Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Report Cards Are In - Obama fails miserably!

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Barack Obama promised "change we can believe in," a new "hope" and "transparency in government" in the days leading up to his inauguration. However, his first week in office has been mired by a series of missteps and failures. The following report card by the "Our Country PAC" highlights a week in office that reveals Obama hasn't changed at all from the liberal he was in the U.S. Senate and Illinois State Senate.

We've included citation links to support each of the claims made here. So be sure to SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS - CLICK HERE.

At a time of staggering deficits that require fiscal responsibility from the President and Congress, Obama and the Democratic leadership in the House & Senate are trying to outdo one another in spending more of your tax dollars.

Obama's currently pushing for a $1 TRILLION spending plan that is heavy on big government programs with very little tax relief.

Before he even took office, Obama pressed then-President Bush to request the second $350 billion in federal bailout money. This is despite the fact that the first installment of bailout funds failed to loosen up credit markets as anticipated. Instead, many banks kept the money to pad their own balance sheets, and proceeded to cut credit limits on their customer's bank credit cards.

Obama has placed a desire to "be liked" and to appease America's enemies ahead of our national security concerns. He has emboldened America's enemies and showed a dangerous weakness that some will be sure to challenge or exploit with Obama as Commander in Chief.

First Obama suspended the trials of terrorists being held at GITMO (Guantamo Bay Cuba Terrorist Detention Facility). Then Obama announced that GITMO would be closed altogether within one year - despite not having a plan in place on what to do with the terrorists being held there. Shortly after his announcement a video surfaced featuring two al-Qaida terrorists who had been held at GITMO - but then released. A Pentagon report indicates at least 61 GITMO detainees went on to commit or attempt to commit terrorist attacks after they were released from GITMO. And Obama now foolishly wants ALL detainees released from GITMO.

Obama similarly signed an executive order limiting the interrogation techniques U.S. intelligence officers can use in trying to obtain critical information from terrorists that could save American lives.

Obama also undermined the U.S. War on Terror by appeasing those who have been most critical of the missions of U.S. troops. His first call to a foreign head of state was not to a key U.S. ally (such as Britain or Israel) but instead to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. Similarly, Obama's first official interview since becoming president was with a Middle Eastern television network known for broadcasting anti-American tirades, al-Arabiya television.

Barack Obama angered pro-life advocates across the globe when he signed an executive order allowing taxpayer funding of abortions at U.S. facilities around the globe.

While people may differ on abortion policies here in America, it is an affront to pro-life Americans to take their tax dollars and use them to end human life.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week pushed for $200 million in funding for birth control saying, "we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy." Astonishingly, the Democratic leadership was arguing that children are too costly for the nation at this time.

To his credit, Obama did ask House leaders to scrap the funding proposal, but he did not denounce Speaker Pelosi's comments, but instead said it was not the right time for such a proposal - concerned about the backlash from some Republicans on Capitol Hill over the issue,

For all the talk of "change" that Obama pledged to bring to Washington, he has instead surrounded himself with the same Washington establishment figures he had said were part of the nation's problems.

But what's been worse is seeing the controversies surrounding Obama's appointments.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has been called a "tax cheat" for having evaded his taxes.

His pick for Commerce Secretary was forced to withdraw his name from consideration after it was announced that he was the target of a federal corruption probe.

Obama's nominee for Attorney General, Eric Holder, advocated clemency for 16 FALN terrorists during the Clinton administration and his law firm represents numerous individuals held at the GITMO terrorist detention facility.

And after Obama pledged not to have lobbyists serving in key posts in his administration he nominated an ex-lobbyist to serve as Deputy Secretary of Defense.



  1. Campaign Promises:
    Bi partisanship... F-
    No lobbysts.. f-
    No Pork... F----------
    National Security .. N/a but doing a TV on Muslim TV and apologizing .. PURE CRAP that has give Courage to Iran to already making Heavy Demands on BLAHBLAH...

    In summary.. A total BUST!!!!

  2. If you don't want to post this that's fine. However, in my opinion the rat bastards have now infiltrated all of our leadership. In my opinion just about every bit of the stimulus package will go to line the pockets of these people and the rest of their cronies.

    I cannot and will not ever address the chief bastard as President. It is an undeserving title regardless of how many votes he received in any election. The man is scum, lower than whale manure.

    He is an islamofascist. He is an illegal alien. Some how he has found a way to place the Supreme Court under his thumb which tells me that the black robes are not as clean as we have been led to believe.

    If I may quote the last two paragraphs of Patrick Henry's famous speech:

    "The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we are base enough to desire it, it is not too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat, but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged. Their clanking may heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable- and let it come! I repeat, sir, let it come! It is in vain, sir to extenuate the matter.

    "Gentlemen may cry, peace - but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears theclash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it the gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God - I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

    The plains of Boston are our cities and towns. The enemies is the politicians who have capitulated to the melodious speeches of the fake leader, this usurper in the White House. The chains are the debt that will visit our children, grand children and great grand children. Slavery will be the crushing of the education of our posterity, the rewriting of the history of this once great nation.

    No. I will not debase myself at the feet of this new government. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, like the man who uttered these words, give me liberty or give me death!

  3. President Obama is on TV right this very minute as I am posting this entry,and he is talking about his economic plan, along with a big wig CEO from Honeywell. He's saying that we all have to work together and fast, to put our economy back together. So my question is; Why are the Democrats wasting valuable precious time going after radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh?

    This morning on Fox & Friends, the question of the day was, and I am paraphrasing; Do you think that the Democrats plan to "shush Rush" will work to their advantage to get Rush Limbaugh removed from public radio, or do you think that it will blow up in their faces?
    This is a copy of the email that I sent them:

    Dear Fox & Friends,
    The Democrat's plan to go after Rush Limbaugh is just another one of their foolish attempts to advance their "Fairness Doctrine" which will blow up in their face like the last time they went after Rush. I feel the same way about Barack Obama that Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do. If Obama plans on advancing Far Left Social agendas on this country that go against my valued traditions and morals, then I want his presidency to fail. Some of these Democrats need to be tossed out of Congress, and the first two that need to go right now is Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

    Joseph Alves Jr.
    Taunton, Ma.

    I also went on the Dem's petition site and pasted the body of this text into the remarks block, and I don't know if this was a smart move on my part because they have my name, and they can very well remove my entry and make everyone believe that I'm going along with their stupid plan to remove Conservatives from the airwaves.

  4. Protecting the unborn --- F-

  5. Ref:"The war is inevitable- and let it come! I repeat, sir, let it come! It is in vain, sir to extenuate the matter."

    How many of us can repeat these words today?
