Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He now seeks to subvert the Constitution...He now seeks to create a state of crisis... "we are hereby responding to the call..."

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Let The Debate Begin: The ACTIVE Bible Is Here
June 13th, 2009 Posted By Pat Dollard.


After more careful consideration, past my state of exhaustion at having completed such a mammoth document, (a document that lays out everything ACTIVE is and how it will function, and therefor, the single document that ACTIVE can no longer continue to progress without), I have decided to lay out some of its more controversial selctions for feedback and consideration before burdening the entire organizaion with its contents.

Simpler matters of organization, command chain, etc. will not be published here. Throughout the rest of the night and morning I will publish the selections which are more likely to cause both the most inspiration and consternation.

Many of you will not be surprised to learn that those were some of the first things I wrote, and inserted them into the preamble. Here it is:


The American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front, aka ACTIVE, while the essence of simplicity in its organization and operational routines, is the single most ambitious grass-roots political movement in the history of this country. Although it is designed to stand every test of time in its ability to withstand any and all political threats against the United States of America (a country defined by its constitution) in the immediate sense it is designed to destroy the political forces of Dictatorial Marxism (euphemistically called Socialism, Liberalism, and Progressivism ) that have seized control of the Executive Branch and other offices and agencies of the Federal Government. To be clear, the Constitution of the United States of America is the United States of America. They are one and the same. Any individual or agency which seeks to subvert the Constitution and wage political and/or rhetorical war on it, are self-declared enemies of the United States of America, as they are subverting and waging war on the United States of America.

To wit, the American political arena is no longer defined by two American political parties engaged in honest debate over how best to protect and implement the Constitution as the law of the land, but is now defined by Marxist Revolutionary Forces who have seized control of the Democrat Party as their primary weapon of destruction of the Constitution, and who, as a result, are locked in political battle against forces that truly seek to maintain Constitutional rule of law. These pro-Constitutional forces are comprised almost exclusively of non-aligned Conservatives, Conservative Republicans, moderate Republicans and Conservative Democrats.

At this juncture, it is imperative to note that each and every defender of the Constitution is obligated to recognize, in an unadulterated, non-foot-noted, caveat-free, fashion, the single most important, ugly, and threatening truth of the American socio-political landscape: America is now a land populated by two warring tribes, only one of which is actually comprised of Americans. The second is comprised of anti-American revolutionaries (and their brainwashed dupes), who hide their status as insurgents by laying claim to the title of American by virtue of nothing more than their citizenship. However, given that these individuals function (under craven cloak of denial) as anti-Constitutionalists, they are Americans in name only, and in fact have inarguably so-defined themselves as anti-Americans. They are a people bound together by a Marxist ideology and Marxist revolutionary activities. They seek to terminate the existence of the United States and replace it with an as-yet unnamed Marxist nation, ruled by a Marxist dictator. The concepts of an Anti-American individual, an anti-American organization, and anti-American activity are not loose rhetorical notions. They are empirically defined entities and activities. They are anti-constitutionalist individuals, anti-constitutionalist organizations, and anti-constitutional activities.

As any comprehensive study of American history makes plain, the country has been under assault by Marxist forces, operating under a variety of guises and names, for over 100 years. These forces have used this time to devise sophisticated battle plans, each designed to meet the needs and achieve the objectives of a new type of war, a war without guns, a war of the mind.

They sought to obtain control of all of the nation’s information centers, from its schools, to its arts and entertainment industries, to its news media. Once these information centers were firmly under their control, they would be free to indoctrinate the population to Marxism, from cradle to grave, unfettered and unchallenged. They would also be free to annihilate all political opposition (primarily through character assassination) equally unfettered and unchallenged. They would be free to control all terms of political debate, because they would control all terms of acceptable, ie politically correct, language. And so they now are so, the day they fought for has come. We, the opposition, sit frozen in fear of speaking our minds, terrified of being crucified on an ice-cold cross of electronic media.

And finally, they sought to achieve a bloodless Presidential coup by sending a decades-long indoctrinated population to the polls to vote for a Marxist candidate disguised as an American Constitutionalist, a member of the Liberal wing of the Democrat Party. And, to ensure the success of this coup, they layered on the protective actions of voter fraud and economic manipulation.

In short, America is no longer engaged in a political debate between Americans, but a political war between Americans and America’s resident enemies, with the stakes nothing less than the survival of the country itself.

The titular leader of the anti-American insurgency, at present, is a self-described “former” Muslim; the most famous member of America’s most powerful Left-Wing Extremist political organization, ACORN; a politician whose claims of “Democrat” political orientation are given the lie by his actual policy decisions which are all undefinable as anything other than Marxist; and whose primary life associations are all with the most notorious of America’s radical Left-Wing Extremists. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.

He now seeks to subvert the Constitution at every turn, snatch up as much of American industry as he can in order to maximize the amount of revenue streams made available to his regime, and to obtain sufficient political and legal leverage to beat each and every American businessman into total submission, handing control of their businesses, and therefor their revenue streams, to the Federal government.

He now seeks to create a state of crisis by first terrifying the population with the specter of a great internal enemy, the Right-Wing Extremist, followed by catalyzing some sort of confrontation with this imaginary demon. (The darkest of ironies, as the only legitimate domestic threat to the rule of law and the safety and security of the United States of America, resides within America’s Left-Wing Extremist complex, headed by one Barack Hussein Obama). He has already sought to demonize the previous administration and all of its adherents as Right-Wing extremists. He is now setting the stage for a confrontation of his own creation and catalyst, between his regime and the opposition, by labeling any act of resistance as an anti-American act of Right-Wing Extremism. (Notice the timing of the release of the DHS memo on alleged Right-Wing Extremism: two days before the first Tea Parties. Notice how he personally attacked all Tea Party attendees in a speech a week later). He is most likely to go to any ends to create and/or catalyze some sort of violent activity that can be branded as an act of violent Right-Wing Extremism, in order to afford himself the opportunity to declare emergency, unconstitutional, extra-Presidential powers; at the very least, he is likely to do so in order to marginalize the opposition nearly out of existence.

As such, under the broad mandate of the American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front’s mission statement, we hereby resolve to remove, by non-violent political means, Barack Hussein Obama from the office of the Presidency, to prevent him for ever holding any political office again, and to hold him and his regime fully accountable under the law for all their transgressions of the law, ranging from electoral fraud to criminal racketeering in American industry, including but not limited to racketeering in the auto, banking and housing industries. They will also be held accountable for all racketeering and fraud in the upcoming census and in their attempts to establish an Obama Regime monopoly over the American health care industry.

We also hereby resolve to free the media from State control, and to liberate all of America’s information centers from Marxist control.

We also hereby resolve to re-establish free speech, the unfettered right to keep and bear arms, and to abolish Marxism as a legal political force in the country, as its very definition requires the illegal overthrow of the Constitution, the abolition of Constitutionally-protected indvidual liberty, and the notions of both democaracy and an American Constitutuional Republic.

War has been declared, but we have not declared it. We will, however, answer the declaration, not merelyin kind, but with overwhelming oppositional force.

What follows is nothing short of the people’s counter-insurgency manual, a detailed and exhaustive organizational and operational guideline to take America back from the tyrants who have seized it, and return it into the hands of the people who own it. For now, and forever.

Editor’s Note:

The so-named ACTIVE Bible is the detailed organizational and operational manual that follows the ACTIVE mission statement:

ACTIVE Mission Statement

Active, The American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front, is a permanent and enduring organization of American citizens dedicated to maintaining the foundational principles of the United States of America, as initiated by its Declaration of Independence and realized by its Constitution and economic system of free-market capitalism.

These founding documents and this economic system define the United States, and as such, there is no United States without them.

The changing tides of time allow for the development of threats capable of abolishing both, either through overt attack or the processes of slow erosion and unconstitutional change. The principles of free-market capitalism are eternal, and the only legitimate process to change the United States Constitution is that which is prescribed within it.

As such, it is a moral imperative for each and every loyal American to dedicate a sufficient amount of their blood, sweat, and tears to the preservation and defense of both the Constitution and free-market capitalism.

United we stand, divided we fall. Upon this eternal truth we hereby declare that it is incumbent upon the people of this great land to come together in broad union to demand that the freedoms granted to us by God, protected by our Constitution, and given wings by our self-chosen labors, are left intact.

We are the people by which the government is of and for. We are the grantors of the power that the government wields. We are the people who can recall that power from the government at any time of our choosing. We are the citizens of the United States of America. We are the defenders of the greatest nation in the history of man, and we are hereby responding to the call to become ACTIVE.


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