Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Legal Immunity to “unin­tended con­se­quences” means Sibelius expects you (or somebody like you) to die.

Swine Flu: Pigs to fly soon?

Posted By Patrick Wood On July 28, 2009 @ 11:26 am In Featured Stories 1 Comment

By Patrick Wood, Editor

On April 28, 2009, this writer asked:

“Are glob­alist fear-mongers dri­ving the media to panic the public into uni­versal health care solu­tions? Or federally-mandated vac­ci­na­tions?” (See Pan­demic Non­sense: Flying Pig Flu)

In the three months since, not one gov­ern­ment offi­cial or main­line jour­nalist has asked any tough ques­tions. Instead, they have con­tinued their para­noid stam­pede to a) make the out­break a world cat­a­strophe and b) pre­pare to force immu­niza­tion vac­cine shots on hun­dreds of mil­lions of unsus­pecting people.

This is a for­mula for health dis­aster, but when it comes to the bottom line profit of Big Pharma, who stand to gain bil­lions from vac­cine sales, a few casu­al­ties are accept­able as long as the greater good is being served.

This is the same fuzzy logic pop­u­lar­ized by the TV series 24: Acci­den­tally snuffing a few inno­cents is accept­able if it leads to the saving of thou­sands more lives. Of course, the latter is only a pos­si­bility and no other options are offered. Somehow, star Jack Bauer always comes through to save the day, but the viewer is left agi­tated and frustrated.

World­wide, there have been only 311 deaths directly attrib­uted to Swine Flu, and in many of those cases, there were other cir­cum­stances that cre­ated com­pli­ca­tions. The global total of 70,893 reported and con­firmed cases is itself sus­pect, because it’s dif­fi­cult to tell one virus from another.

The scene is being set up.

Asso­ci­ated Press reported on July 17 that Sec­re­tary of Health and Human Ser­vices Kath­leen Sibelius recently signed an order granting legal immu­nity to vac­cine makers who might be sued over “unin­tended con­se­quences” that arise from their vaccines.

A top gov­ern­ment sci­en­tific adviser in Eng­land is also a paid member (£116,000) of the board of direc­tors of Glax­o­SmithK­line. Pro­fessor Sir Roy Anderson was one of the first “sci­en­tists” who cried “Pan­demic!” in April. Since then, he has been working TV and radio to tout the effec­tive­ness of anti-virals to fight Swine Flu (but not dis­closing his finan­cial arrange­ment with GSK, of course.)

Baxter Labs, a major vac­cine maker, for­tu­itously filed a patent for their H1N1 vac­cine (see page 4 of appli­ca­tion) on August 28, 2008. That’s right, 2008, months before the first known outbreak!

Big Pharma lob­by­ists have been busy working up sup­port in gov­ern­ments around the world to imple­ment manda­tory gov­ern­ment vac­ci­na­tion pro­grams to stop the pan­demic. In France for instance, it was recently leaked that Pres­i­dent Sarkozy had launched a secret plan to set up manda­tory vac­ci­na­tion for all res­i­dents of France.

In the U.S., Sibelius has already urged school super­in­ten­dents around the country to spend the summer preparing for a mas­sive Swine Flu vac­ci­na­tion pro­gram this fall. For the first time in his­tory, the Feds are rec­om­mending three vac­cine shots that will include two extra ones for Swine Flu.

Then, there is the mys­tery of the virus itself. My friend, Dr. Rus­sell Blay­lock, who con­tributed to my orig­inal article in The August Review, writes

“This virus con­tinues to be an enigma for virol­o­gists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of Nature, a virol­o­gist was quoted as saying,‘Where the hell it got all these genes from we don’t know.’ Exten­sive analysis of the virus found that it con­tained the orig­inal 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus (bird flu), and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate con­tinues over the pos­si­bility that swine flu is a genet­i­cally engi­neered virus.” (see Vac­cine May Be More Dan­gerous Than Swine Flu)

If this was an episode of 24, what would Jack Bauer do next?

(Hint: don’t take the vaccine.)

David Joly says:

Hello Patrick, I have been a long time fan of yours. Keep up the good work!

I have been fol­lowing this ‘pan­demic’ since it began and it is obvi­ously a con. They better not come at me with a needle. I’ll take Blaylock’s advice and load up on vit­amin D.

How­ever, I was exam­ining the Baxter patent appli­ca­tion and noticed they didn’t specif­i­cally men­tion H1N1. They did men­tion “espe­cially vir­u­lent forms of influenza, such as H5N1 strains,…” (page 4). I sup­pose that could include H1N1 as well.

I am not a virol­o­gist, so someone please cor­rect me if I am wrong, aren’t the two dif­ferent viruses alto­gether? That is, H1N1 has its own strains and H5N1 has its strains (and the pos­si­bility of cross-mutations between the two). Also, the patent appears to be for the pro­duc­tion process and not an indi­vidual vac­cine. Looks like Baxter wants to be the only sup­plier in town.

What makes little sense to me is the rhetoric coming from the media. Sup­pos­edly Big Pharma will have loads of swine flue vac­cine to pre­vent us from get­ting sick this Fall/Winter. Yet, at the same time, they’re saying this thing could mutate. Wow! Wouldn’t that render your vac­cine useless?


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