Sunday, May 12, 2024

SPIKE... What spike?

H-T to Ron Arnold. 

The science is not in question. 

Virologists have known for decades about spike proteins. 

And before this got bad, the "good guys" were warning us that this was going to happen. 

They called this a bioweapon because of the added spikes. 

They KNEW!! 

But the entire Media shut them out and tried to destroy their careers. 

Same as they did to the Drs who tried to save lives with a medication that already existed and was 89% effective against the virus. 

The reason they shut these people down?

Because if an effective treatment already existed for this virus, by LAW the pharmas could not get "emergency use authorization" for their "vaccine" they created.  

The entire scheme is exposed and all the players are known. 

Their plan to do it again is also known. 

They are moving forward as if they've never been caught because they own the media and are not going to broadcast bad things about themselves.  

They also own the justice system. They're not going to prosecute themselves either.  

What Hitler did was a crimes against humanity, this is 100 fold worse!!  

They have launched plagues upon the earth. 

One viral and one injected. 

They KNEW this was going to happen.

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