Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Why ban guns when pillows are available?

Crime Blog
Dallas police say man suffocated wife with pillow Monday night to stop her from talking
by Robert Wilonsky

Dallas police say a man has confessed to killing his wife Monday night to “keep her quiet.”
That man — 34-year-old Jonathan Edelen — is now in the Dallas County jail, where he is being held on a $500,000 bond after having been charged with the murder of 28-year-old Ceaira Ford.
Jonathan Edelen
According to an arrest warrant affidavit, police were dispatched on a deceased-person call to the Primrose Oaks apartment complex on Perryton Drive near Kiest Park just before 4 a.m. Wednesday. Dallas Fire-Rescue paramedics were already on the scene. But, according to the affidavit, Ford had been dead for a while: “Rigor mortis had already set in.” At that point police and paramedics believed her death might have been natural or, perhaps, the result of an overdose. A bottle of prescription medication belonging to Ford was found at the scene.
But, police say, Edelen approached an officer at the scene and confessed, telling him, “Put the cuffs on me and take me to jail. I killed my wife.”
Edelen was transported to Dallas police headquarters, where, according to the affidavit, he confessed to murder.
He told a homicide detective he and Ford had been arguing Monday night. Edelen told police he took the television to the patio “to destroy it.” Edelen said “this is the only way she would be quiet,” according to the affidavit. She followed him outside, and he says he put his hand over her mouth — again, to keep her quiet. At that point, police say, she fell over the patio railing and onto a patch of grass. They went back inside, says the affidavit, and kept arguing.
Edelen told police he grabbed a blanket and threw it over Ford, then jumped on top of her. He said he then “grabbed a pillow and placed it over her head,” according to the affidavit, until Ford stopped moving or breathing.
He waited to call police until 3:47 a.m. Wednesday.
According to Dallas police, “Records indicate Dallas Police officers were dispatched to the Perryton address on June 22, 2015.” Why, it’s not clear: “The circumstances are under review,” says the DPD blog. “The investigation is on-going.”

"Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment"
A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY TO THINK ABOUT.......December 29, 2015 marks the 125th Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine ...Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. These 297 people, in their winter camp, were murdered by federal agents and members of the 7th Cavalry who had come to confiscate their firearms “for their own safety and protection”. The slaughter began after the majority of the Sioux had peacefully turned in their firearms. The Calvary began shooting, and managed to wipe out the entire camp. 200 of the 297 victims were women and children. About 40 members of the 7th Cavalry were killed, but over half of them were victims of fratricide from the Hotchkiss guns of their overzealous comrades-in-arms.
TWENTY members of the 7th Cavalry's death squad, were deemed “National Heroes” and were awarded the Medal of Honor for their acts of [cowardice] heroism.
We hear very little of Wounded Knee today. It is usually not mentioned in our history classes or books. What little that does exist about Wounded Knee is normally a sanitized “Official Government Explanation”. And there are several historically inaccurate depictions of the events leading up to the massacre, which appear in movie scripts and are not the least bit representative of the actual events that took place that day.
Wounded Knee was among the first federally backed gun confiscation attempts in United States history. It ended in the senseless murder of 297 people.
Before you jump on the emotionally charged bandwagon for gun-control, take a moment to reflect on the real purpose of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to take up arms in defense of themselves, their families, and property in the face of invading armies or an oppressive government. The argument that the Second Amendment only applies to hunting and target shooting is asinine. When the United States Constitution was drafted, “hunting” was an everyday chore carried out by men and women to put meat on the table each night, and “target shooting” was an unheard of concept. Musket balls were a precious commodity and were certainly not wasted on “target shooting”. The Second Amendment was written by people who fled oppressive and tyrannical regimes in Europe, and it refers to the right of American citizens to be armed for defensive purposes, should such tyranny arise in the United States.
As time goes forward, the average citizen in the United States continually loses little chunks of personal freedom or “liberty”. Far too many times, unjust gun control bills were passed and signed into law under the guise of “for your safety” or “for protection”. The Patriot Act signed into law by G.W. Bush, was expanded and continues under Barack Obama. It is just one of many examples of American citizens being stripped of their rights and privacy for “safety”. Now, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is on the table, and will, most likely be attacked to facilitate the path for the removal of our firearms, all in the name of “our safety”.
Before any American citizen blindly accepts whatever new firearms legislation that is about to be doled out, they should stop and think about something for just one minute-
Evil does exist in our world. It always has and always will. Throughout history evil people have committed evil acts. In the Bible one of the first stories is that of Cain killing Abel. We can not legislate “evil” into extinction. Good people will abide by the law, and the criminal element will always find a way around it.

Evil exists all around us, but looking back at the historical record of the past 200 years, across the globe, where is “evil” and “malevolence” most often found? In the hands of those with the power, the governments. That greatest human tragedies on record and the largest loss of innocent human life can be attributed to governments. Who do the governments always target? “Scapegoats” and “enemies” within their own borders…but only after they have been disarmed to the point where they are no longer a threat. Ask any Native American, and they will tell you it was inferior technology and lack of arms that contributed to their demise. Ask any Armenian why it was so easy for the Turks to exterminate millions of them, and they will answer “We were disarmed before it happened”. Ask any Jew what Hitler’s first step prior to the mass murders of the Holocaust was- confiscation of firearms from the people.
Wounded Knee is the prime example of why the Second Amendment exists, and why we should vehemently resist any attempts to infringe on our Rights to Bear Arms. Without the Second Amendment we will be totally stripped of any ability to defend ourselves and our families.

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Clintons have no honest followers or supporters

The Clintons have no honest followers else they would have no followers at all.
by Norman E. Hooben
There is an old saying wrongly attributed to Buddha,  that goes like this:
 “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” 
Regardless of who first came up with the aphorism there are people who publicly display such a mindset.  I say, “Publicly” but with no rationale that makes any common sense whatsoever.  And you don’t have to go very far to meet some of these people…you may be one yourself.  Take for example a die-hard Democrat or die-hard Republican…it’s the party, right or wrong, it’s the party as long as it agrees with your own common sense. 
So if you hold yourself out to be a Democrat or Republican when they make no common sense then you are on display for the world to see but what you don’t see is the stupidity of believing in something that is not true.  How often have you said something to an opposing party member that no matter what facts you presented to validate your claim or statement they refused to believe?  The best that they can do is counter attack with reverse questions…the same question you asked them (i.e., “What good did Clinton do?” they'll throw it back at you with, “What good did Bush do?), or excuses for their party’s candidate; a candidate they claim to know but know little or nothing about neither of the candidate’s motifs nor their background (candidates can preach a good sermon and at the same time be lying about their intents…see: What is an Alinskyism? ). 
The Clintons, both Bill and Hillary, were students of Saul Alinsky, a man who hated America and American ideology.  In fact, he was the subject of Hillary’s college thesis but die-hard Democrats simply ignore this because it agrees with their own common sense and not rational thought which leads me to the subject of this commentary.  The Clintons have no honest followers or supporters.  How could this be?

If they refuse to believe the truth then rational thought makes them liars.  How can you deny the facts that establish the truth and not call that a lie?   And so it is with the content of the following video…these are hard core facts and if you don’t believe them, you are dishonest... especially with yourself. 

Note: Original video taken down...replaced with the following ↓

Then there's Obama...


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Climate Change and the current climate in America

The following excerpt from Facebook depicts an accurate view of the current climate in America.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Is Obama trying to start World War III ? ... You can't make this stuff up !!! ...and why isn't this all over the main stream media? (See also: Navy Times explanation below)

Top US Commander Under Arrest For Refusing To Fire Nukes At Russia
By Sorcha Faal
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that President Barack Obama’s nuclear war communication commander has been arrested and relieved of her command after failing to transmit launch codes authorizing an atomic weapons first-strike attack upon the

US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole
Federation in coordination with a similar “surprise” attack planned by the United Kingdom. According to the SVR, US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole was the commander of the US Navy's Strategic Communications Wing 1 located at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma whose E-6B Mercury aircraft provide the communications links allowing President Obama and US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to directly contact the submarines, bombers and land-based missiles that comprise the United States strategic nuclear force. On Monday, 16 March, this report states, Captain Cole received from the Pentagon a launch order authorizing a “limited” nuclear strike against the Federation, but which failed due to a critical Permissive Action Link (PAL) failure thus causing her to abort this planned attack. As a PAL is a security device for nuclear weapons whose purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapons, SVR experts in this report explain, the critical failure in this instance was an added security measure ordered by the former US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, prior to his being forced out of office last month over his refusal to have any part in this attack against Russia. This report further explains that Secretary Carter was not aware of Secretary Hagel’s PAL security changes thus allowing Captain Cole to abort this planned nuclear attack. For her failure to communicate the launch authorization to US nuclear forces, this report continues, Captain Cole was arrested on Tuesday, 17 March, relieved of her command and then taken by armed guard to US Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar in San Diego (California) where she remains incommunicado. The SVR in their report on Captain Cole’s refusal to start World War III further states that her actions mirrors those of Soviet Naval Captain Vasili Arkhipov, who during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962, also refused to obey orders to launch nuclear weapons against the United States. Upon Captain Cole being arrested, a MoD appendix to this SVR report says, President Putin ordered the Federations strategic nuclear bomber forces to their “fail-safe” locations in the Arctic (the fastest air route to the US from Russia), an expansion of the Northern Fleet’s combat operations into the Norwegian Sea, and continued combat air operations against NATO forces on the northern border. Important to note, and as we had stated in our 14 March report, Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike, President Putin and the MoD had been made aware of the planned nuclear attack against the Federation weeks ago thus allowing the Federation to move its own nuclear forces to the NATO border. Likewise, and as we had reported on 15 March, Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War, neither President Putin or the MoD have any confidence that President Obama is even in control his military forces anymore, thus necessitating the Federations greatest defensive war moves since World War II, and as we reported on in our 17 March report, Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War. And, perhaps, most appalling…as President Putin, after greeting over 100,000 cheering citizen-supporters in Red Square earlier today, meets with close aide to Chinese President Xi Jinping to update China on the Federations war preparations, there remains no evidence that the West, particularly the United States, are preparing their own people for the horrific catastrophe soon to come. The fate of Captain Cole, however, is much more known as it will be exactly like Captain Arkhipov’s…a relegation to the dustbin of history as a failed officer, at best, or her early suicide/death to prevent her from telling what she knows. March 19, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL. [Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.] ←link




Sunday, December 20, 2015

What is ISIS ? Who is ISIS ? Does it depend on what the meaning of 'is' is ?

How much longer will Americans put up with these traitors?

The Islamic State


The Islamic State (IS), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a brutal Sunni Muslim terror organization that gained traction and came to prominence in 2012-2014 during and after Syria's civil war.  ISIS had close ties with Al-Qaeda until early 2014 and have made direct threats against the United States and Britain, including beheading US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and British aid worker David Cawthorne Haines.  ISIS poses a direct threat to international safety and security, as they are the largest in land control and fighting size, and wealthiest terrorist organization in history.  ISIS now controls more territory and resources than any terrorist organization that has ever existed.  The leader of ISIS is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
ISIS claims authority over all Muslims in the world and seeks to establish a Caliphate, bringing all of the Muslim inhabited regions of the world under their control.  They are an extremist group who adhere to hard-line jihadist ideology, taking influence from other groups including the grandfather of all modern terror organizations, the Muslim Brotherhood. Those who do not agree with their radical ideas about the world (including fellow moderate Muslims) are subject to barbarism, torture, and murder at their hands and are labelled as infidels.  According to ISIS fighters their ideology represents "pure Islam" and embraces the very roots of the religion, shunning later changes made.  Their goal is to establish a Caliphate and a "pure Islamic state", encompassing much of the Middle East. 
The group is the richest terrorist group in history, with assets totaling over $2 billion. An analysis into where ISIS funds come from undertaken by the RAND Corporation in 2014 found that the vast majority of ISIS money comes from within Iraq, with only 5% coming from outside sources.  They raise funds by imposing taxes on the citizens of the towns they capture, abducting people and collecting ransoms, extortion rackets, intercepting aid meant for the suffering Syrian and Iraqi people, and pillaging. A report released by IHS in December 2015 detailed the various funding sources that ISIS uses, and concluded that they take in an estimated $80 million per month. Half of their income comes from various taxes levied on people living in the areas under their control and an estimated 40% of their income comes from oil sales. ISIS looted $429 million from Mosul's central bank after capturing the city, and also took gold and other valuables from other banks and deposit boxes.  The Islamic State also holds control over oil and natural gas fields, and it is estimated that they make over $2 million per day from black market oil sales.  According to workers at Syrian oil refineries operated by the ISIS militants, $1 million of oil per day was smuggled out of Syria in water tankers and fire trucks alone.  Experts predict that if they continue to seize more Syrian old fields, they could eventually be raking in $100 million per month.  The U.S. led bombing campaign against the Islamic State slowed their oil revenue, as the oil refineries were attacked from above. The United States upped the bombing campaign against ISIS oil refineries and tankers in November 2015, using bank records to assess which oil refineries were generating revenue for the terrorist organization. In addition to this oil revenue, the Islamic State makes millions of dollars in the black market trade of archaeological items.  Items sold by ISIS have made their way from Iraq and Syria to auction houses in Europe, the United States, and Asia.  Ancient artifacts are notoriously hard to track because they often change hands multiple times, are smuggled across borders, and often come with false or unidentifiable paperwork.  From 2011 to 2013 US imports of art, artifacts, and collectibles from the Middle East jumped 86% according to the US International Trade Commission.  Experts say that an increase such as this in a time of conflict surely means that most of these imports are illegal items.  ISIS keeps records of it's finances like a well-run business and began to release yearly reports in 2012. 
Illegal immigration also provides millions of dollars per year in revenue for the Islamic State. Smuggling migrants from Africa to the Middle East and Europe is a lucrative business for individuals affiliated with ISIS in Libya and other African countries. The refugees pay thousands of dollars to have the opportunity to cross the Mediterranean sea to Europe, and a good portion of these funds go towards funding terrorist activities. Individuals who are looking to escape their brutal African countries and make their way to Europe often have to pay multiple militant organizations protection and transport fees along the way, and these militant groups as a general statement often extort and exploit these refugees. The border surveilance organization of the European Union, Frontex, published a report on migrant smuggling and the Islamic State in May 2015,which stated that ,“The value of this trade dwarfs any existing trafficking and smuggling businesses in the region, and has particularly strengthened groups with a terrorist agenda, including the Islamic State. This growing business now provides what is possibly now the largest and most easily accessible threat finance opportunity for both organized crime networks and armed groups to purchase arms, establish larger and more regular armies, and demand taxation” (Time, May 13, 2015).
The Islamic State learned from their terrorist predecessors, improving on the financial methods of Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and making their finances less vulnerable.  The United States has successfully attacked the funding sources of terrorist organizations before, targetting foreign individuals who supply the money to the organizations and the banks who hold and move it.  The Islamic State is different however, recieving only 5% of their funds from outside sources, with the vast majority of their funds coming from within Iraq.  The United States plan to degrade the financing of the Islamic State is hampered by their unorthodox financing methods.  The Islamic State's financing is not reliant on the formal financial system, which makes it difficult to target banks that they deal with.  The Islamic State deals almost strictly in cash and most of their financing comes from black market oil sales, kidnapping, dealing stolen antiquities, extortion, illegal taxation, and drugs.  The United States is worried about the greater financial impact on the areas civilian population if they take drastic actions against banks that may be funding the Islamic State.  According to US Treasury Department anti-terrorism finance chief David Cohen, "Our interest is not in shutting down all the economic activity in the areas where ISIL normally operates.  They are subjugating huge swaths of the population, millions of people, who are still trying to live their lives. And banks, as everybody knows, are important lubricants for the economy" (Foreign Policy, November 12 2014).
According to a report released by the CIA on September 11, 2014, the Islamic State has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters spread throughout the region.  This is significantly higher than the previous estimates which had placed the Islamic State military might at about 10,000 fighters.  The Islamic State experienced some battlefield successes in mid 2014 which bolstered it's credibility and therefore recruitment ability, and caused their numbers to drastically inflate over a short period of time.  Despite airstrikes levied by coalition forces against the Islamic State during late 2014 and 2015, it was revealed in August 2015 that the Islamic State's recruiting efforts had effectively offset their battle casualties. As of an August 2015 assessment provided by U.S. government officials, the Islamic State still boasts a fighting force of 20,000-31,500 fighters. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reffered to the Islamic State as "an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else" and claimed that the Islamic State is "beyond anything we have ever seen". 
The fighters have seized firearms, ammo, military artillery and vehicles from multiple places including from weapons stockpiles around Iraq left over from Sadam Hussein's regime, and from air bases they have captured.  The ISIS fighters have also seized nuclear material from Mosul University, but these materials are apparently low-grade and cannot be weaponized in any dangerous fashion according to an IAEA spokesperson.  According to Abu Yusaf, a high-ranking Islamic State commander, "When the Iraqi Army fled from Mosul and the other areas, they left behind all the good equipment the Americans had given them" (The Washington Post, August 18 2014).
As the Islamic State continued their conquest across the Middle East, they desecrated and ruined many historical and culturally significant sites in their way.  The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) met in December 2014 in France to formulate a plan to save the significant cultural and historical sites from the hands of ISIS.  The sites in danger include Ezekiel's tomb outside of Baghdad, Daniel's tomb in Mosul, Nahum's tomb near the city of Kush, and many other ancient Jewish heritage sites all over Syria and Iraq.  The Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova stated that "Islamic, Christian, Kurdish and Jewish heritage … is being intentionally destroyed or attacked in what is clearly a form of cultural cleansing"  (Israel Hayom, December 1 2014).
According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 13 million people have been displaced by the Islamic State's campaign of terror as of November 2014.  The situation is being referred to as a "mega-crisis" by international aid and human rights organizations.  Due to this conflict, the total number of refugees in the world currently stands at over 50 million, the largest number since World War II. 
A United Nations report released on October 2, 2014 contained evidence that militants from the Islamic State had been carrying crimes against humanity and war crimes on a massive scale.  These egregious offenses included carrying out mass executions, abducting women and selling them as sex slaves, and using child soldiers. Although the international community had known that these things were happening, this was the first comprehensive report featuring witness interviews that was published.  The report said that at least 9,347 civilians had been killed at the time of publication due to air strikes and general conflict. 
Based on eyewitness reports and other evidence collected by the United Nations, experts suggest that the Islamic State's use of child soldiers is widespread.  These children as young as 6 are indoctrinated with the extreme ideology of ISIS and taught fighting skills, brainwashing them into becoming a jihadist fighter.  US Army Lt General H.R. McMaster believes that because of this, the Islamic State will become a "multigenerational problem", and will be something that the world will be dealing with for years to come.  Officials believe that there is a large, sophisticated, and extensive recruitment program that pulls youth away from traditional schools and forces jihadist ideals onto them.  According to Syrian News sources, the Islamic State fighters bring the children to camps where they are taught the application of their strict version of Sharia law, and taught to shoot guns as well as behead "American" dolls.  A report from Human Rights Watch released on November 4 detailed how the Islamic State members beat and tortured Kurdish children with hoses, electrical wire, and metal rods during the seige of Kobani.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published a report in March 2015 that detailed how in the first 3 months of 2015, ISIS recruited over 400 children under the age of 18 from local schools and Mosques in Syria.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report in early February 2015, after evaluating the situation in Iraq for the first time since 1998. The report details the horrifying things that the committee uncovered, including but not limited to: members of the Islamic State staging mass executions of teenage and adolescent boys, burying children alive, crucifying them in public, using them as informants, and using mentally handicapped children as suicide bombers.  Committee member Renate Winter told Reuters “We are really deeply concerned at torture and murder of those children, especially those belonging to minorities, but not only from minorities.  The scope of the problem is huge.”  She also detailed how the committee received reports of “children, especially children who are mentally challenged, who have been used as suicide bombers, most probably without them even understanding.”  The report described the killing of these children belonging to minority groups as “systematic,” and accused the militants of perpetrating “extreme sexual violence” against the young children.  Iraqi authorities were called upon by the panel of eighteen experts to use all necessary measures to rescue the children (Al Arabiya, February 4, 2015).
Echoing international concerns, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced during a press conference in early June 2015 that, “Daesh [ISIS] is likely to have amongst its tens of thousands of recruits the technical expertise necessary to further refine precursor materials and build chemical weapons.” The Foreign Minister stated that ISIS had most likely made “serious efforts in chemical weapons development” (Defense News, June 7, 2015). In August 2015 U.S. officials reported that the Islamic State had likely used the chemical agent mustard gas against Kurdish forces fighting against them in Iraq during the previous week. Kurdish fighters were tended to by local medical personnel and displayed wounds to their throats and faces consistent with a mustard gas attack. Blood samples from several members of Iraqi militias tested positive for mustard gas during October 2015. On November 5, 2015, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons released a report confirming that indeed mustard gas was used by the Islamic State on multiple occasions against citizens of Marea during August 2015, and other Syrian cities. The Islamic State militants likely acquired the mustard gas in Syria, leftover from Assad's hidden stockpiles. The international intelligence community believes that the Islamic State has also used chlorine gas in attacks. In November 2015, the Islamic State announced the creation of branches of their organization dedicated to experiments, research and development of chemical weapons.
The Islamic State's terror tactics range from brutal torture to throwing individuals off of buildings. The group has been known to most commonly slaughter their victims via beheading or firing squad, but they have also drowned and burned prisoners while they were helplessly locked in cages. In June 2015 it was reported that for the first time the Islamic State militants were beheading women, accusing them of sorcery. ISIS executions are filmed and disseminated to world via ISIS social media accounts, and the militants have a sophisticated and widely influential social media presence.
Gangs with Russian ties have been interrupted four times since 2010 trying to sell various radioactive materials to Islamic extremists in the Middle East. In October 2015 Modovan police revealed that they had thwarted an attempt in February by a group to sell a large amount of cesium, specifically to the Islamic State. Wiretapped conversations that led to these busts revealed talk of attacks on the United States: the cesium seller was recorded saying, “I really want an Islamic buyer, because they will bomb the Americans.” (Washington Post, Oxctober 5, 2015).
From July to September 2015, attacks by the Islamic State jumped in frequency 42% when compared to the previous 3-month period. Although ISIS did not necessarily gain any new territory during this time, the frequency of their attacks signalled a troubling trend of ever increasing violence and barbarism. According to the October 2015 report disseminated by IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre, the group carried out attacks in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, the North Caucasus and Algeria, during that three month period.
F.B.I. Director James Comey referred to the presence of the Islamic State in the U.S. as “the new normal,” during a press conference in July 2015.

History and Roots

The roots of ISIS can be followed back to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 1999, with the establishment of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (JTJ).  Zarqawi was Jordanian and arrived in Afghanistan in 1989 to fight the Soviet Union, and met Osama Bin Laden while setting up a training camp for terrorists in 1999.  Bin Laden attempted to recruit him but Zarqawi chose not to join Al-Qaeda.  When the Taliban fell, Zarqawi fled to Iraq where he remained under the radar for a period of time, planning his terrorist ideals and plotting to establish the terror organization to be known as the JTJ.  After assassinating US Diplomat Laurence Folley in 2002, Zarqawi's group gained notoriety as a resistance group during the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.  Zarqawi was successful with this group because they recruited foreign fighters, who then used his contacts to expand their terror network and fight the United States occupiers.  The goals of the JTJ were to drive the US out of Iraq, overthrow the Iraqi government, and then purge the land of all Shia Muslims and establish a pure Islamic state.  Eventually in the mid-2000's the group merged with Al-Qaeda in Iraq and other local terrorist organizations and formed the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI).  The group pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Ladin's Al-Qaeda officially in a letter sent in October 2004, and were rebranded as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).  AQI was a focused and coordinated organization, carrying out complex suicide attacks and abducting multiple people including 2 US soldiers whom they tortured and beheaded on video.  The AQI raised funds by taxing people they terrorized, robbing banks, abductions and ransoms, stealing trucks, and various other methods.  They attempted many high-profile attacks and assassinations and gained notoriety as a ruthless terror force, and in 2006 they merged with other small local terror organizations and formed the Mujahadeen Shura Council.
The formation of the Mujahadeen Shura Council was a calculated move by Zarqawi to distance himself from Al-Qaeda, but Zarqawi was killed in June 2006 shortly after the Council was formed.  His death allowed for the group to change directions once again, this time with the support of the other organizations involved in the Mujahadeen Shura Council.  After Zarqawi's death the Mujahadeen Shura Council took an Arab oath of allegiance with even more local terror groups and tribal leaders, and in October 2006 the group announced that the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) had been established.  The ISI brought the Southern Baghdad neighborhood of Dora under their control from 2006-2007, harassing and imposing a jizya tax on the citizens that they could not afford.  By November 2007 ISI fighters had been beaten back from the Dora neighborhood by US forces. 
In June 2007 open gun battles raged on the streets of Iraq between members of ISI who were foreign influenced Jihadists and those who were nationally born Sunni Muslims.  The Sunni tribes and insurgents battled for weeks before the violence came to a halt, but not before it significantly weakened ISI to the point where their spokespeople described ISI as being in a state of crisis. 
The United States began it's withdrawal from Iraq in 2009, leaving the governance and security to the Iraqi military and police forces. ISI used this time to regroup and rethink their strategy as many moderate Iraqis had feared, and in mid to late 2009 there was a significant spike in terror activity including suicide bombings and other mass casualty attacks.  After regaining their strength and engaging in fundraising activities ISI began a campaign targetted at toppling the Iraqi government.  In late 2009 ISI attacked 5 government buildings in Baghdad including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance, and the Ministry of Justice, killing 256 people total.  As opposed to targetting Shia Muslims like they had in the past, this resurgence represented a shift in tactics, to targetting government buildings and general terrorism instead of attempting to incite sectarian violence.  General Ray Odierno, commander of US forces in Iraq in 2009 stated that ISI has changed over the last 2 years and "what once was dominated by foreign individuals has now become more and more dominated by Iraqi citizens".  This change in membership caused this shift in tactics and policy of the terror organization (Reuters, November 18 2009).
It was reported in April 2010 that through US calculated strikes and other missions the leadership structure of ISI had been crippled, with 80% of the organization's top 42 individuals having been captured or killed.  It was also announced that they had been completely cut off from communication with Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan

The Syrian Civil War

During the Syrian civil war which began in Spring 2011, ISI played an integral role in the conflict as a large opposition force to the Syrian army of the Assad regime.  In August 2011 members of ISI were sent into Syria with the mission to spread out and recruit fighters for their terror cells.  After recruiting, in January 2012 the members of ISI in Syria announced their name as Jabhat al-Nusra l’Ahl al-Sham, more commonly known as the al-Nusra Front.  Due to their connections with Al-Qaeda they quickly spread and became a formidable fighting force against the Free Syrian Army (FSA).  After months of involvement in the conflict, ISI leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a statement that the al-Nusra Front had been financed by ISI and that the two groups were about to merge, forming the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).  Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani, the leader of the Al-Nusra Front however denied the validity of the announcement claiming that he nor any leaders of the Al-Nusra Front had been consulted about the merger.  A letter to both groups was released from Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahari in June 2013, in which he expressed dissaproval of the merger and appointed an envoy to oversee relations between Al-Nusra and ISI.  ISI leader al-Baghdadi blatantly disregarded the statement made by Al-Qaeda's leader and contested that the merger was going to be proceeding as planned.  After 8 months of tension between the groups, Al-Qaeda cut all ties to ISI and the Al-Nusra front in February 2014.  Throughout 2014 there was much hostility shown between ISI and Al-Nusra, with the rival groups attacking each other regularly. 
April 2013 saw the Islamic State make considerable territorial gains in Northern Syria, where they quickly became the strongest group in the region.  In July 2013 ISIS strategically planned and carried out a prison break from Iraq's Abu Ghriab prison in which over 500 ISIS members escaped including senior commanders. 
ISIS began playing a major role in the civil war after they captured the border town of Azaz in Northern Syria from the Syrian army through the most intense fighting the conflict had seen so far.  They next overran the town of Atme and attempted to continue their conquest but were beaten back by the Army of the Mujahadeen, a branch of the Syrian army.  This victory did not last though and in January 2014 ISIS had captured the stronghold city of Raqqa, though they were beaten and retreated out of Aleppo.  Through subsequent fighting between ISIS and other rebel groups, ISIS was eventually also chased out of Azaz and the other areas they had shortly conquered during the civil war, but retained their base in RaqqaRaqqa was the first province in Syria to completely fall under ISIS rule, and as of February 2015 Raqqa is still their base of operations.   
ISIS declared an Islamic state in Fallujah on January 3, 2014, and Syria's main army and it's counterparts launched an offensive aimed at the ISIS held Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.  January saw multiple clashes between ISIS and the Syrian army, with intense fighting over Aleppo and Raqqa.  By March, ISIS had been forced out of Aleppo.  Iraq's second most populous city, Mosul, fell to ISIS control on June 9 after they took over the government buildings, airports, and police stations.  The militants also reportedly looted the bank, taking $429 million.  In order to avoid persecution or death, half of a million people fled from Mosul after ISIS gained control.  Mosul is strategically relevant because it is a main crossroad between Syria and Iraq, and sits on top of an oil fortune. International humanitarian group and watchdog organization Human Rights Watch reported on October 30 that ISIS had carried out a massacre of 600 Shiite prison inmates at Mosul's Badoosh prison after taking the city. 
The Syrian army declared an offensive against ISIS in Raqqa on April 26, 2014, and were able to take back border towns in the surrounding area but not completely beat ISIS out of Raqqa.  Mid 2014 saw ISIS expand their presence inside of Syria, using the chaos of rebuilding after a civil war as a chance to grab land and stake their claim.  According to an August 7 2014 statement from ISIS, at that time they controlled:
  1. All of Sinjar municipality and the areas belonging to it.
  2. All of Talkif municipality and the areas belonging to it.
  3. All of al-Hamdaniya municipality and the areas belonging to it.
  4. All of Makhmour municipality and the areas belonging to it.
  5. Zammar township and all the villages belonging to it.
  6. Rabee'ah township and all the villages belonging to it.
  7. Bartala township and all the villages belonging to it.
  8. Karam Lays township and all the villages belonging to it.
  9. Al-Kweir township and all the villages belonging to it.
  10. Wana township and all the villages belonging to it.
  11. Large areas in Filfeel township.
  12. Large areas of Ba'ashiqa township.
  13. Some of the al-Shalalat areas in Mosul.
  14. The Sada and Ba'wiza area of Mosul.
  15. The oil-rich 'Ayn Zalah area.
  16. The strategic Mosul dam
  17. The large Tumarat base

Sources:BBC (July 22 2013), Reuters (July 26 2014), Huffington Post (August 7 2014), The Washington Post (August 25 2014), CNN (August 9 2014), BBC (August 18 2014), New York Magazine (January 2 2014), The Washington Post (November 22 2009), Time Magazine (June 6 2007), The Wall Street Journal (August 24 2014), Haaretz (September 8 2014), The White House (September 10 2014), The LA Times(September 14 2014), The LA Times (September 20 2014), CBS News (September 18 2014), The Local (September 22 2014), The New York Times (September 24 2014), The Wall Street Journal (September 30 2014), Fox News (October 1 2014), Yahoo News (September 30 2014), Politico (September 24 2014), Reuters (October 2 2014), The New York Times(October 12 2014), Reuters (October 16 2014), Asharq Al-Awsat (October 22 2014), The New York Times (October 23 2014), The Associated Press (November 13 2014), Reuters (November 17 2014), The Washington Post (November 18 2014), Reuters (November 20 2014), The Washington Post (November 22 2014), Reuters (November 24 2014), Defense News (November 24 2014), McClatchy DC (November 25 2014), LA Times (November 26 2014), The Washington Post (November 28 2014), Huffington Post (December 1 2014), Israel Hayom (December 1 2014), New York Times (December 3 2014), LA Times (December 3 2014), McClatchy DC (December 9 2014), Voice of America (December 11 2014), Reuters (December 18 2014), Reuters (January 6, 2015), Reuters (January 13 2015), Al Arabiya (January 13 2015), The New York Times (January 12, 2015) (January 18, 2015) (January 21, 2015), Yahoo News (January 13 2015), LA Times (January 20 2015), The Daily Star Lebanon (January 22, 2015), Ynet News (January 22, 2014); The New York Times (January 26, 2015); The Huffington Post (January 29, 2015); The New York Times (February 3, 2015); Al Arabiya (February 3, 2015); Wall Street Journal (August 13, 2015);


Revelations... ↓

Paul Ryan before & after


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

So Trump wants to restrict Muslims... What's that you say? Obama wants to restrict Christians...tsk, tsk, shame on him!

The Trump Comment Trumps All Naysayers
By Norman E. Hooben

This from CNN: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said."
CNN continued with their negative slant towards Mr. Trump and even quoted the White House’s adverse opinion:
Obama administration condemns proposal:Obama's deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes reacted to Trump's call Monday on CNN, calling it "totally contrary to our values as Americans" and pointed to the Bill of Rights' protection of freedom of religion and pointing to the "extraordinary contributions" Muslim Americans have made to the U.S.
So let’s stop right there (you know that I could go on with all the other high profile candidates running for the presidency and their not-so-thought-out comments…and yes, this includes Hillary Clinton, Karly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, and all the rest) for Obama’s (dba Ben Rhodes) comments are simply not true.  What does Obama mean by ‘contrary to our values as Americans” and "extraordinary contributions" Muslims have made to the U.S.?  Name one, Obama, name just one positive contribution Muslims have made to America. 

So all the know-it-alls running around the news media trouncing Donald Trump for something he said he was going to do with the Muslim problem in America…and it is a huge problem.  And then there’s Obama using Trump’s idea to prevent Christians from entering the country.  The last I knew, I never heard of any Christians blowing up buildings, shooting and beheading people all over the world.  The Muslims…yes, they’re the problem.

Now if I may borrow the opening paragraph from s’ January 7, 2015 editorial, “No room in America for Christian refugees”:
‘At the end of World War II, the Jewish survivors of Europe’s Holocaust found that nearly every door was closed to them. “Tell Me Where Can I Go?”, was a popular Yiddish song at the time. Decades later, the Christians of the Middle East face the same problem, and the Obama administration are keeping the door shut.’ 

From the outside looking in, it appears Obama and most of the main stream media don’t give a damn about Christians*, but let’s stick to the refugee situation and all the negativity towards Trump.  Will all the naysayers (Trump haters) apologize if they found out that whoever the President is, whether it is Obama or Trump, that the president has the authority to restrict the entry of any class into the country that would be detrimental to American interests?  I dare say that Obama uses this authority just the opposite of what the intent of the law… Wait!  Did I say, “Law”?  Is there a law that covers this controversy?  You bet!
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
Not that it matters to the un-informed naysayers but this law has been around since 1952 and it was signed into law by, you guessed it, a Democrat, Harry S Truman.
Note: This commentary is in no way whatsoever an endorsement of Donald Trump for President…I'm just trying to set the record straight.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The China Take-Over ~ the Chinese have become the top foreign buyers of US houses and apartments

Source: Asia Times
Wealthy Chinese snapping up US commercial property
By Asia Unhedged on December 8, 2015
For those of you hiding under a rock the past few years, wealthy Chinese investors have been ramping up their purchases of US real estate, reported the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

After a five-year spending spree, the Chinese have knocked the Canadians from first place to become the top foreign buyers of US houses and apartments for the 12 months to March, according to the National Association of Realtors.
In the wake of China’s summer’s stock market crash, the devaluing of the nation’s currency and with a slowing economy, wealthy Chinese have been moving more money out of China and into US property to get a bigger bang for their buck.
Prior to the summer the big worry of wealthy Chinese was the fear that the government would probe their holdings, but now they worry about the authorities undercutting the value of their money with more devaluations or letting inflation run rampant.

New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
Investors have been aggressive buyers of commercial property. Earlier this year, a Chinese insurer spent a record price for a US hotel buying New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel for $1.95 billion. In addition to big name properties, the Chinese are looking at unlikely investments such as small office buildings, chain hotels and other nondescript properties in and around big US cities, seizing an opportunity to place greater sums of money outside government reach, reported the Wall Street Journal.
“It isn’t just about finding yield, but about parking their capital,” Joshua Zegen, co-founder at New York-based Madison Realty Capital told the WSJ.
The paper reports that over the past couple of years, Chinese investors have acquired a strip mall near Long Beach, Calif., a Marriott hotel near Los Angeles International Airport and a waterfront office building on New York’s Staten Island, helped fund at least two big condo projects in Westchester County and purchased large swaths of property in the Queens, N.Y., neighborhood of Elmhurst.
Wealthy individual investors have long ignored Beijing’s rules limiting the amount of money allowed to exit the country by sending capital to the US. through family and friends, wealth advisers and private bankers say.
And on Monday it was reported that China’s foreign-exchange reserves in November fell to their lowest point in two year, fueling concerns about Beijing’s ability to stem capital outflows.
In an effort to stem the tide of cash flowing out of the county, Beijing tightened control over foreign-exchange transactions in September. Yet, this could lead to the opposite effect and force the ultra wealthy to pull even more money out of China, Katie Kao, a New York real-estate broker, told WSJ.
“They want to move faster and make more investments in the US,” said Kao, who is also a founding president of the Asian Real Estate Association of America’s New York east chapter.
As for getting a total on how much U.S. commercial real estate the Chinese actually own. That’s made difficult because many make the transactions through private companies or through a local partner.
...and if you're not worried about China, you should be listening to this ↓, not your politicians!