Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fact-Check by Media Matters Fails The Litmus Test

I was just over at Media Matters (they're the ones that have as one of their slogans, "Help us fight conservative misinformation) checking on a story when I saw this headline,
"Latest fact-check fail: Fox News runs with claim that White House official worked for ACORN" followed by this little statement:
"After Matthew Vadum wrote in The American Spectator that "[e]vidence shows that years before he joined the Obama administration," White House political affairs director Patrick Gaspard "was ACORN boss Bertha Lewis's political director in New York," Fox News seized on the blog post, asserting that -- in Sean Hannity's words -- "ACORN has somebody on the inside of the White House." However Politico's Ben Smith has since reported that the allegation "just isn't true" and that the White House has denied the American Spectator report; in its reporting, Fox News gave no indication that they attempted to fact-check the Spectator report or contact the White House for a response"
...and then this video:

Note if the video does not appear here then click here.

So where's the misinformation from the conservatives? Other than simply denying the fact, Media Matters does not offer up any proof whatsoever that Beck or Hannity or Fox News were wrong in their fact the video provided by Media Matters just about sums it up on the side of the conservatives. Is it that Media Matters hopes to brainwash the people who scan headlines to find their answers. (Note: I used to do that...scan headlines. But then one day I found out the truth was more in the middle. So don't let those headline grabbers grab you into a false sense of the truth.) The bottom line here is the same old story, deny, deny, deny for after awhile you'll believe anything we say...just read the headline and keep quiet. After all we are Media Matters For America and we seek the truth... What a crock! They wouldn't know the truth if were delivered on a silver platter by Mother Teresa! ~ Norman E. Hooben

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