Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bill Clinton Hoodwinked By The Little Tyrant Kim Jong-il

Click on picture to enlarge.

There seems to be some doubt as to whether or not Bill Clinton met with Kim Jong-il as reported here and here. With another report indicating that Kim Jong-il is dead. I wonder how Saul Alinsky would have handled this... Oh well, Billy Bob still enjoys the lime light. ~ Norman E. Hooben

Obamanation...what's happening to our land?


Click on picture to enlarge.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Remember the movie, "Stand By Me" ...I think you'll like this one too! (not a movie though)

From The Duck Of Earl

"I'm now 69 years plus and still wondering what I want to be when I grow ya see, it never goes away."

Stand By Me

I was watching the movie "Stand By Me" this morning. You do things like that when you're banging your head against the wall waiting for a prospective employer to call or at least return your email - if they ever do. Suffice to say, being laid off and not having an income is a truly terrifying experience, so I don't recommend it for a career choice. The prospect of losing everything is very real. I guess I should blame myself. After all, I was an English and Film major and have spent most of my career in the banking industry. Go figure. I'd love to be a writer or something in the creative fields, but I don't have the professional experience. On the other hand, I don't have the Business degree required to get past some Human Resource Nazis. In a nutshell, I'm screwed.

Thinking back to the movie, I wondered what I wanted to be when I was younger. I was never one of those kids who wanted to be a cowboy, fireman or astronaut. I just wanted to be older and just sort of do what I wanted to do. I think the first thing I wanted to be was a zoologist. When I was about eight, my parents bought me a gigantic book of animals. It wasn't one of those cute little books with cartoons and giant fonts. It was very detailed, with intelligent language and beautiful color pictures. I ate it up. I was never much interested in insects, birds or monkeys. I found them relatively boring. I wasn't much for sea creatures, either, except for sharks. When you're a boy, pretty much the only animals that get you juiced are meat eaters - lions, bears, tigers, alligators, you name it. It's why the Tyrannosaurus Rex is still the most popular dinosaur around. No one knew about Velociraptors until Jurassic Park came out, so the T. Rex was always king. Sure, we liked the Stegosaurus and Triceratops, but, for pure fantasy and imagination fodder, nothing beat the King of the Dinosaurs. Then, one day, I was bitten by the neighbor's dog. I didn't like it. Mind you, this dog was probably 20 pounds, tops. I did some quick math in my head and realized lions were much bigger and would have no issue with destroying me. I decided I wanted to be something else.

I wrestled with the idea of being a baseball player. I wasn't half bad, but I wasn't half good, so that hope quickly died on the vine. I thought I could possibly be a hockey player. Now here, I thought, was a career I could sink my teeth into. I was really a very good street hockey player. I usually played against bigger kids, and although I would get bruised and bloodied, I scored my share of goals. Of course, professional hockey players need to be able to ice skate. I had three problems with this: 1) I had no access to an ice skating rink, 2) I didn't own a pair of ice skates and 3) I didn't even know how to skate. I couldn't even roller skate. I went to Spinning Wheels roller rink to attempt skating and looked like a newborn giraffe on an oil slick. At an age when you are desperate to look cool, I apparently went out of my way to capture the Biggest Dork trophy. I won the award so many times they renamed it in my honor. I'll have to remember to pad my resume with that little tidbit.

So there I was, at 14 years old, with no career aspirations. It's a good thing I started being interested in girls, because that was a full-time job unto itself, For me, it was hanging out in the woods with my troublemaker friends, going to the mall and being too painfully shy to ask out any girl I found even remotely attractive. Oftentimes, I would just put on my headphones and let my albums take me to far away planets, other worlds and places in my mind too fantastic to explain. By the time I was done, and my ears were swollen and ringing, I would be covered in sweat, disappointed I had to come back to reality. I guess I just sort of assumed I would go to college, graduate, and have some suit and tie waiting for me, as I walked off the stage with my diploma, to offer me a job. I was on cruise control.

Well, I did make it into college...and promptly flunked out midway through my sophomore year. The ship was sinking and I was fixing the leak by playing Frisbee and tapping kegs. Eventually, I learned my lesson and matriculated back to full time status. I even earned an academic scholarship. How do you like those apples? I had a friend named Lisa Vitale, and we used to write each other over the summer, back when people actually wrote letters. She asked what I was going to do for work one summer and I sort offhandedly wrote back, "I'll probably try find a job in a bank." By that time, my work resume was fairly impressive - paper boy, auto shop grunt, door man, grocery store bagger...I was obviously qualified. Well, it never did materialize, but I did make a name for myself as being one of the most unreliable bartenders to ever work a university bar. I always gave free drinks to pretty girls and friends - and I was surrounded by friends and pretty girls. Ah, youth.

The years stumbled by, and before I knew it, I had my college diploma in hand, I thought to myself, "Ok, Slick, now what?" I was stuck. I had no answer. I knew I didn't want to bartend anymore and the thought of working eight hours - in a single day! - was even less appealing to me. Well, eventually, I found myself in banking, doing collections. Hell, it was a paycheck, even though I hated talking to people on the phone - still do. Well, wouldn't you know it, a paycheck became a job which became a career in the banking world. It was like I was caught in an occupational slipstream. It was during this time I started developing a love for writing and creating. I was writing stories, skits, songs, dialogues, monologues, fables...I even started a screenplay, until my computer crashed and zapped it all to hell. I always had a head for numbers but I developed a love for words, too. I suppose there could be worse things than being able to work both sides of your brain equally well, but nearly impossible to find something on Career Builder or using those search words. All of this time applying and waiting can take its toll on you. I'm keeping weird hours, sleeping during the day and being wide awake all night. I think perhaps I have turned into a vampire. I mean, I do avoid mirrors and garlic - and I have to admit I have a badass coffin - but there's not much room for advancement amongst the undead and the pay is terrible.

I haven't given up hope, although it would be very easy to do so. I also won't be writing about this particular topic anymore. Hey, you folks have your own fields to plough. Even though I have the daunting specter of the unthinkable at my doorstep, I still allow myself the opportunity to revel in the joys of being human and alive. Sometimes, that takes the guise of watching a movie, going for a drive or meeting up with friends. Tonight, I think I'll unwind with some music. I'll connect my ear buds to the laptop, kick back and let the music take me on some mystical, cosmic adventure, beyond the stars, to the nether reaches of the galaxy and into deep space.

Life was simpler when we were younger. We all had hopes and dreams of what we wanted to be. How many of us can honestly say we have accomplished that? I know I haven't. You probably haven't, either. Tonight, I won't worry about being a banker, a writer or even a bartender. I won't worry about being unemployed. I won't imagine myself as a hockey player, zoologist or baseball player. In fact, tonight, perhaps I'll be something else, something I never saw myself being - aside from someone looking for a job.

Maybe, tonight, I'll be an astronaut.


Anonymous said...

Why won't you speak about your unemployment again? It's what's going on for a lot of people right now. I'm sure you'll pull together with your wife/partner and get through this. Don't stop talking about it.

Kevin said...

I have no significant other.

woodysmom said...

I'm being laid off from a bank I've been at for 18 years, 18 years ago I was laid off from a bank I was at for 6 years. No more banks!!!
Don't know what I'll do, for some reason it hasn't upset me too much. Probably the kick in the ass I need to go find something I'd rather do. I'll have to take a psychology course just to get through an interview.
Stand By Me...great story, great movie. Stephen King is awsome.

SymplyAmused said...

Sorry to hear about the layoff, Kevin. I hope you find something soon. I faced that last year but have been fortunate in finding a job rather quickly (at a less pay though). As for a business degree, I'm working on my Bachelor's of Business now and for the life of me keep asking myself why? why? why? Good luck!

Storm'n Norm'n said...

The essay was fantastic which proves there's more to the source than meets the eye.

Heck, I dreamed of being so many different things the shear volume would never allow it. For awhile there...maybe around thirteen, I wanted to be Tarzan of the Jungles.
Swinging on ropes was very exciting but that was it, no goals at the end of the was all in the swing!

Meanwhile, I laughed at my friend when he got his draft notice during the Berlin Crisis...then I went home and found mine in the mailbox. Too make a long story short, we enlisted in the Air Force. I don't want you to know what I did because that too confusing for people who haven't been there...unless maybe you ask on a separate occasion. But anyway, I ended up 21 years and 10 days in a field I never imagined existed. Must of liked it because I staid so long.
Then I retired and went back to school at the age of 42 still wondering what I was going to be when I grow up. That was at UTSA (Texas at San Antonio) then some other stuff happened and I ended up in the food manufacturing business...mostly as a Quality Assurance manager (you know those nutritional labels you see on all food products...I did that). In the early nineties I was a consultant to the entire industry (that is, on the east coast going from Nova Scotia, Canada to Virginia and west to Wisconsin). The traveling was extensive so I setlled down with one of the companies I consulted for. Moved around a bit with one of the companies and then retired. I'm now 69 years plus and still wondering what I want to be when I grow ya see, it never goes away.
PS: I like your story better than mine

From the mail bag... Poll On NPR ...this message comes with an excellent recommendation.

Ref: " can vote as much as you want:"

Please note message in upper portion of box. (you can only vote once)


Take a look at the total votes in box 1 Total = 685,094
Take a look at the total votes in box 2 Total = 501,282
Take a look at the total votes in box 3 Total = 684,066

If this poll were one bit in the least accurate the totals should progressively get
larger as people around the country vote. However, each time one clicks on the
poll to see the results we get some non-sequential random number.
Each box was snipped immediately after voting in Favor of FOX News.

Recommendation (from a reliable source): Screw the poll !!!


Box 1 (snipped at 7:36 PM)

Box 2 (snipped at 7:37 PM)

Box 3 (snipped at 7:38 PM)

----- Original Message -----

From: Joe
To: Norm
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:58 PM
Subject: Fw: Poll on NPR
-------Original Message-------

Here is a poll on NPR that you can vote in and you can vote as much as you want:

To bad it doesn't also ask if we believe NPR news reporting.

Ed K

This is it...This is it !!! Caught on camera! - The number one reason they have not read the bill !!!

----- Original Message -----
From: link removed
To: link removed
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 2:03 AM
Subject: Yo-Yo's

Nothing else need to be said. This is one of their THREE DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for. I am ready to start from the beginning by voting out all elected officials and not letting any of them stay in office for more than two terms. No more lifelong healthcare, retirement, voting in their own pay raises, taking perks on our taxes, etc.

House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget.. (AP)

The guy sitting in the row in front of these two... he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.

These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!!
So, we’ve got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news ‘reporters’ as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yo’s will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!

"Now on to the main event." Racism !

Click on picture to enlarge.
Disclaimer: The author of the editorial below and the collage to the right are not one and the same.
Minorities and Feelings
First, a quick administrative note. This morning I am speaking to the Laguna Niguel Republican Women’s Federated. Then later this evening I am off to support my friend Larry Greenfield, who is speaking to the Calabasas Chapter of ACT.
One other note. I will not be covering health care or Afghanistan or any other policy issue until and unless something actually happens. I am not C-Span. Until an actual healthcare bill is about to be signed into law, the daily machinations are irrelevant to me. As for Afghanistan, when President Hamlet actually stops dithering and makes a decision, after some results are noticeable from the decision either way, I will deal with that then. I will cover Virginia and New Jersey after the elections, not before. As for projecting 2012, leave me alone.
(Yes, I know I just spent almost 200 words talking about what I am not talking about. I don’t want to talk about that either.)
Now on to the main event.
A couple of days ago I wrote about the latest racial temper tantrum from Bob Herbert of the Jayson Blair Times.
The Jayson Blair Times and Bob Herbert spouting racism falls under the category of water being wet.. It’s a given. Yet an email I received from a commenter provided such food for thought that I decided to make it the subject of an entire separate column.
I said the following:
“Race is about a multi-syllabic word known as pigmentation. Pigmentation is a function of what scientists of all races call melanin content. Race is not an attitude, a feeling, or an experience. Going to the planetarium is an experience. Being black means being born to black people that at some point had intercourse. I know this is mindboggling, but stay with me. It also works the same way for other races.”
I also said the following:
“There is nothing in the racial composition of any human being that makes them inferior or superior to any other race. Therefore, people of all races can do a good or bad job at whatever they do for a living.”
A commenter wrote the following, which I redacted for length without altering the gist of their comments:
“Race is about much more than pigmentation, and calling it merely a multi-syllabic word is ignorant of the society in which we all live. Race, in this world, where the norm is the white, heterosexual male, IS an experience. Yes, someone is born black to black people: thank you, captain obvious. However, if you know anything about culture and identity theory, you would know that race is socially constructed and thus becomes an experience that goes far beyond melanin content. I could be humorous and reference Steve Martin in his famous film, The Jerk, but this discussion deserves more than that. To think that race is a superficial and purely exterior quality is an uneducated, unscholarly, and uninformed translation of what race really means.”
They continued:
“You’re right: ‘There is nothing in the racial composition of any human being that makes them inferior or superior to any other race.’ HOWEVER, the way that our society forms meaning around race is what does, indeed, place one race above or below another.
You are also right when you say ‘therefore, people of all races can do a good or bad job at whatever they do for a living.’ HOWEVER, people of minority races have more negative stereotypes to disprove before they can get there. Because the unfair and prejudiced ways we classify and construct race in our culture, racial minorities have to prove their worth, not because they are less capable by any means, but because they weren’t born into the societal norm we have all created and legitimate everyday.”
I wrote the commenter back, and explained to them that while their point was valid, personal insults were not necessary. My problem with too many liberals is that every conservative is either evil, or an utter imbecile. Calling me “unscholarly” and “uneducated” weakens their own argument. It also validates my point that the left is incapable of honest debate without resorting to ideological bigotry.
To be fair to the commenter, because while I am not neutral or balanced, I am fair, the commenter apologized very graciously. Yet they then pointed out that in my polite email to them, I assumed they were male instead of female. They saw this as evidence of being part of a white, male power structure. I ascribed it to something completely innocuous.
The commenter let their feelings get in the way of reality, which is that their assumptions of what I was thinking were simply wrong.
I bring this up because while the commenter came across as a very nice person, their line of thinking is at the heart of this entire minority grievance issue in America today.
Read the following words of the commenter very closely.
“people of minority races have more negative stereotypes to disprove before they can get there. Because the unfair and prejudiced ways we classify and construct race in our culture, racial minorities have to prove their worth, not because they are less capable by any means, but because they weren’t born into the societal norm we have all created and legitimate everyday.”
This argument must be ripped to shreds because it is factually wrong, and harmful to society.
There was a time in American history when the statement about overcoming negative stereotypes was valid.
Nowadays we have a black man sitting in the White House. He got there by playing the political game better than anybody else that year. I did not vote for him, but there is no denying his political skills on the campaign trail.
Does this mean racism is over with? Of course not. However, most mainstream Americans despise racism. Corporations fall all over themselves to encourage diversity and multiculturalism. So what negative stereotypes do some black people need to overcome in today’s society?
The ones inside their heads.
That’s right. It is psychological. Excluding members of the Klan, who are an aberration, most people would absolutely agree that nothing in a person’s race makes them inherently inferior or superior.
Yet just because somebody is not inferior does not mean that they will not feel inferior.
(Yes, I used a triple negative. Let it go.)
This is called an inferiority complex. It exists in many people. Tall people are better than short people. Thin people are better than fat people. Beautiful people are better than ugly people. The fact that this last one is undefined is irrelevant. These are all value judgments with no basis in fact.
(Although undefined does not mean cannot be defined.)
Rich people are better than poor people. The list goes on.
To truly appreciate the depth of this, I remember a 1994 debate on the CNN show “Crossfire.” Guilty white liberal Bob Beckel was in favor of affirmative action, while Armstrong Williams, a conservative who happens to be black, was against it. When Beckel got patronizing, Armstrong got passionate.
“I don’t need your help. I’m not inferior. My children are not inferior. My children will compete with your children and do better, without your help.”
Some will argue that institutionalized racism is why blacks may have this inferiority complex. This may be an explanation, but it is not an excuse. Accepting this line of thinking means we will never get to an equal colorblind society.
I am not interested in whether or not a black person “feels” they will not get a fair shot. I care about what actually is. If a white man engages in racism in hiring, you punish him. It’s that simple. You punish the perpetrators of bad deeds, rather than handicap all of society.
This issue of feelings is even more toxic with regards to gender.
(It also explains why I am single.)
On more than one occasion a feminist has said to me that I hurt their feelings.
(I expressed politically conservative opinions.)
I asked them for specific examples of actual things I said, and why it was hurtful. I am a reasonable person. Give me an example, I will look at it.
Instead they told me that while I did not specifically say anything, they still felt bad. I told them that it is wrong to make an accusations that cannot be backed up.
They then resorted to the ultimate ridiculous tactic.
“Feelings are never wrong.”
Ladies, I do not care if this costs me a shot at marriage and children, but that phrase is a bunch of cr@pola. I would rather be single than neutered.
Yes, feelings absolutely can be wrong. No, feelings are not an absolute end all be all end to the discussion.
When I refuse to agree with their premise, they then say I am being insensitive, and that this proves their point.
Then I have to resort to extreme measures.
(Picking up a bullhorn) “You are right. I am a racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobe. More importantly, I don’t give a d@mn about your idiotic feelings and I never will. Your feelings are screwing up society. I would rather be insensitive than be an emotional cripple. Now do us all a favor and ductape your trap shut before I waterboard the psychologist that taught you this emotional claptrap.”
Now just to be clear, I am not saying that all feelings are wrong. Somebody can feel something and be right. I feel that minorities in society today are often a bunch of crybabies. I am right. Yet I am right based on evidence.
Feelings themselves are not a substitute for data or empirical evidence. If it was, the 1960s kids and their “if it feels good, do it,” attitude would not have been so incredibly worthless.
The solution is for everybody to celebrate my favorite holiday. It is called “Shut the hell up and go to work” day. Everyone should honor it equally.
I have seen the benefits of respecting this holiday. Look at three areas of life where equality exists. Sports, sales, and the military all celebrate this holiday, and they are as close to race neutral as we can get.
The successful black people in sales offices I worked in did not feel the deck was stacked. They were given a telephone and some leads and asked, “Can you sell?” They responded, “Yes, I can.”
In 15 years, I never saw a statistical difference between the successful salespeople based on race. It was not there.
Look at professional sports. Look at the National Football League. When Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers won a Super Bowl for his team at age 34, the media spent less time on his race than on how amazing it was that somebody so young could have won against more experienced counterparts. His team won because good players followed the lead of a good coach. Race was totally irrelevant.
The military is about life and death. When a soldier is in a foxhole next to another soldier, that bond transcends race.
Anybody that wants to see white and black people hugging each other as brothers, go to a military reunion, a locker room, or an expensive getaway to celebrate sales success.
There is no reason for minorities in America at this stage to feel the deck is stacked. The extra hurdles they need to overcome are mythical.
I will say it again. Perpetrators of discrimination must be prosecuted. They are the minority.
For actual victims of discrimination, there are remedies, from the EEOC to the courts.
For those who simply feel like victims based on past history, drink a glass of “shut up and get over it.”
My dad was a Holocaust survivor. He was hunted like a dog and shot at. I never got special treatment. There were no victicrats in my household.
Heck, I am a Jewish Republican. I am hated by more people than others can imagine. You know how hard it is to unite liberal Jews and Islamofacists on anything? Show them a Jewish Republican, and the blood drips from their fangs.
What do I do about it? I go to work and live my life.
Slavery was evil. It also has not existed in a long time. Yet by believing the deck is stacked without factual evidence to back this up, that traps the believer of these opinions to an internal slavery that they will never break free from.
None of us are superior or inferior to any of the rest of us. People who feel otherwise have an internal problem, not an external one.
Leave your feelings at home. The workplace is about results.
The only question is this…
“Can you do the d@mn job?”
If the answer is yes, there is a place for you virtually anywhere and everywhere.
Campaign To Save America
Click on pictures to enlarge.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nice shooting grandmother! - Pistol Pack'n Grandma

Source: The Right Look

The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

From a recent email I received. I am not even going to check this story. I love it so much I don’t care if it’s not true. It should be more often these days!

The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down… And shot off their testicles.

The old lady spent a week hunting those men down -and, when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp.

Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant’s desk and told him as calm as could be: ‘Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.’

Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up..

The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas’ testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. ’The one guy, Thomas, didn’t lose his manhood, ‘but the doctor I talked to said he won’t be using it the way he used to,’ Detective Delp told reporters. ‘Both men are still in pretty bad shape, ‘but I think they’re just happy to be alive after what they’ve been through.’

The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row.. ‘When I saw the look on my Debbie’s face that night in the hospital, ’I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself ”cause I figured the Law would go easy on them,’ recalled the retired library worker.. ‘And I wasn’t scared of them, either – because I’ve got me a gun and I’ve been shootin’ all my life. ‘And I wasn’t dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one.’

So, using a police artist’s sketch of the suspects and Debbie’s description of the sickos, tough-as-nails Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighborhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill-fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel. ’I knew it was them the minute I saw ‘em, but I shot a picture of ‘em anyway’ and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hell, it was them,’ the oldster recalled…

‘So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door, ’and the minute the big one opened the door, I shot ‘em right square between the legs,’right where it would really hurt ‘em most, you know. ’Then I went in and shot the other one ‘as he backed up pleading to me to spare him.’ Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in..’

Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. ’What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison,’ Det. Delp said, ‘especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor.’


I say pack her up and send her over here to America after you give her a few medals and a pat on the back. Nice shooting grandmother!



Australian Gun Law Update

Here’s a thought to warm some of your hearts….
From: Ed Chenel , A police officer in Australia

Hi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under.

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.

The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,
Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. (Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!)

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.

Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in ’successfully ridding Australian society of guns..’ You won’t see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.

The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note Americans, before it’s too late!
Will you be one of the sheeple to turn yours in? WHY? You will need it.


Pistol Packing Mama

Pistol Packin Mama by spurmarks.

Woman With The Biggest Boobs In History! ...believable...we always check the facts!

Source: SBY News

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Woman With The Biggest Boobs In History!


Photo of a woman with the two biggest boobs I have ever seen...


Best Short Film Made For, hate, intrigue, revenge ...some violence [may not be suitable for children]


Campaign To Save America

Click on pictures to enlarge.


Courtesy Ads

(For friends of Storm'n Norm'm)

Ad 1


Ad 2
Cape Breton Nova Scotia, Large frontage +/- Sixty eight acres overlooking huge fresh water pond which feeds Bras d’Or lakes the largest inland sea on this continent. Beautiful land and beautiful lake for fishing and sailing ( , with marina within 3 miles. Winter skiing is not far away.

Asking $68,000. That’s about $1,000.00 per acre and there is more. Because the work of restoring a post and beam 1840’s heritage farm house is incomplete, I am listing this as land but the house is there and it has a new 200 amp electric service, a new unused septic system, gravity feed spring water piping from a clear spring way up the hill (only needs a new well crock to complete it), completely replaced foundation sills, thermal windows and new thermal doors, working wood stove, new roof on back of house. What it still needs is a lot of work to make it into a three season home and a bit more for year round and I am now in my seventies and not up to it. Email me at ( Lakeville, Ma for more information or photos.

Within 3miles:

The Bara Strait Marina - Swimming, Boat Launch, Laundry

  • The Barra Strait Cafe
  • Hiking & Low Impact Hiking
  • Bird Watching
  • Liquor Store
  • Convenience Store

Within a 10-minute drive:

Gaelic/Celtic Culture and Activities

Genealogy Research

Nova Scotia Highland Village

Church Service (Roman Catholic)

Computer & Internet Access

Canada Post

Within a 20 to 45-minute drive:

Eskasoni - The largest Mi’kmaq reservation in Nova Scotia


Harbour Greenhouse

Orangedale Railway Station Museum

Within a 45-minute to 1-hour drive:

North Sydney


Glace Bay - The Miner’s Museum

Baddeck - The Bell Museum, Bell Bay Golf Course; Beginning & End of The Cabot Trail

The Gaelic College of celtic Arts & Crafts

The Canso Causeway

Rita’s Tea Room

Sail Tours and Charters

Within a 1 - 1.5-hour drive:
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
Dundee Golf and Resort

Highland Links Golf (Ingonish)
There are more pictures...please write to Fred at

In the 1800’s the early Scotch settlers brought in some Alder trees from the old country to use for sheep pens and they flourished and flourished and flourished. We cleared them all out when these photos were taken, and they are all back so they will need clearing again

Group believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, aka H. Rap Brown - FBI Gets Their Man

Radical Islamic Group Leader Killed in FBI Raid

Thursday, October 29, 2009

DETROIT — Federal authorities on Wednesday arrested several members of a radical Sunni Islam group in the U.S., killing one of its leaders at a shootout in a Michigan warehouse, the U.S. attorney's office said.

Agents were trying to arrest Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, at a Dearborn warehouse on charges that included conspiracy to sell stolen goods and illegal possession and sale of firearms. Authorities also conducted raids elsewhere to try to round up 10 followers named in a federal complaint.

Abdullah refused to surrender, fired a weapon and was killed by gunfire from agents, FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold said.

In the 43-paged complaint unsealed Wednesday, the FBI said Abdullah, also known as Christopher Thomas, was an imam, or prayer leader, of a radical group named Ummah whose primary mission is to establish an Islamic state within the United States.

No one was charged with terrorism. But Abdullah was "advocating and encouraging his followers to commit violent acts against the United States," FBI agent Gary Leone said in an affidavit.

He told them it was their "duty to oppose the FBI and the government and it does not matter if they die," Leone said.

Abdullah regularly preached anti-government rhetoric and was trained, along with his followers, in the use of firearms, martial arts and swords, the agent said.

Leone said members of the national group mostly are black and some converted to Islam while in prisons across the United States.

"Abdullah preaches that every Muslim should have a weapon, and should not be scared to use their weapon when needed," Leone wrote.

Seven of the 10 people charged with Abdullah were in custody, including a state prison inmate, the U.S. attorney's office said. Three were still at large. Another man not named in the complaint also was arrested.

The group believes that a separate Islamic state in the U.S. would be controlled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown, who is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Colorado for shooting two police officers in Georgia in 2000, Leone said. Al-Amin, a veteran of the black power movement, started the group after he converted to Islam in prison.

"They're not taking their cues from overseas," said Jimmy Jones, a professor of world religions at Manhattanville College and a longtime Muslim prison chaplain. "This group is very much American born and bred."

The movement at one time was believed to include a couple of dozen mosques around the country. Ummah is now dwarfed in numbers and influence by other African-American Muslim groups, particularly the mainstream Sunnis who were led by Imam W.D. Mohammed, who recently died.

By evening, authorities still were working the scene near the Detroit-Dearborn border and the warehouse was surrounded by police tape.

The U.S. attorney's office said an FBI dog was also killed during the shootout.

Abdullah's mosque is in a brick duplex on a quiet, residential street in Detroit. A sign on the door in English and Arabic reads, in part, "There is no God but Allah."

Several men congregated on the porch Wednesday night and subsequently attacked a photographer from The Detroit News who was taking pictures from across the street. Ricardo Thomas had his camera equipment smashed and had a bloody lip from the attack.

Imad Hamad, regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Dearborn, said the FBI had briefed him about Wednesday's raids and told him they were the result of a two-year investigation.

"We know that this is not something to be projected as something against Muslims," Hamad said.

The complaint shows the FBI built its case with the help of confidential sources close to Abdullah who recorded conversations.

A source said that Abdullah regularly beat children inside the mosque with sticks, including a boy who was "unable to walk for several days," Leone said.

The source, according to the agent, regularly listened to a recording of a 2004 sermon in which Abdullah said, "Do not carry a pistol if you're going to give it up to police. You give them a bullet!"

In January 2009, members were evicted from a former mosque for failing to pay property taxes. An FBI search turned up empty shell casings and large holes in the concrete wall of a "shooting range," Leone said.

Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the federal authorities' description of Abdullah's extremist links didn't match what he knew of Abdullah.

"I knew him to be charitable," Walid said. "He would open up the mosque to homeless people. He used to run a soup kitchen and feed indigent people. ... I knew nothing of him that was related to any nefarious or criminal behavior."

Abdullah had a wife and children, Walid said. A phone number for the family had been disconnected.

Campaign To Save America

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Front Page News...more proof that Obama hates Jews...but I told you that before!

Source: Atlas Shrugs

Frontpagemage O

Jamie Glazov of Front page magazine did an interview with moi. Check it out. It's all about the anti-semite in the White House.

FP: Ok, if this isn’t an accident, then why is this anti-Semitism on Obama’s website? What does this say about Obama and his administration?

Why indeed? It’s not as if they are unaware. When Bill Levinson posted quotes of Obama from his own books, his post was taken down within a couple of hours. So allowing this kind of racism to go unchecked now signals a silent complicity.

Obama’s website attracts the disenfranchised, the haters, the anti-semites. It speaks volumes. If you go to the “contact us” screen on the site, you receive this message:

“Thank you for your interest in submitting a comment. The Obama Administration is accepting comments at”

There are no contact emails for anyone on the website, just a direct link to the White House.

FP: Why this disposition to Israel and the Jews?

Geller: Obama was raised on it. From Frank Marshall Davis to Khalid Al Mansour, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and his ties to the Nation of Islam, Obama has surrounded himself with anti-semites of the worst stripe. This continues now with his anti-Israel advisers, including Robert Malley, Samantha Power, and Zbigniew Brzezinski. This bodes most ill for the Jewish people. This anti-Semitic slant has shown itself in his strident anti-Israel approach to the Middle East “peace” process.

FP: What can be done about this Jew-hate on Obama’s website?

Geller: Good people should speak out. Good people should call out the White House and the Democrats on it. Silence is apathy. Apathy is deadly. If enough people express their outrage and shame, the White House, the Obama camp will be forced to remove this incitement to hate and violence. It is an abomination.

FP: Pamela Geller thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

S.909 Thought Control Passes... What! you say...this is America...I thought...

Click on picture to enlarge.

"Are you ready to live in Orwell's nightmare world of Big Brother and mind control slavery? The New Fourth Reich of Hitler's demonic dream where perverted and promiscuous sexuality is promoted as 'normal' and 'healthy' while satanism with its rituals of human sacrifice is the only 'religion' to be allowed? Well, it's just around the corner if we remain passive and unwilling to engage these demonic manipulators. " From

You all remained too passive, it's here!

Thought Control Passes

October 26, 2009

Despite their best efforts, pro-family forces were not able to overcome the pro-homosexual backroom deal in the Senate, losing the vote on Thought Control 68-29 with 10 Republicans voting in favor of Thought Control.

This vote is indicative of the dramatic turn Congress has taken since the last election.

In past years, Public Advocate was able to force the removal of Thought Control from the Defense Authorization Act.

But with Harry Reid in full control of Congress, there is little pro-family forces can do to stop them without your strong and immediate support.

Not only does this bill create a special class of citizens, it comes attached to a bill designed to equip our soldiers. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) gave a strong speech against the morality of this bill.

Here is an excerpt from Senator Jim DeMint's speech regarding the Thought Control bill: "It is very cynical that this bill that funds our soldiers, who are fighting for our Constitution and our country, actually undermines the very principles that they are fighting for." (The full speech can be heard/seen in the video below.)

"It is an outrage," said Public Advocate President Eugene Delgaudio, "I can't believe so many Senators -- including 10 Republicans -- bent to the underhanded tactics of the Homosexual Lobby."

Here is the list of Republican Senators who voted for Thought Control:

  • Sen. Christopher Bond [R - MO]: (202) 224-5721
  • Sen. Susan Collins [R - ME]: (202) 224-2523
  • Sen. John Cornyn [R - TX]: (202) 224-2934
  • Sen. John Ensign [R - NV]: (202) 224-6244
  • Sen. Judd Gregg [R - NH]: (202) 224-3324
  • Sen. Kay Hutchison [R - TX]: (202) 224-5922
  • Sen. Richard Lugar [R - IN]: (202) 224-4814
  • Sen. John McCain [R - AZ]: (202) 224-2235
  • Sen. Olympia Snowe [R - ME]: (202) 224-5344
  • Sen. George Voinovich [R - OH]: (202) 224-3353

"A special class of citizens has just been created in our own nation. Public Advocate and our supporters must redouble our efforts to prevent this from leading to the passage of the rest of the Homosexual Agenda," concluded Mr. Delgaudio.

The Defense Authorization Act will now go to Obama for his signature. Please give the White House a call at 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414 and leave a message asking President Obama to veto the Defense Authorization Act containing the Thought Control bill (S. 909).

It is important to remember that Thought Control is only the #2 piece of legislation on the Homosexual Lobby's radical agenda.

The Gay Bill of Special Rights is widely regarded as the most important component of their Radical Agenda.

Knowing this, Public Advocate and their pro-family supporters must increase the pressure on Congress and immediately mobilize millions more pro-family activists.

Of course, large-scale mobilization costs a great deal of money -- money Public Advocate does not have.

Please take a second to chip in $25 or more to fight the Homosexual Lobby.

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Public Advocate of the United States
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There are more pictures...please write to Fred at

In the 1800’s the early Scotch settlers brought in some Alder trees from the old country to use for sheep pens and they flourished and flourished and flourished. We cleared them all out when these photos were taken, and they are all back so they will need clearing again