Sunday, November 5, 2023

May I quote my friend Bernie?

To make clear that Islam is in fact a military movement rather than a religion, please consider that Islam does not ask one to emulate the humble, kind, peaceful, compassionate, loving Jesus but rather the arrogant, violent, brutal, lustful, savage military commander and beheading ruler Mohammed. It's all in the staging. ~ by Bernie


Massive pro-terror, Jew
hating rally in Washington,
DC today. They spewed anti-
Jewish, anti-Israel and pro-terror
chants. They also left a trail of
graffiti and vandalism: “Death to
Israel, “F*ck Israel,”and “Glory
to our Martyrs” among other
violent antisemitic messages
that glorify terrorism. 

It was biggest Nazi rally since the German
American Nazi Bund took over Madison
Square Garden in 1939.

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