Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Have A Dream - ...surround them, our backs to them all

Cross post from DTRT (Do The Right Thing)

When the political winds turn ugly, I will stand with the United States Constitution...and with my friend who has a dream. - Norman E. Hooben

The Democrats fought the Civil Rights Movement. The Democrats created the KKK. The Democrats fought the end of slavery in the 1800s. The Democrats thrive on keeping racism and all the other ugly "isms" alive and well to feed on the down-trodden and keep them dependent of the government dole-outs of meager subsistence and subservience. It is a matter of public record. Ask Senator Byrd. He knows full well, him being a former Grand Kleagle and all.

However, my dream is much deeper than Martin Luther King Jr's dream was in my opinion. I am not taking away from his dream at all because it was a noble dream and a heartfelt dream and a matter-of-fact dream which had to come about for this nation's survival and reputation. Unfortunately, the Leftinistra in our land that dwell amongst us all stole his dream, made it their own and raped it. I laugh in scornful disdain every time I hear a member of the Leftinistra use his name in vain to further their political agendas of oppression, fear and hate.

On Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 4:35PM, I published an article under this same title, I Have A Dream. It was met with the usual fanfare of derision and scorn from the anti-Americanists we now recognize as the Leftinistra, the armies of the socialist liberals in this nation. Pat Dollard calls them AINOs...Americans In Name Only. He is correct and seeing that the Communist Party of the United States now soundly stands behind the racist and bigoted Puerto Rican from NY to be the next racist Justice on the SCOTUS, they firmly confirmed Pat Dollard's assertion.

If you so desire, feel free to click on the article I wrote over a year ago. If you read it, you will find that something strange is happening in America. Americans are awakening from their slumber - a self-induced trance evidently coming from their willful suspensions of their disbelief of what has taken place in this nation under their very noses. I read it again this evening and early morning hours amazed at the uncanny predictions. I was going to repost that article here but it would merely detract from this article...my New Dream. I don't know if it truly is a dream per se. It could very well be a wishful thought. At any rate, as I witnessed what transpired in Iran over the weekend and after witnessing the total absence of reason of the responses given by Biden and two days later Obama, I recalled this dream that I have discussed many times in private conversations and in conversations on the Blog Talk Radio circuits.

I was going to put the dream to paper and publish it when I received an email message from Pat Dollard with a link to a story from Iran: "Iran’s Day Of Destiny: A Million Brave Iranians Defy Death And Bring Shame To Cowardly Anti-Obama Americans". The title alone speaks volumes. The time for talk is done. The time for negotiating with the enemies amongst us has past us by. It is in fact time for action. Hopefully, that action will be peaceful...it will be from our side of the fence but most assuredly, it won't be peaceful from the Leftinistra. The public record of that is plainly and painfully obvious.

Nearly ONE MILLION proud Iranians stood up and were counted. The Second Iranian Revolution just might come to pass. Then again, it might not. However, they arose to the occasion and spoke out against the tyrannical dictators that are soon to plunge their Nation into war with other Nations or war within its own borders. Is that our destiny? If we do not stop the Marxist political coup in this nation, the answer will be in fact a woeful HELL YES!

So, how do we stop this? As Pat replied to a comment made on the linked article:

Comment 1:

Just remember Us Shameful Cowardly Anti-Obama Americans, still have our guns and ammunition. Our ForeFathers, knew a time will come; that time has not arrived Yet.

Pat Dollard replies:

I don’t know. The time for shooting hasn’t come, but the time for a national strike demanding investigations into voter fraud, racketeering in the auto industry, racketeering in the banking industry, a freeze on Obama’s National Health Care plan, an investigation into obstruction of justice and racketeering in the firing of the IG, obstruction of justice in the Black Panthers voter intimidation cases, Obama’s connections to ACORN and why they are being brought in to handle the census, and much more, certainly has come. May as well throw in a demand for resignation. The time for a massive national strike and the choking of the streets of DC and many state capitals most definitely has come.

So, without further ado...

I Have A Dream

I have a vision, a dream, perhaps a portent…not exactly sure what to call it. However, just imagine people showing up in DC or State and local capitals, no flags, no colorful banners, no signs, "normal" attire, no chanting, no loud horns, no sirens, no cat calls…nothing but silence.

Standing silently, shoulder to shoulder with our backs to the Halls of Congress as we surround them with our numbers. Standing silently, shoulder to shoulder with our backs to the now renamed Marxist House as we surround them with our numbers. Standing silently, no idle chit-chat…no chatter at all. Just standing there surrounding the buildings...our backs to them all.

The same can be done across this Nation's State government hide outs of the criminals that defy the United States Constitution and all that we were founded upon - freedom, liberty, life and free choice to be the individuals we are and live our lives within the confines of constitutionally derived Law and Order and not some declared and contrived emergency as our history reveals time and time again as shredding our very existence.

When asked questions, we do not answer - no eye contact, staring out beyond whomever stands before us and piercing through them as if they did not exist.

Standing in silence, ne'er a whisper, rain, shine, sleet, snow, hurricane, tornado.

Standing in silence for an hour or so, thirty minutes, ten - whatever we can bear - and then simply walking away, vanishing into the city.

And then returning to repeat the process at unpredictable times and intervals.

These are not scheduled "rallies" so no permits will be needed.

Spontaneous, silent defiance

1 comment:

  1. NORM
    If you stand up for the Constitution don't expect to see any Loons nor the Narcisstic Supreme self anointed Full of CRap Messianoc BIG O!!!
