Trump and Musk done that's so dictatorial, evil, and atrocious to provoke this live three-ring circus performance from Democratic leaders? Let me break it down for you so we can laugh together at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

If you know anything about U.S. government agencies, you'll know they detest being questioned, reviewed, or audited by anyone, including Congress. When they appear before Congress—where they are supposed to be accountable by Constitutional power—they dodge all questions, delay all answers, and ignore most congressional requests from both Democrats and Republicans. What would take a day in the private sector to answer takes years in government to find a half-answer or indefinitely delay questions and requests. These unelected D.C. bureaucrats answer to no one and even worse, create laws only Congress is supposed to create. Truth be told, no elected official truly knows what the government is doing.

These agencies self-audit and have their own inspectors general to supposedly account for every dime and then report to Congress. The Pentagon has failed the last seven years of audits and has yet to account for trillions of dollars in transactions. The truth is, no elected official can tell you where all the money is going, if it went to the right place, and how much fraud, abuse, and kickbacks are happening. It's the greatest financial crime in history that everyone knows is there but nobody wants to address.

That was until Donald Trump came along, wanting to find out why the government always wanted more money than we taxed, and we could never tax enough based on their spending habits. Washington, D.C. gets away with it all due to a world of constant, never-ending lies. Political language and speech are always elegant because it's the best way to mask lies and hidden agendas. But the question is how to audit agencies that don't want to be audited and who want to hide much of what they do, even from Congress.

Using the government to audit itself, as done for 60 years, gets you nowhere. You learn nothing because you get nothing. Even worse, all my life, I've heard every president say they'd end the fraud and abuse, and none did. It didn't matter their political party; the system spent more with less to show for it and failures everywhere with zero solutions in sight. That was until the idea of DOGE.

Finally, a sensible idea if not politicized. But in D.C., everything is political. Even if it's the right move, if you hate Trump, then anything and everything related to him is seen as the worst. Clearly, if someone with a strong personality doesn't address this, our nation will fail because we all know it's unsustainable. I find this level of hate, preventing necessary fixes for the good of all, to be hate for the sake of hate, constantly taken out of context.

Unfortunately, Musk, arguably the greatest living genius of our time, is now despised because he supported Trump's agenda to uncover fraud and government waste that the government was unwilling to do. The fraud and abuse persisted so long as the normal way of doing things that it got ugly for all Americans. Now to fix ugly, it gets ugly, and this is what happens when politicians choose nonsense over common sense.

The Democrats weren't worried because auditing the government agencies controlled by Democratic Party members would require a massive army and so much red tape that it would go the way of all audits, simply disappearing. They didn't understand Trump's commitment; after all, he was just another president they thought they could work around, and they simply couldn't comprehend Elon. Before they could react, Trump issued 350+ executive orders that stopped the insanity. The Democrats couldn't keep up and complained about everything with zero focus on anything. Then, out of nowhere, DOGE started. The eighty-year-old Democrats, long past their prime, were shocked; they were ready to withhold funding for an army of auditors. No accountability was the perfect cover for money trails that appeared to be one thing when they funded the worst, including our enemies.

Elon approached it like he did SpaceX: how to do it faster than NASA, better than Boeing and all space industry manufacturers, and for 90% less? So, get this: he hires, at his own expense, the six boys that make up DOGE to find what others had hidden. Congress didn't need to approve funding, and what he did with six young men Democrats would have done with a department of 20,000 and five years to protect, not expose, what was really happening with our money.

Now, how do six boys do that? They used Elon's AI centers for trillions of combinations and algorithms. And just like that, they found what we all knew: the government is wasting our money and placing us all in debt. The Democrats went nuts; the cat was out of the bag, and instead of being mad at the waste and abuse of non-elected bureaucrats, they were mad at Elon and six boys who were supposedly the end of democracy. I will tell you what the end of democracy looks like: it is when you can't question overspending, wasteful spending, corrupt spending, and kickbacks within the government. The end of democracy ends in bankruptcy, which is where we're heading unless DOGE works and works right now.

The cry is that Elon doesn't have top security clearances, but he does, which is why his rockets carry our most secretive defense and communication systems into space. They cry that the boys lack clearance, which the president gave them. They cry that these boys will invade their privacy without mentioning the government, which breaks the law daily by invading all U.S. citizens' privacy. They cry that the boys will access social security information; you mean the information China has had for years now. Honestly, it's laughable. So, the question is: what are the DOGE boys doing, and why do they need all the information? Simple: without it, you can't do an audit. Let me give you a few examples.

If you want to find fraud in Medicaid, search all payments made to social security numbers matched to death records for payments made to the dead that someone is cashing in on.

If you want to find fraud in Social Security, search all social security payments made to dead people based on death records.

If you want to find fraud at USAID, search all payment transactions from the point of origin through foundations and front companies that flow into terrorist organizations.

If you want to find fraud at the Pentagon, search based on the original bid to the eventual payout and note the difference.

If you want to understand terrorist money flows, backtrack the money from the terrorist organization to its origin.

If you want to understand the CIA, track any funding between it and the cartel.

If you want to understand how effective climate change investments are, check payments to performance and who is generating great wealth with no impact on climate change.

If you want to find what happened to gain-of-function research on COVID, track all front organizations and understand who broke our laws that ended with so much death.

If you want to know how members of Congress like Pelosi ended up worth $200 million, check all related government programs related to that money and her vote. Same with the Clintons, Obamas, and Mitch McConnell.

If you want to know who did what, who benefited, and hidden offshore accounts for all government officials, then I am here to tell you DOGE already knows.

Those six boys, at the flick of a switch with the right relationships of data and queries, knew with supercomputing who did what everywhere. And the crooks in D.C. know they know. The level of anger on the left for the six DOGE boys is so utterly nonsensical to me that it defies description. Quite honestly, it is bizarre.

The left wants protesters to take to the streets and, as they say, go to war. But why? Why all the fuss over six young men who have, for the first time, used AI technology to discover and report waste, duplication, fraud, theft, crime, corruption, and payoffs?

The DOGE boys, aged 19 through 25, implement algorithms and AI models requiring significant computational resources, analyzing data for patterns and anomalies rather than individual entries, aiming to identify fraud and waste in departments. This is a simplification; DOGE analyzes government departments to uncover fraud patterns, not personal data like social security numbers or tax information, and the engineers likely use specific natural language queries and prompts. The fact we don't seem to comprehend is they're using new tools nobody had access to before within the government to perform trillions of calculations to put patterns together. You don't need to be a forensic accountant to understand these anomalies and how to find them. You have never had access to the level of computing power these six genius kids have. But if you think these kids are working alone, you're wrong; they just find the anomalies. The forensic accountants, also part of the DOGE team with 30 or 40 years of forensic accounting backgrounds, do the detailed work.

I find it incredibly unfair. When finally someone begins to crack open the safe of corruption, everyone is running around with their hair on fire, focusing on the people who found the problem rather than those committing the crime.

You're worried about these individuals having access to top-security information, but you know most of Musk's team has high security because they send our most sophisticated weapon systems into the atmosphere. And guaranteed, China knows it all—every single bit of data down to everything happening in your life and mine. And you're worried about six young men working on the algorithms to catch the thieves, liars, and cheats.

Of course, you know who's crying the loudest. The ones about to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. And what you don't realize is it's going to be both Democrats and Republicans. Then you'll begin to understand how people in Congress or former presidents can leave office and suddenly be worth $200 million.

Now the DOGE boys face death threats. For what? Oh yeah, they found the government agencies and workers acting like a legal mafia. And wait until you see the connections between congressional members from both parties with lobby money—not to the members but to family members. It's a culture of "if everyone is doing it, it's okay." Besides, it's government money, so it's not hurting anyone. But it has hurt us all.

Here's the deal. That AI technology of the DOGE boys unleashed on government spending, seeking corruption, has already found it all. The reports generated are endless. I bet they traced it back to the 1950s forward. Deep dark secrets lay bare for both the living and dead. And forget thinking this problem is reflected in the $36 trillion debt; that's only a tenth of the problem with the $300 trillion in unfunded liabilities. If you're a husband and wife with three kids, it means the overlords of the government have saddled your family with over $6 million in debt with a $200,000 interest payment per year. You're nothing more than a slave to the state. You live within a matrix of lies allowing you to believe everything is okay, and anything questioning the matrix overlords is the enemy.

How bad is it? If you took 100% of the money from every billionaire, multimillionaire, and millionaire, leaving them with nothing, it wouldn't cover government expenses for one year. So, when you hear we just need to tax the wealthy, it's a lie. What we need is to cut everything to the bone and grow our economy at twice the rate of the cuts while paying down debt.

If you fear Donald Trump because you think six boys threaten your freedom, which you lost long ago, you need to take the red pill and open your eyes. The threat to democracy is the den of liars, cheats, and thieves in D.C. your whole life. Imagine six boys, a supercomputer, and great algorithms catching all the crooks in the swamp in the blink of an eye. It will take more time to round them up, prosecute, and fire them than it took these boys to pull the plug that will drain the swamp. Why is that? Because while humans lie about the numbers and how they're connected, it's the only truth that matters in D.C. And remember, those who cry the loudest are the guiltiest, needing ill-informed protesters to keep the great theft alive.

Now Musk plans to report to the American citizens openly what DOGE has found. And here's how he plans to do it. When 170 million people worldwide watch the Super Bowl, Elon has purchased five thirty-second Super Bowl commercials for $40 million to show the American people and the world just how corrupt the D.C. swamp has been and what they did to us and the world. It will be epic to see the light finally shining in the deepest and most dangerous places in the swamp. The gravy train of evil money is going to be hit hard, and Elon and Trump know this is how people like them get killed. It's not just Trump's and Elon's lives on the line; all of ours are. Be serious; focus on the crimes, not the guys who caught them all. Because those caught are truly killers.

One day, these young men will be seen for what they are: members of the lightning brigade who stopped evil in its tracks on behalf of the everyday American.

Just stating the obvious once again. 😏