Friday, July 3, 2015

America has now been warned ...actually, we've been warned before but Americans are still asleep!

This is an interesting editorial because it brings to mind so many things that I have written about before and with more or less the same perspective.  Coming from someone other than myself gives me some reassurance that I have been right all along and to the obvious conclusion that there are others out there that have figured it out... Why more people haven't done so is spelled out in the last four words in the title above.  But there is something I would like to add to Bradlee Dean's commentary...something I've mentioned on other occasions.  That there are some people that die prematurely and escape the punishment they justly deserve for the harm they have inflicted upon this once great country.  I've said this about John Murtha and Ted Kennedy, two of the most ruthless politicians to ever walk the planet.  They both needed to do a bout thirty years or more in meanest penitentiary you can find in the country... What harm have they done to our country?  Too much to discuss here, but if you don't know you most likely voted for them and that leaves you in the sleep category mentioned above.  I've also made a comment about Eric Holder... I would be highly disappointed if he died prematurely...I would like to see him behind bars for as long as they can keep him alive.  What did he do?  If you have to ask, then maybe you should become his cellmate! 
Meanwhile, when you get to the video you'll see another guy that deserves to live out his remaining years (or in his case, weeks or months) behind bars...even in his wheel chair!  And that would be Henry Kissinger! ...check the video out and if you cannot see why this scumbag should be in prison then repeat the Eric Holder cellmate suggestion here. ~
Norman E. Hooben
PS: Two of the most accurate predictions ever made, were made by James Madison and Abraham can find them in the narrative below.  Both these predictions are what's happening right now!

The enemy within is now setting the narrative ~ World Net Daily
Exclusive: Bradlee Dean cites ways freedoms have been quashed since 9/11
“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.” – Adolf Hitler
America has now been warned by the Department of Homeland Security that there is potential Islamic terror attacks planned for the Fourth of July.
The DHS and FBI recently posted a map where they would set up command posts within the United States so you can report things you may find suspicious. Or do they mean so those willing to come forward to be informants can find them? Apparently, there are those among us who are more than willing to be useful to their own demise. What, will the enemies not see this post? How ridiculously obvious can this get before America awakens to who her real enemies are?
Keep in mind that DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson stated that it was his job to “give voice to the plight of the Muslims.” It’s the same department to which Barack Hussein Obama has appointed Muslims with terrorist ties to oversee the American people (Deuteronomy 28:36; Jeremiah 5:6). This administration has been involved in funding, training, supplying and even in the entertaining of America’s sworn enemies in the people’s White House.
Don’t forget that Barrack Hussein Obama has sued governors in the United States for upholding border control laws and acted outside of his constitutional authority by opening up the floodgates to illegal’s coming in on the Southern border. His administration has released tens of thousands of illegal immigrant felons from American prisons onto the streets only to prey upon the innocent.
Furthermore, he’s granted asylum to Muslims from Syria to colonize by the thousands American cities while attacking America’s military, America’s Christians and constitutional patriots (Deuteronomy 28:52). He’s even gone so far as to force the U.S. military to submit to the Shariah during Ramadan. We now have over 1,063 documented transgressions concerning this president’s treason, corruption, lies and lawlessness. Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution says that he should have been impeached for one simple misdemeanor.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, the federal government has asked the American people to give up the rights God has given, which her sons and daughters, in the hundreds of thousands, have fought, bled and died to secure. (John 15:13)
This current administration, along with the Bush administration, has done more to destroy this country than any foreign country could have dreamed of doing. The unconstitutional Patriot Act, the Transportation Security Administration and other unconstitutional departments and bureaus have been contrived to strip the American people of their God-given rights.
Why, in a state of terror threats, is this administration attempting to disarm you? And all of this has been done in the light of day (Jeremiah 5:21-22).
Who is profiting from the use of terror? Who is asking you to give up your rights? Who has been playing the race card attempting to divide the American people and stir up domestic insurrection? You would think with all of these new bureaucracies that are now in place that we would not have a thing to worry about. Yet, more fear is the narrative pushed at every given turn.
“You can get people to do anything with the use of fear.” – Congressman Jim McDermott after Sept. 11, 2001
What is it that Americans need before they lawfully respond to the crimes of this administration? (Article II, Section 4, U.S. Constitution; Isaiah 51:4)
As it stands now, you are being conditioned for another attack and that from a foreign enemy.
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.” – Adolf Hitler
Remember what Condoleeza Rice said of Josef Stalin? “Terror was the creation to mold politically the control that they wanted.” Who has attacked America more in the wake of 9/11 than the corrupt people in your government? (Leviticus 26:16)
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” James Madison, 4th president of the United States
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”Abraham Lincoln
Also, former French military intelligence agent Pierre-Henry Bunel wrote in the April/June 2004 edition of World Affairs: “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called al-Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this.  But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the U.S. and the lobbyists for the U.S. war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” So I ask, America, who is the enemy? (Leviticus 26:14-46; Deuteronomy 28:63). The Obama administration says it’s you, but the truth is the exact opposite.

Anyone who does not believe that America is asleep needs to watch this video
And these people vote!!!

Any of the so-called American respondents in the video should not be allowed to vote!

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