Monday, March 2, 2009

"...we knew we were in the presence of a great man."

Source/cross posted from:
Video: Geert Wilders in Boston

Following is video of Geert Wilders' appearance in Stoughton last Wednesday. Wilders showed his film, Fitna, spoke, then took audience questions.

I was not able to be there as I was at a dinner with the inimitable (whatever that means) Michael Graham and around 20 others at the Harvard Club in Boston. (Lovely folks, by the way, hello out there -- you know who you are!) Graham has posted his own radio interview with Geert Wilders, recorded the same day he gave his Stoughton presentation. Link here.

I've only now had a chance to watch the video and am very favorably impressed with Wilders. Europe is facing an onslaught, a tidal wave, and Wilders is desperately trying to hang on to Western Civilization for dear life.

Here is the Motionbox video (good quality) of the entire talk, including Q&A. Links to a YouTube version in four parts (due to YouTube's 10 minute lmit) follow below that. I've embedded Fitna in the extended entry.

[Update: Omnia21 was there:]

The Stoughton hall where Wilders spoke was filled with hundreds of admirers who rose as one as he entered and applauded and applauded. For many, including this writer, we knew we were in the presence of a great man. We knew that he was telling a truth that people did not want to hear or think about, but they must. Wilders faces prosecution and jail for telling the truth in his native land, so far gone in Holland is the cause of free speech. While we in America can still speak out we must follow his example. It is our responsibility to take the message of Geert Wilders and spread it far and wide if America is to be saved from this spreading evil...

YouTube Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


1 comment:

  1. George Bush once said in a speech that Islam is a religion of peace. Nothing could ever be further from the truth. Islam is a religion of murderers and haters. So now we have Obama giving these people our tax money in the Gaza strip and he's going to let them migrate over to our country. What's wrong with this picture? This is pretty good. We not only have to help some flunky pay his mortgage, but now we have to send money to Arabs who hate us, and put up with them here in the states! Aren't you happy that you voted Democrat. Everyone needs to make up some bumper stickers that read, "In God we trust, and in Obama, we don't!" and put them on our cars. Let's let these Left Wing Socialist fascists, know what we think of them.
