Sunday, August 16, 2009

Your Access For The Opportunity To Get In Line...what the mainstream media is not telling you about Obama's health care.

This is actual footage of a Congressman who is an M.D. discussing the bill in Congressional session.

This is a YouTube video that was made of US Rep. Tom Price- 6th Dist. on Wednesday. Tom is a member of the House Healthcare Committee, and the video was shot in the Wed. Committee meeting. Please share this with everyone you know.............this healthcare legislation MUST be defeated. Please share this video. Tom has said that our Constitution is being burned right before our very eyes. We must, Democrats and Republicans alike, let our "leaders" know that this plan is unacceptable.
There has to be a better way than a government takeover! If the Government takes over, it will be one of the most colossal blunders in the history of this Nation!


  1. wow what is this really? Why aren't you doing this now? I think it's so awesome and awesome I have to share this with my friends and my son and wife right now I feel like I found an oasis in the desert Thank you so much for finding your site. 토토사이트

  2. Another video taken down...seems like Obama has more influence over what gets published than small fry like me...or 'We' the people.
