Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - We 'are' a Christian nation! ...does America really need this?

Whether you know it or not, there is a war against Christianity going on in our country and it is led by the usurper in the White House...sure he will deny it, for that's what Alinskyites do "deny with their lips what they are doing with their hands" ... I'd ask you to wake up but that expression is getting old, "WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA ! you're about to lose your country!" ~ Norman E. Hooben


John from Waco said...

Obama is a usurper of power and a traitor to America. We are a Christian nation whether he likes it or not.

He hates the military and doesn't want us to war against his Taliban and other Muslim brothers in Afghanistan or any other Muslim country. That is why he hasn't supported General McCrystal's request for additional troops in Afghanistan.

America still doesn't see the danger that this charlatan poses to their freedoms.

Timeshare Jake said...

The Obama administration has clearly gone out of its way to relabel the actions of Nadal Malik Hasan. You have to wonder why our government wants to avoid that facts that points to this being an act of jihad. I have long thought Obama is loyal to his Muslim roots, and the Christianity was a guise only tolerated by a radical preacher with a hate for America as it was before Obama.