Sunday, February 7, 2010

More On Moore...Judge Slams Obama

Judge Roy Moore Slams Obama

(What he really should do is put him in the slammer!)

In a speech before an enthusiastic crowd gathered together at a National Tea Party get-together in Nashville, Tennessee, Judge Moore, author of So Help Me God, had a litany of things to say about the guy who would be king. Here's just a summary of all that good (sic) Obama is doing for our country... For more on Moore click here and here and here. ~ Norman E. Hooben


The following excerpt from World Net Daily

He has ignored our history and our heritage, arrogantly declaring to the world that we are no longer a Christian nation. He's elevated immorality to a new level, setting aside the entire month of June last to celebrate Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender pride.

He now threatens to change our law, 10 U.S.C. Section 654, to allow homosexuality in our military in direct opposition to the law which says that the attempt to engage in homosexuality will create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.

He has apologized to the Arab world for our past, subjugated our national sovereignty by bowing down to the king of Saudi Arabia.

He has pursued a socialist agenda by taking control of private companies and pushing a national health-care plan with a public option. Backed by a willing Congress, he has bought off our senators and our representatives with our own money
in an effort to mandate this agenda. And when opposed by members of the Senate, he smugly smiled and said, "I won."



  1. .

    Little 'storm'n Norman,

    "What he really should do is put him in the slammer!)"

    Totally agree with you. Roy Moore should be placed in the slammer, but in USA Roy Moore has constitutional right to say as many stupid things as his audience will let him say.


  2. Now here's what I want you to do...

    Make a list, it doesn't have to be very long, in fact in your case it should not have to be any longer than item number there, that's not asking too much.

    The only thing on that list is the good things your Obama has done for this country...remember now all you need for a grade is to get one item right.

    enjoy the Super Bowl!

  3. Say, What part of Virginia are you from? Richmond?

  4. Not only that, but Obama is trying to scrap our space program by withholding funding. The money that he wasted on his failed "Cash for Clunkers" program could have funded the space program for a decade. Obama said that our country is now longer a Judea Christian nation? Maybe Obama has designs of handing America over to the Islamo Fascists. We the People, need to put a stop to all of his madness by voting these Liberals or so called Progressives out of office. It's our only chance to save our country. We did it here in Massachusetts, and they did it in Virginia and New Jersey. You can do it in your state. Obama is whining because the folks are getting the straight scoop from Fox News and they're on to him. His lying and cheating is no longer working. The smoke and mirrors along with his snake oil just doesn't cut it with them. We, who are un-enrolled or independent voters now outnumber his hopelessly lost "Sheeple" and Kool-Aid drinkers.

  5. It's also odd that he caters to the Gays and Lesbians along with his Muslims friends for once the Muslims are in charge they'll annilhilate the Gays and Lesbians.
    Just goes to show you how he caters to people for their vote.

    I knew that Clinton usually did the opposite of what he said he was doing but with this guy, its a way to eternal life!

  6. .

    Little Norman,

    The only thing on that list is the good things your Obama has done for this country...remember now all you need for a grade is to get one item right."

    It is still early but one item that Mr Obama can be given credit for is on the macro-economic level. Given the outright insanity of the past eight years of Republicant Party rule, USA was in serious trouble. The Congress passed the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" commonly known as the Stimulus Bill. The change of direction of leadership by Mr Obama's administration is a good thing. The Stimulus Bill is a good thing for USA and people.

    "What part of Virginia are you from?"

    Northern Virginia is the home of the FBI, CIA, and FEMA. The computer server farms owned, leased, and run by the agencies are secured in many locations in Virginia, not just Richmond.


    "The money that he wasted on his failed "Cash for Clunkers" program ..."
    Failed? Wow. Which planet does Joe live on?

    "Obama said that our country is now longer a Judea Christian nation?"
    Do not know what country Joe lives in. USA follows the rule of law as outlined in the Constitution. USA was never a religious country. USA is a secular country where there is a clear separation of state and government.

    Ema Nymton

  7. Ref:"Northern Virginia is the home of the FBI, CIA, and FEMA. The computer server farms owned, leased, and run by the agencies are secured in many locations in Virginia, not just Richmond."

    I didn't need an answer that I already knew, I asked where you are the question.

    TARP was statred during the Bush administration, a bad idea then and a bad idea in 2009...placing the country into debt is never a good idea. The politicians who started this current mess can be traced backe to Jimmy Carter's CRA (Community Re-investment ACT) which had some teeth put into by Mr. Clinton. From the moment of it's conception it was designed to destroy the dollar...and it was the community organizer's (aka Obama) job to harass the lending istitutions to give loans to those who could not afford them (described by the Carter, Clinton, and Obama camps as an opportunity for low income families to own their own homes) Meanwhile while Obama type organizers were pushing the loans his friends over at Freddie Mack (i.e. Mr Raines et al) were soaking the system dry by giving themselves extraordinary bonuses for losing money. AIG and all the rest should have went under. It was the politicians who set this ball in motion and then turned around and blamed the mortgage and banking industry...remember it was the organizers that strong-armed the banks to make the loans and it was Organizer number one (Obama) that trained all the other organizers how to do this.

    ps: All of this is a matter of record only you want to dismiss it because you don't want to believe it. just because you do not believe something does not make it untrue. It's just like all those people in pre-Colubian times who believed the world was flat...

  8. Here's something to ponder (from Reuters

    Record deficit – and accomplishing nothing! Obama promised that passing his stimulus would keep unemployment under 8% while creating 3 million jobs – 90% in the private sector. Now he says he “saved” 2 million jobs and every one that he points to is in the public sector.

    Truth is that when one counts those who have given up and who are forced to take part-time jobs the percentage is over 17% – and is only that low because the losses in the public sector are so low. I wish someone would tell us what the percentage is for unemployment in the private sector alone. It has to be over 30% with no repief in sight. Of course that executive from Cisco Industries could apply to work construction on the roads and bridges Obama is building I suppose. What a fraud that man is!

    I didn’t watch the dog and pony state of the union speech. Why should anyone watch it. He never does what hes says anyway! Only 275 days until Novemebr 2. Hopefully the Reps can get organized now that corporations other than those that own the Obama media outlets can speak! If nothing else they can at least defend themselves from the lies coming from Washington.

    Watermoon Report As Abusive Jan 31, 2010 6:21pm ESTThe only job focus of the Obama administration has been jobs in the public sector or union jobs. These are jobs that hire mostly “juiced” employees – those who have a political or familial connection. The administration has done nothing about private sector job creation since taking office, in spite of the fact that they told you the “stimulus” bill would keep unemployment from going over 8%.

    Like it or not, Barack Obama is a far-left socialist ideologue who must wear down the private sector in order to advance his agenda. His socialist agenda can not thrive alongside a robust private sector. He must have Americans dependent upon the government in order for his agenda to pass. That won’t happen if the economy is bustling and the people are working.

    That is exactly why this second “stimulus” bill, which the democrats are calling a “jobs bill”, won’t work. At best, it will make a small dent in the unemployment situation, which is exactly what the administration desires.

    Taxpayer550 Report As Abusive Jan 31, 2010 6:28pm ESTNo shiite, Sherlock! We have the most incompetent president ever in Barack “New Lies for Old” Obama. He will resign in disgrace, or be impeached.

  9. .

    Little Norman,

    Need one remind you, you asked for an example of Mr Obama doing good for USA. The Stimulus Bill is working, working well, and is good for USA. It is a good start.

    Teabaggers have clearly bought into the Fix Noise machine line of untruth. You will learn that you are being used by professional liars. The Republicant Party may be able to lie themselves into power, but you will not lie yourself to the truth. The Toxic Assets Recovery Program (TARP) is just one example of corporate corruption that unregulated greed that Republicant Party rule has unleashed on USA. The banking collapse in USA has everything to do with the open theft of billions of dollars by the corporate corruption at the top.

    As for USA being in debt, so what does it matter? USA has been borrowing money for the benefit for USA since before FDR's great social programs in the 1930's. The Republicant Party (Reagan, Bush, and Cheney) ruled for years and borrowed, borrowed and borrowed. Mr Obama is just continuing a long process.

    Are calling for Mr Obama to be impeached because he won the election or because he is black?


  10. Ref:"Are calling for Mr Obama to be impeached because he won the election or because he is black?"

    Neither! You are obviously blind to his policies and Communist and Marxists ties. Meanwhile if you care to read some of my quotes on the side bar to the right you may get a better understanding of who I am. Example below:

    I'm not white, I'm not black, I'm not upper class, I'm not lower class, I'm not middle class, I'm not French, I'm not Irish, I'm not Asian, I'm not European, I'm not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic...They are and I am what I am, An American! And I'm not hyphenated! - N.E. Hooben

    If I were to make an assumption about who you are then all the hints that come through your verbiage would make you a person who blames whites for all their problems and only voted for Obama because he is black.
    As for me, I was brought up in an orphanage with many different races and did not know the meaning of the word "predjudice" until I was in my second year of high school. I walked a girl home from school one day and she wanted to show me her paper that she got an "A" grade. After reading her excellent dissertation about prejudice I never let on that I did not know it's meaning...but as soon as I got home I looked it up (although her paper gave me a better understanding).
    I do not believe that everyone has predjudices...bias yes, and there is a sharp difference. Prejudices is exactly how it is spelled, it means to pre-judge and to the best of my knowledge I have never pre-judged an individual. Bias, on the other hand is a learned response. If someone harms me in such a way as for me to be offended (either mentally or physically) then I now have a negative bias toward that person...similar to the bias I now have toward you for even suggesting the idea that I might be prejudice. Wake up my friend and semll the roses!

    ps: The stimulus bill is not working...and please tell me, "How has it personally affested you?"
    ...and don't tell me you have a government job!

  11. PS to Ema

    What clue have I given you that I am a Republican?

    How about identifying me with INDEPENDENTS ! FOR THAT'S WERE I STAND! Both major parties are corrupt and dangerous to our individual freedoms.
    By the way, Who wrote the FEC laws?
    You got it! Both the Democrats and the Republicans! THEY want to control our lives!
    We need less government and not more!

  12. .

    Little Norman,

    "The stimulus bill is not working...and please tell me, "How has it personally affested you?"
    ...and don't tell me you have a government job!"

    Is public service by working for the people's government somehow wrong? Is being a teacher in public schools not an honorable and honest job? Are the people better off when their government spends taxpayers money on taking care of the people, improving roads and infrastructure - instead of making war?

    Are you one who believes billions for bombs and nothing for health care?

    Mr Obama is a middle of the road corporatist. His policies are better than Mr Bush's but not by much. It would be better if Mr Obama was a socialist and more liberal.


  13. PS to Ema...

    How about if I call you by a more suitable name? Notmyname spelled backwards just sounds so flakey.
    So if you are female, my suggested name is, "Virgina"
    And if you are male, may I suggest, "Richmond"

  14. .

    Little Norman,

    "What clue have I given you that I am a Republican?"

    When have you voted for a member of the Democratic Party?


  15. Ref:"The Stimulus Bill is working, working well, and is good for USA. It is a good start."

    The Economy: We knew something was funny when the White House claimed that 640,000 to 1 million jobs had been created from this year's stimulus. What we didn't know was that it would turn into a massive fraud.

    Not only have 640,000 new jobs not been created from the stimulus — an absurd claim, given the economy's loss of nearly 4 million payroll positions this year — but it now seems that even the jobs themselves are fictional.

    Thanks to the digging of a number of data sleuths, it turns out that many of the jobs reported by states come from made-up congressional districts.

    This would be funny if it weren't a criminal waste of public funds. And yet, G. Edward DeSeve, who runs the government's economic recovery program, says the errors are "relatively few" and "don't change the fundamental conclusions one can draw from the data."

    Excuse us? The "relatively few" errors are in fact thousands in number. But that's the pernicious place we find ourselves today — a public official defending shoddy accounting that looks an awful lot like fraud to the tune of billions of dollars.

    One example: the 15th Congressional District of Arizona, where 30 jobs were salvaged with $761,420 in spending, according to, the official government Web site. As ABC News reports: "There is no 15th Congressional District in Arizona; the state has only eight districts."

    Read more here:

  16. Ref:"Is being a teacher in public schools not an honorable and honest job?" Who said it wasn't?
    Teachers are necesaary but they are a local situation whereas the federal government and the Depeartment of Education should stay out of the teaching business. When I was growing up there was no Dept Of is a product of the communist left.

    1932 -- New books are published urging World Order:

    Toward Soviet America by William Z. Foster. Head of the Communist Party USA, Foster indicates that a National Department of Education would be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in the U.S.

    Dare the School Build a New Social Order? is published. Educator author George Counts asserts that:

    "... the teachers should deliberately reach for power and then make the most of their conquest" in order to "influence the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming generation... The growth of science and technology has carried us into a new age where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by cooperation, trust in Providence by careful planning and private capitalism by some form of social economy."

    1933 -- The first Humanist Manifesto is published. Co-author John Dewey, the noted philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions and "a socialized and cooperative economic order." Co-signer C.F. Potter said in 1930:

    "Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?"

    It appears that they got the best of should pay attention more at Sunday school than the brain-washers at public schools

    Ref:"His policies are better than Mr Bush's but not by much. It would be better if Mr Obama was a socialist and more liberal."

    Both Bush and Obama want to sell us out to the United Nations. Obama IS a Socialist or haven't you noticed!

    Health care is none of the governments business! Neither morally nor Constitutionally! ...unless you are a Communist.

  17. Ref:"When have you voted for a member of the Democratic Party?"

    In almost every election...

    I leave a good many of the voting selections blank unless I know someone personally that may do a better job then I write their name in. I always vote for the person and never, never for the party. I am an American and not a Republican or Democrat ...the latter being the party of slavery.

    Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. - Winston Churchill

  18. .

    Little Norman,

    "It appears that they got the best of should pay attention more at Sunday school than the brain-washers at public schools"

    Brain washers in public school? Really? Oh Norman.

    "Both Bush and Obama want to sell us out to the United Nations. Obama IS a Socialist or haven't you noticed!"

    As you ask, yes I did notice. Mr Obama is many things, but socialist ... Before this goes too far, what in jeebus do you mean by Socialist? USA can definitely benefit by having more socialists.

    "Health care is none of the governments business! Neither morally nor Constitutionally!"

    Morally, ethically, and Constitutionally the welfare of the people _is_ the government's business. I believe if you took a moment to read the preamble of the Constitution you will see,

    "We The People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    You can understand, I hope, that people's government of USA is not the enemy. USA government is the person you meet when you go to local town hall to pay your taxes. It is the person you deal with when you get your state's driver's license. And yes the person at the National Parks is the government.

    "Democrat ...the latter being the party of slavery"
    Ha ha ha


  19. says, "promote the general welfare" not put us on welfare.

    All Socialists states failed or are you not aware of what history tells us.

    Obama is the worst kind of Socialist because he is also an Alinskyite and Marxists..

    Wake up!

  20. "Democrat ...the latter being the party of slavery"
    Ha ha ha"

    As they laugh at you all the way to the bank.
    Check your history books my friend, you cannot change what as already been done just because they bought you a piece of the pie...they bought your vote but you're still in the same boat!

    have a good day Richmond, I'll be too busy with more important matters for the remainder of this week.

  21. Oh and one more thing before I go...

    You promote the general welfare by lowering taxes...every economist knows this...
    You are obviously a "Taker" and not a "Giver" to society if you believe in Socialism. And what law of the land says that I have to give to you a part of my hard earned dollar...go out and earn your own!

  22. Ema, Winston, Virginia, Richmond or whatever your name is...I was trying to find something "good" that your Obama guy has done since he has occuopied the White House...couldn't find anything so I thought I'd fill you in on some of the bad stuff...
    Here, I ran across this one awhile ago...

    God forbid he finds some 'protected pebbles' in your car's tire'll end up walking.

  23. "occuopied" I didn't misspell it, it was a typo!

  24. Ema, Winchester, Virginia, Richmond or whatever your name is...

    Here's another for you to read and watch, and listen...
    See how many lies and contradictions you can come up with...remember, he is reading some of the stuff and what he is not reading, well, just let me say this, "It was no slip of the tongue when he admitted his Muslim faith."
    Just don't scan this stuff because you don't want to believe it, study this stuff because you want to know all the FACTS when you argue with people...
    Remember this, "There is what we call 'accepted truth' and then there is 'factual truth' apparently come from the 'accepted truth' school of thought...just like the ignorant in Columbus' time...Columbus and I believe in 'factual truth' ...

    Now get on over here

    and read and heed...and wake the H up!
