Monday, September 7, 2009

" is easier to kill a million people than control a million people." Obama's foreign policy advisor says

Update September 2011 ~ Apparently the Chatham House in London took the speech off their website.  I listened to the entire speech when it was first posted a few years ago and although I downloaded it in it's entirety most people are more concerned with the 'kill-a-million-people' quote so someone else was kind enough to edit out most of the it is here and if you want to cut to the chase fast forward to approximately seven minutes into the recording...

Brzesinski's speech can be heard here: Download mp3 (Note: You can learn a lot by listening to the speech which was made at the Chatham House in Great Britain...notorious for it's connection to un-balanced foreign policy advisors such as Brzesinski. Also note his reference to the politic elite (just over 20 minutes into the recording) where he lauds VP Biden for being recognized by the elite in which Brzezinski is a member. Further on (about 43 minutes and 15 seconds) Brzezinski states, "Americans are woefully undereducated in foreign policy" ...that is woefully out of order! Americans do not agree with your foreign policy Mr. Brzezinski! You are woefully on the wrong side! ~ Norman E. Hooben

New World Order architect, Zbigniew Brzezinski, says it is
easier to kill a million people than to control a million people
. Many are alarmed at that statement but for the wrong reason.

Analysis by G. Edward Griffin, 2009 August 29
On November 17th, 2008, Zbignew Brzezinski, a New World Order architect and a founder of the Rockefeller-controlled Trilateral Commission, addressed Chatham House, (the British counterpart of the American Council on Foreign Relations) and said: "I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows: ... namely, in early times, it was easier to to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control...."

When this statement arrived on the Internet a few months later, it was widely circulated with shock and alarm. It certainly was an attention getter, and it was assumed by many to be proof that Brzezinski and his fellow New World Order elitists were calling for the killing of millions of people. Fortunately, some of the news sources carried a link to the audio recording of his speech, so it was possible to listen to his entire presentation to see if he really did say what was attributed to him. Unfortunately, not many of the Internet dispatchers took the time to listen. If they had, they would have realized that Brzezinski was merely making an honest and accurate assessment of historical fact. Like it or not, in modern times it is easier to kill than to control a million people. So, why the hoopla?

That, however, is not the end of the story. When we carefully listen to the rest of this speech, we realize Brzezinski is saying that control of the masses is the real objective of the New World Order, and he is lamenting the fact that it is so difficult now that almost every nation and culture has become politically aware. He recalls those days-gone-by when this was not so, when the masses neither knew nor cared about politics and could be controlled simply by force of arms and economic coercion. Under those conditions, controlling people was easier, he says. Now, however, when almost everyone believes they should participate in their own political destiny via the vote, the process has become much more difficult.

He is, of course, entirely correct in that assessment. Although he did not elaborate, he could have continued by reminding this elite audience of facts they know so well: that now it also is necessary to control the media, the educational system, the leadership of all major political parties, and even the systems by which ballots are counted in order to keep the masses content with the illusion of determining their own political destiny.

He devoted the balance of his speech primarily to the concept that the United States should and will continue to be the leader among nations in the solving of all international problems, including economic problems, but always within the context of strengthening global governance and building a global monetary system. It was the CFR/Chatham House mantra that is the norm for such gatherings.

Even though Brezinsky is not here calling for the killing of a million people, when he does discuss that option, there is a remarkable coldness about his words. Like all collectivists, he is academically dispassionate when it comes to the sacrifice of human life and freedom so long as it can be theorized to be for the greater good of society - or, in this case, the New World Order.

His speech can be heard here. (Cached)
Related story (see video below)

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