Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mr. Obama, Please don't close Guantanamo and send us home...they serve better meals here. (WARNING! Extremely graphic.)

Obama, Do you recall saying,
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
This is ugly!
These are your Hamas friends.
Where's Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Clinton, Kennedy, Kerry, Conyers...
...and where is that darn ACLU when ya need 'em?
Watch what they serve their prisoners for meals...hope you can take it!
ps: Ya better get Hillary over there to straighten this mess out! People are dying!
Hey there, New York Times, What say you now? Oh, ya want to bring back water boarding. A little to late don't ya think! And hey, How come this didn't make your front page? Oh, I see, Bush went back to Texas. Let's see, what else was there? Aah, I got it. You're going to use the body count and blame it on the Americans 'cause these guys don't wear uniforms. Geneva Convention my butt!
Note to CAIR: You call this the religion of peace? Well. I, I, aah, I, aah, don't know... If you call this peace, I would not want you to get mad at me, whooo!
Aah, just one last question for Mr. Obama. "Which group of Muslims will you stand with?" The ones on the ground? Or, the ones doing the shooting?

1 comment:

  1. Obama is bringing this to a street near you soon.
    "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
