Friday, October 20, 2023

Very bad things are happening! The window of opportunity for freedom and the rule of law is quickly closing.

Very bad things are on the verge of happening

October 17, 2023 3:15 pm Robert Zimmerman

Yesterday I wrote about how I thought the public might finally be awakening to the evil that now controls so much of American cultural and political life.

I noted several positive developments, and then added that the window of opportunity for freedom and the rule of law however was quickly closing. Without strong action these positive developments will mean nothing, to be quickly overrun by the immoral actions of the power-hungry, who will not take losing their power kindly.

Today I am far more pessimistic. I sense deeply that very very bad things are about to happen, on all fronts. The right is divided and weak, and too often unwilling to stand up to the worst behavior of the left. It is so divided that it can’t even elect a speaker in the House of Representatives.

The left meanwhile is united and angry, and willing to use that anger forcefully at all times. For example, for the last week decent people on the right found themselves being forced by the left to debate the absurd question of whether Hamas terrorists beheaded babies or merely killed them, as if that distinction mattered.

And in Gaza the destruction of a hospital by a missile is immediately being used as a propaganda weapon against Israel. First the claim by the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry that “500+” people were killed is immediately accepted without question, without evidence. Second, it is immediately accepted that the missile likely came from Israel, though there is evidence otherwise.
You need to read the AP report at the link to grasp the full flavor of this anti-Israeli propaganda. Somehow only Israeli is killing civilians, while Gazans huddle in fear and helplessness against that evil empire throwing bombs and missiles at them.

The bottom line however is that none of these details should matter. Hamas, with the support of the people of Gaza, declared a merciless war of genocide on every Israeli, no matter how old. Why should anyone expect that this declaration should not be met with equal force from the other side? And even if Israel acts within reason, this is still a war, and in a war bad things happen.

Putting aside the rights and wrongs of this latest war in the Middle East, the overall general tone on all sides is mindless emotion fueling mindless action, most of which will only worsen the situation. Right now the global state of affairs truly does appear similar to the opening of World War I, when all sides felt compelled by its emotions to escalate the conflict. For example, in Iran the Gaza war is now being used as justification for widening the war across the entire Middle East. Meanwhile in the west governments are quickly gathering arms and money to back Israel, without thinking about the larger consequences of what they are doing, in the slightest.

Worsening the situation however is the joyous celebration of this mindless anger and madness on the left. Though the left’s values are absolutely the opposite of radical Islam, both see Israel and and free America as the enemy, and thus this conflict is now an opportunity to attack both. There is no sense of reason or thought, only a desire for action and blood.

Under those conditions Israel, and the west can only respond with its own action and blood. The situation must escalate, and it could do so in ways that no one want or even expects.

Meanwhile the political situation in the United States remains very unstable. There is great uncertainty on whether the 2024 elections will be run fairly, or whether the Democrats will use fraud and vote tampering to falsify a victory. The weakness and disunity among the Republicans only reinforces this uncertainty.

Adding to this uncertainty is the violence and barbarism in the streets of most American cities. All political meetings — from school boards to Congress — seem fraught with anger and shouting and chaos, and it seems impossible for any sane and civilized person to make any headway against this madness.

As I say, my dread for the future now is deep and wide. While I think Israel is entirely justified in invading Gaza to wipe our Hamas, I think it equally unwise for the rest of the world to join that war. Like the conflict in the Ukraine, this remains a regional conflict, better settled by the regional players. And if that means Hamas is wiped out, so much the better.

And yet, the world seems eager for war, of the worst kind. Chaos beckons, let loose by those dogs of war.

In the Genesis account, God reveals to Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah are to be destroyed for their grave sins (18:20). Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living there, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot, and his family.

In my account, the mainstream media reveals that Washington, Chicago, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, et. al. are destroyed for their grave sins for there's no righteous people living there.

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