Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You Better Watch Yourself ! This man is the biggest criminal in world history!



  1. I have been saying this for 8 months, but I am white and considered a Bigot for saying it! thanks!

  2. To Anonymous

    I've been saying it for much longer than 8 months...and there's nothing to be ashamed of by going anonymous. The man is a criminal along with all his co-horts on his staff. This entire fiasco originates with the New World Order crowd who are destined to destroy the United States of America...and don't for a minute think that it is the Democratic Party (although they have been in it for the longest period of time). The Clintons and Bush families are in this up to their necks as are Carter, Kissinger, Kennedy, Lugar, and the rest of the traitors too numerous to mention here...let's just call them the politic elite and most patriotic Americans will know who they are.
    My name is, Norman Hooben and I'll stand by my statement, "Obama is an insult to the integrity of the American people and needs to be thrown in jail for the remainder of his natural life...he is an enemy of the State!"

  3. I knew this and i didnt vote for him . People say oooohhhh first black president .. dont think so ! he is half black /half white .. so he is our first bi racial man .

  4. It is my opinion that Stormin Norm'n is an ignorant individual that needs help. As far as this county goes, the United States has been in trouble long before Obama came into being. If we as people would stop judging each other and try to help run this country, the United States would be better off. We are not and will never be perfect people. As far as the Birth Certificate, who gives a darn. I'm African American/Black and my relatives are from Africa, but I don't care, because I'm in the United States living a peaceful life. I feel that there are so many people judging Obama because he is partially black and will not allow him to try and correct all the errors that has been made in White House. This country will never "get off its crutches" because we are too busy focusing on things that are not important. I'm hurt because of the fact that the indivual that that spoke those ignorant words is of the same background as mine. All the stuff that he spoke of is of the past. He stated that he has done things that's not morally correct. The "Past" is what is behind us so let's move forward. Evidently, Norm'n is still doing wrong, and this is why he is judging Obama. I know that Jesus cried after hearing this craze man open his mouth.

  5. Ref:"It is my opinion that Stormin Norm'n is an ignorant individual that needs help. As far as this county goes, the United States has been in trouble long before Obama came into being."

    Ignorant? Needs help? I suppose I may be ignorant of lots of things in this world but certainly no-one outside of myself can make that assertion. To post the opinions of others is not reason to judge others...that is, unless the person doing the judging has pre-conceived fixated opinions that are unfounded and without rationale thought.
    The U.S. in trouble? You bet! And at the moment it has never been in worse trouble than it ever has in it's entire history. It is on the verge of collapse with the potential for a civil war such that the world has never seen...and the number one reason at this very moment is because the person in charge is an imposter who adamantly hates America...this is not an opinion for Obama preaches hate and discontent with America at almost every speech.

    Ref: "As far as the Birth Certificate, who gives a darn. I'm African American/Black and my relatives are from Africa, but I don't care, because I'm in the United States living a peaceful life."
    Who gives a darn? A ridiculus question! Every American gives a darn! One of the successes that made this country great is that we were a nation of laws, that is until some guy comes along and ignores that which was written by our founding fathers into a Constitution that was once considered the bedrock of freedom.

    So you are African-American and Black...Why do I need to know that?

    To the best of my knowledge the United States has within it's borders American citizens, visiting non-American citiizens and illegal citizens from other countries. It appears you fell into the trap of certain politicians that have devided the nation by placing you into opposing groups instead of one united people. Forget the hyphens my friend, you or either an American or not; there is no in-between.
    And where do you get this idea that people are judging him because he is partially black...certainly not from any musings that I put forth.

    Another thing my friend don't ever bring racial inheritance into the argument where it doesn't belong for all that do so are exposing their own racial biases.

    If you had looked over to the right-hand side bar and read the following you may have gotten a better picture of who I am:

    I'm not white, I'm not black, I'm not upper class, I'm not lower class, I'm not middle class, I'm not French, I'm not Irish, I'm not Asian, I'm not European, I'm not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic...They are and I am what I am, An American! And I'm not hyphenated!

    Should everybody think as I?
    Not hardly...but if they could just share this understanding then it would be a good start.
