Monday, March 2, 2009

Patriot vs Non-Patriot - Truth vs Deception - Bush vs Obama

B.Hussein Obama Speaking at Speaking at Camp Lejeune


A community organizer now in command of the world’s most powerful military.

Speaking at Camp Lejeune Friday. Feb 27, Obama talks about the success in Iraq which he and the Democratic Party tried to undermine continually. One week ago President Obama also called for 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan to stabilize the situation, yet argued against the same policy in 2007 in Iraq. Obama almost appeared to take credit for the improving situation in Iraq, yet this video shows Barack Obama and Joe Biden in their own words showing how absolutely wrong they have been at every turn and how they can't be trusted on foreign policy.

The Beginning Obama clip is Feb 27, 2009
Bush-January 10, 2007
Biden Senate- April 2007
Obama January 2007
Last, Biden spring 2007

Wild Thing Comment...
The Marines at Camp Lejeune knowing about Obama's speech on his plans to withdraw combat brigades from Iraq by August 31, 2010 and all troops by the end of 2011. With military spending cuts and military wage freezes, and knowing that he is destroying the republic whose Constitution they have taken an oath to uphold.

The contrast of the enthusiasm the military had for President Bush and this occupant of the White House was stunning. With Obama the fake, they know what he is, and he has already worn out his welcome. Remember when President Bush showed up in Baghdad. They went wild. President Bush spoke from the heart and talked directly to our Military. Obama did his standard......he read his speech from prompters and did not speak from the heart. The Military sees through this phony.

I bet they were trying to figure out which hand holds the knife with which Obama will stab them in the back.

The Marines are men of honor and they take their oaths very seriously, I kid you not. By all accounts, Obama has a hefty dose of contempt for the Constitution, and I kid you not on that also!

The Few, The Proud, The Marines! The Many, The Vapid, The Obamaniacs!

God bless and protect these courageous patriots our countries warriors. Prayers for our relentlessly brave and devoted military, contractors and their families. It’s all just a canned political teleprompter speech. No personal connection.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 1, 2009 04:45 AM



  1. The looks on the faces of our brave men and women, forced to sit through the BS spouted by the illegal alien Kenyan and usurper to the White House, tells me all I need to know.
    The two SOBs that make up the head of this socialist snake can kiss my @$$.
    I would trust the lowest Private before I'd believe anything this un-American administration offered up.

  2. Point Taken!!!!

    We had a nice long discussion over the CLNC event with a few of my USMC Buddies this weekend while at the local range and those that were at the event deemed it a farce they don't trust the Prez.....

    by the way I live just outside the CL back gate

  3. We need to make up bumper stickers that read, "In God We Trust" and "In Obama, We Don't!" and put them on all our cars. Write it on the back of the mail that we send out. Maybe enough people will see them and finally take their heads out of the sand and wake up!
