Thursday, October 29, 2009

Front Page News...more proof that Obama hates Jews...but I told you that before!

Source: Atlas Shrugs

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Jamie Glazov of Front page magazine did an interview with moi. Check it out. It's all about the anti-semite in the White House.

FP: Ok, if this isn’t an accident, then why is this anti-Semitism on Obama’s website? What does this say about Obama and his administration?

Why indeed? It’s not as if they are unaware. When Bill Levinson posted quotes of Obama from his own books, his post was taken down within a couple of hours. So allowing this kind of racism to go unchecked now signals a silent complicity.

Obama’s website attracts the disenfranchised, the haters, the anti-semites. It speaks volumes. If you go to the “contact us” screen on the site, you receive this message:

“Thank you for your interest in submitting a comment. The Obama Administration is accepting comments at”

There are no contact emails for anyone on the website, just a direct link to the White House.

FP: Why this disposition to Israel and the Jews?

Geller: Obama was raised on it. From Frank Marshall Davis to Khalid Al Mansour, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and his ties to the Nation of Islam, Obama has surrounded himself with anti-semites of the worst stripe. This continues now with his anti-Israel advisers, including Robert Malley, Samantha Power, and Zbigniew Brzezinski. This bodes most ill for the Jewish people. This anti-Semitic slant has shown itself in his strident anti-Israel approach to the Middle East “peace” process.

FP: What can be done about this Jew-hate on Obama’s website?

Geller: Good people should speak out. Good people should call out the White House and the Democrats on it. Silence is apathy. Apathy is deadly. If enough people express their outrage and shame, the White House, the Obama camp will be forced to remove this incitement to hate and violence. It is an abomination.

FP: Pamela Geller thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

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