Friday, February 26, 2010

"Only a few generations have been granted a role of defending freedom in it's maximum hour of danger."

"You are that generation! This is your role! Now is that time! Freedom must be defended from every assailant, in every corner of this country...from outside the country, from inside the country, and especially from the government that wants to take it away from us... God bless you." ~ Judge Andrew Napolitano

Remember my comments from yesterday? No. Then let me repeat them here word for word.

"You know there's not a day that goes by that we don't hear of something illegal or shady back-door dealings that goes on with this usurper. Oh yes, we also hear about November of 2012 so we can get him out of the White House, but that's not going to do, he has to go NOW! If the American people allow this guy to continue, we will no longer have a country we can call America...and if that's not reason enough to trash this guy now, nothing is! So help us God!"

That part that says, "...he has to go NOW!" should read, "...they have to go NOW!" (the they includes the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, ...and you know the rest of th0se anti-American assailants.) and after watching this video if you don't agree with me then let me repeat the latter part, "So help us God!" ~ Norman E. Hooben

For Part One in this series click here.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe that this stuff is going on. What a big mistake the people of this country made in 2008 by voting for Obama! McCain couldn't have been as bad as Obama is right now.
