Saturday, June 8, 2024


Transhumanism, Merging Man w/Machine


Patrick Wood is no stranger to me, but I don't mean that I know him personally.  I'm not sure who first brought him to my attention, whether it was Ron Arnold from the days we had the radio show, or from one of my favorite bloggers of that era, Mark 'Snooper' Harvey. My first impression of Mr. Wood, was that he was extremely intelligent compared to novices like myself.  
With that said, I would like to share the following video not for any prophecy he may project, but for the accuracy of reporting factual concepts.  Some people are set back or ignore so-called soothsayers but Patrick Wood is not one to disregard.  What I like most about both videos (above and below), is that about (just guessing) 90% of what Ron, Snooper, and myself spoke about years ago is summarized by Mr.  Wood. - Storm'n Norm'n 

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