Friday, February 26, 2010

Is This A Single Digit Issue...ya might want to ask Obama

President F***k You Flips Off the American People

What a punk. How does this President of the United States handle a challenge? He gives you the finger.


Finger red

Today's piece of cheap theater orchestrated by the boulevardier-in-chief was his feeble attempt at bipartisanship. The fraud and his goons spent the year behind closed doors and attempted to ram this poison down our throats, but Americans woke up (thanks to L-Dopa) and fought back. Despite the pathetic attempt to paint the Republicans in a bad light (he finally agrees to an audience with Republicans but it has to be shot live), it was he and his quislings who looked small and untrustworthy. This little circus was very telling. Watching O look down his nose, literally, at the earnest congressman gathered, caught Obama in a very ugly light. His condescension was as obvious as his middle finger.
He loves the drone of his own voice, and we were forced to sit through more verbal diarrhea than any long practicing proctologist should have to stand, but for me the money shot was when President STFU responded like the Chicagoland gangster that he is to the reasoned argument of Paul Ryan.
According to Senate Republicans, President Obama spoke for 119 minutes, other Democrats for 114 minutes, and Congressional Republicans for 110 minutes. Republicans came armed with facts, the Democrats came with folksy, anecdotal stories. These guys should be writing scripts for Lifetime television.

This is no accident. President Finger is a vile little man, ain't he?


Watch his numbers after this little stunt. Glub glub flub.

Typical O-ugliness:

UPDATE: 2/26 - I told ya so.


1 comment:

  1. Rightwing CowboyFriday, March 05, 2010

    Lets face it there are a lot of scumbags who voted in the 2008 election cycle and the Scumbag-ocrats managed to get the chief scumbag-in-thief put into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
