Saturday, May 2, 2009

The 2010 Census - 'GPS'ing Gun Owners? and more questions! Does Anyone have the answers?

Update February 2010: See also Do You Have A Flush Toilet ...
Cross Posted From: DailyPaul
(see also

Does the census bureau have the right to search your home?

Today a lady from the Department of Commerce came here cause I would not fill out the census form except for my name.. she came with an Government ID and asked to be let in.. I told her no.. she said I had to and I refused again.. So she started asking me questions like name etc.. I only responded wiht my name and that I was male and told her the interview was finished.. Are they going to come here again?? And what the heck was that about.. I am a private person and don't have time nor the desire to tell them much about me.. it felt highly intrusive.. I got her card.. Should I lodge some sort of complaint??

Has this happend to anyone here??


The 'Law' is very nearly

The 'Law' is very nearly completed its transition into a complete charade that only exists to make us feel like we have rights and that there is some due process and accountability of government in this country. Any true Paulite knows that this discussion, on its foundations, is an irrelevant one. There are very few obstacles remaining that keep them from finally dispensing with the illusion of freedom that has been cast upon this country of ours.

Can the Census Bureau enter your home? Of course they can. Let's be honest with one another. It doesn't even really matter what the 'law' says. It doesn't matter what you say or people on this site say. It doesn't matter what I say. Might makes right in this country, and if it doesn't yet, it will soon. Don't get me wrong, I applaud legal arguments and those who utilize the system and the legal process to defend freedom, but we have to be realistic and admit to ourselves that this is a reactionary game and one that will eventually end in defeat. You cannot win when you operate inside a system that was created by monsters to benefit monsters and their draconian principles.

I humbly submit that those who truly want justice and freedom returned to America will go through the motions of following the rules set forth by the system, but will be attentive to what is really going on, gather their friends and family to them, and patiently wait for a time when other, substantive things can be done. You know who you are. Hopefully, I will see you all then.

The Law?

Are we really required to tell our name and number of residents? What happens if we refuse? I believe they should be treated as trespassers but I have no legal knowledge on this matter. I can't believe I'd be arrested for not answering questions from a stranger in my own home without cause.

I just heard a little titbit about the Census visitor with

using the GPS thingy.... it appears to work out that only those who are known gun owners are being put into the gadget. Not everyone in the same neighbourhoods are being 'honoured' with this visitor. Those who have had their census visitor could verify this for themselves. Are you a gun owner and did you have this GPS gadget pointed at your front door?

Whether this is true or not, those who are known to have guns might be able to shed some light on this.

I worked for the census bureau in 2000,

and we had very strict rules, and this woman is obviously NOT following them. They are to do this at YOUR convenience, not theirs. You do NOT need to let her in, but you have to reply to the questions, but you can refuse each one after your name and number of people. If she has threatened you, or was rude, etc, you can report her. We were allowed only ONE mistake and then were fired. So, go ahead and report her, and when they come back to do it over, just tell your number of people, and patiently refuse each other question. Then the census will be all filled in and they will leave you alone.

I worked for the Census in

I worked for the Census in 2000 also, but I was just a peon.

It is possible that t

Ask to see identification, documentation and the law

for every thing they want.

You have the law.

The Constitution authorizes enumeration only (Article I Section 2.). If they come to my door I will tell them "3", and refuse all other questions. If I find they have used some GPS device on my property without my permission, I will demand it be erased.


must depend on what part of the country you're in. For the last census, I wrote how many adults and how many children are in the household "as required by the Constitution," and mailed it in. I never heard a thing about it after that. I'm looking forward to the next one. I hope they can outrun a Pitbull if they show up on my doorstep.

I'm certain that

they are "schooled" to be insistent and persistent, and to imply "color of law", and intimidation tactics.

Why wouldn't they be? That's what every other gov't official in the country is trained to do.

You are not "required" to give any more than the number of persons residing at the address.
That's IT.
Nothing else.

This is all a "fishing expedition" just like everything else the gov't does, to pry into your lives for the purpose of spying on you in any way possible.

Isn't it convenient

That they make it very hard to tell what the laws actually say about this?

2010 Census

When I received the First packet in the mail I was intrigued. I started filling out the form and quicly became irritated at the questions and didn’t complete it. Then I got a phone call asking about the survey. I told them I was not going to fill it out. I was informed that I was required to fill out the form and they said they I complete it over the phone. I wouldn’t do that, I had no idea who was on the line. So they sent a second packet which I ignored. They continued to call several times. I finally told them I was not going to answer their questions, there were 3 people at this residence and that was all I was giving to say. They don’t give up that easily. They are now sending “Al” to my house, 3 times so far. He leaves me notes and even calls to set up appointments. I thought I was done finally but today I received a FedEx packet, sent priority overnight with census info and a letter that says I need to answer the survey or I will be fined. It has me a bit spooked and God only knows what the government could do to you. I don’t plan on answering any in depth questions. What does amaze me is it seems they have all the time, money and resources to pursue me but no one else in my neighborhood???

From what I remember from my town's census last year,

it states that if I don't submit the number of occupants, M/F, and our occupations, we might forfeit our being listed on the voter roster.

The door-to-door experience I had earlier this year when people came to the front door, pounded on it, and called out "DNC", as if they were a SWAT team! I should have yelled back 'Hey, pal, check out the bumper sticker on my car..."RON PAUL"'... now go away!

If they claim to have the right to search your home..

Tell them it is your duty to maintain your privacy.

In court duties trump rights every time. Infants and teenagers have rights, Adults have duties. When you preach about your "right" for anything your actually telling them that your still a teenager at best.

It is my duty to travel. I travel so I ensure that the right to travel is there for the next generation, children, infants, etc.

I reserve the right to govern myself.

No way!

Rob, is that really you here on the DP?

Dang - love your videos and philosophy! Keep up the good work!

Yours in Liberty,


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote..." ~ Ben Franklin

"The 'cost of freedom' is risk and responsibility..." ~ Me

Can I really get away with just telling them how many residents?

Wow I'd really like to try the nude bit but it's about 8 degrees or something outside lol.

I went out grocery shopping today and when I came back a hand written note from some woman "Wilma" was stuck in my door imploring me to do my "civic duty" and that it was "the law".

Is it truly the law that all I need furnish is the number of residents in my home/apartment? Otherwise I can tell her to go suck eggs? Or maybe I will just speak German only to her. I was just thinking how that would probably frustrate the heck out of her...She left her phone number and now I'm screening my calls because I don't know if she has my home phone.

One remark in her note implied that I'm knowingly avoiding her etc...
all I did was toss the one form I was mailed. I don't recall her ever contacting me before. It's almost as if she was threatening me.

I did a search on "Ron Paul census" and knew I could count on dp to help me sort this out...I appreciate all the comments and any suggestions other than the nude one appreciated LOL...

*** God bless Ron Paul ***
* Ron Paul For President *

Answer the door in the nude

Here's a funny story. Back in the early 90s when they started the long form census, my friend and I ( both females) were sunbathing nude in the backyard when the census poller showed up. Came up the steps to the backyard, never rang the doorbell. Intrusive. We said, fine, take the poll, but we are not putting clothes on. It was a female poller, btw. She said okay, and sat on a chair behind us. We did everything in our power outside of kissing to make her uncomfortable. Stood up naked in front of her and asked if she'd like an iced tea, etc. Blew smoke in her face, and poured wine coolers and partied like no tomorrow. We were very polite, but nonetheless, she got away with about 1/4 of the answers she sought.
BTW, not gay friends, we were just open to some silliness.

Not that there is anything wrong with that

For Freedom!

i must see photos for proof.

if you build it he will come..........Ron Paul 2012.

Same thing happened to me

Last census period they sent me the long form. No way was I going to hand out information like that,besides, I was working (oh the joyful memories of constant work) about 60 hours a week and was in no mood to answer hundreds of questions so the scientific keynesian economic engineers could project future economic situations or whatever it is they do with all the information they request.

Anyway, they sent a few people out knocking on my door and basically treated me in a similar fashion. In the end all they got out of me was that one male person lived at my small apartment. Never heard from them again.

Ah, fulltime employment.

I tell my children about such times. They laugh and say 'Yeah, dad. And you used to walk to school barefoot and it was uphill, both ways.'


My in-laws were bothered by the census folks for two years. About every month the same man would call (one physical visit, the rest over the phone) and ask very personal questions on a monthly basis such as each person's income, time spent on hobbies, time spent at work, where they spent disposable income, and more. Each answer led to more detailed questions (read: invasion of privacy)

My in-laws are very trusting people and kind to boot. When they asked to be release from this the census guy kindly told them they could be sued by the govt.

This was for the 1980 census. Times have probably changed, but you now have my 2 cents.

The cencus bureau is

hiring now. You can be that person going door to door,making phone calls,updating maps,making calls to recruit others to work for the census. Field operations jobs pay about $14.00 hr office jobs about 8. They are gearing up early it seems. I did it in 1990 and 2000. Flexable hours and different phases in the office and out in the field. All you have to do is take a little test. You can get some very high paying positions for lonher terms if you have just about any kind of college degree. I doubt i will do it this time but it may answer some of your ? if you visit the job site

I should do it!! haha I have a masters

That should get me in a boss chair; "Skip the door to door this week gang"


I will warn you. Government run stuff like this is so poorly organized. You will meet alot a jerks who try to pretend they know what they are doing and do'nt. Be ready to roll with it and keep reminding yourself it is only temporary. You will meet nice folks too. Just be prepared for nothing to make sense a first (if ever) They do this about the same way they try to do just about anything in government. Overcomplicated and bass ackwards. In 2000 my supervisers got attitudes with me because I did know somewhat what I was doing because I had done before. He didn't like my offers of help. It was easier for him to stomp around acting like things were a mess because his underlings were'nt doing what he told them to. When indeed the problem was they were doing what he told them. He was just telling the wrong thing. There will likely be alot of that.

Why didn’t you tell her to get off your property???

--Cliff, Sioux City, Iowa
Secret key to happiness: Stay happy. Shhh!

Do you have a s.s. #?

If so, then you volunteer for this treatment every time you sign your name. Do not let your kids get numbers. Not S.S., not D.L. not TID or, RealID or anything else except a passport. Not a passport card! The whole, real passport. Get out of the system. Get out of the banks. Get out of Dodge. The Plumber

Hello Friends

Hey. Check out my vlog at It’s got hundreds of hours of original and unique content that you are unlikely to find elsewhere. Thanks

*opening can of Raid*

*making spray sound*


We have spammers.

Next time..

Do not give her your name. That binds you to your fictional entity otherwise known as your LEGAL name. You are not your legal name, it is a corporation created in your shadow (hence why all of your documents are in all capital letters).

I reserve the right to govern myself.

Reminds me of a 3 Stooges episode

....Curly comes out in a gorilla suit
.....Moe and Larry bonk a real gorilla on the head with their cavemen clubs

....Curly says, "hey, Moe, I'm not ME.

So much for the sovereign-name entity-binding you to corporate America-all capital letters nonsense.


What on earth are you talking about?

Go to and watch the videos. Good luck!

I reserve the right to govern myself.

Strange coincidence.

I have 2 envelope packets from U.S. Census Bureau sitting on my counter right now. The second one came because I ignored the first. I asked my neighbor if she had received one and showed her the packet. She has not received one.

I decided to open one after reading this post. The attached letter included with the 28 page survey says that I am required by law to respond.


What a strange coincidence! They called me as I was typing this. I said that it was my understanding that I only needed to tell him how many people lived in the house and my name and that anything else violated my privacy. He asked me where I got that information and then he said I would get fined if I would not answer it. He said I could either fill out the survey and mail it or reply via the phone call and it would only take 35 minutes.

I asked him how much the fine was and he did not know. I told him I was not going to answer anything over the phone as he was a perfect stranger. He then gave me his name and a phone number to prove who he said he was and then he also added that he was a supervisor.

The survey is called the American Community Survey. It asks questions such as if there is a business on the property, does the residence have a flush toilet, if there is a mortgage, what the property taxes are, if the residents have emotional problems, where employed, income, if resident has difficulty bathing or dressing, what time does resident leave for work, education, number of times married, any births, plus many more questions.

I guess I will think about what to do.

"What time does the resident leave for work"????

Is that so they can know the best time to break in?

I have received the same long forms as well as the follow-up

letters, wherein those same "officials" allege that I must answer their questions or face the possibility of this or that fine. I've received them since 1990. In each instance, I regard them as rubbish and treat them accordingly. Also, in each case, a census worker will eventually show up at the door. I indicate that the dwelling is inhabited by two adults. I then say "good bye" and shut the door. In 1980, the last time I had anything like a confrontation with them, the census worker was a bit more insistant. I said "fine. Pursuant to Title 5, Sec. 552a I have a list of questions for you, as a representative of a government agency, to answer prior to engaging any further questions that you may have." He took the form and told me he would have to speak to his supervisor. I said "fine" and he left. He came back two hours later and said that he only needed to know how many people lived in the house. I told him and that was the end of it. If you'd like a list of the questions, you can find them at the following link:

Be polite, be respectful but be firm. I have never had any fines levied against me for using it. It is after all, the law. By the way, make absolutely certain that you insist on having the public servant (census worker) provide his or her residence address, for use in the potential service of legal process.

"An economy built on fiat money is a society on its way to ashes."


Great info! Thanks!


Comment and link both copied, bookmarked, and printed. Thank you so much.

Ya, that is great

Thx AustrianSkool!

Glad to be of service. Best regards. BTW, print and make

available copies of the actual statute so that you can provide them to the Public Servant. I prefer using that term. I keep both the form and copies of the statute by my front door.
"An economy built on fiat money is a society on its way to ashes."

This thought just came to

This thought just came to me. What if he calls me back instead of coming to the door? I live in the boonies and I find it doubtful that he would come all this way.

I do not conduct such business via an unsolicited telephone

call as I have no means to determine whether or not the person making the call is authentic. Such scenarios are commonly used in identity theft. My mother-in-law was the victim of such a scam only a few months ago. I regard such a call as highly unlikely. If he or she does not wish to return to bother you, then I would say that you've accomplished your purpose, but do not issue an invitation to them to return.

I have used the questionaire in situations involving government employees beyond simply census workers. In nearly 30 years, I have never had one filled out, in any degree, by any public servant. All I've ever seen is their backside, as they walk away. When they get to the part about their residence address, their curiosity flees. In some instances one can encounter a public servant who has adopted the attitude of public master. Although not on the questionaire, which they never read past the first couple of questions, I have thrown in such questions (without citing a legal authority) as:

1. Are you married?
2. What is your spouse's name?
3. Do you have children? If so, what are their names and ages?
4. Do your children live at home or go to school? If they attend school, what is the name of the school they attend?

I cannot legally require an answer to those questions, but then it is also not illegal to simply ask the questions. Look them in the eye, show no emotion. Be all business.
"An economy built on fiat money is a society on its way to ashes."

I love it

I can just see their faces.

Just throw it away


Well I don't want to give

Well I don't want to give the government any more money than I have to. I was thinking that perhaps I would just answer the first page that asks how many people live in the house and write "refuse to answer" on all the remaining 27 pages.

If you send it back, you'll open the can of worms

throw it in the trash or fill it out completely and return it. They can only keep track of active ones and if you send it back, you're an active one.

The government is so disorganized it's ridiculous. When I was ready to stop my military service after 10 years, I just left. A few months later I got an honorable discharge in the mail. I didn't make a big fuss, or request an early out; I just split. They really don't know how to deal with bad slaves who don't make trouble but just won't listen.

Any request the government ever makes of me goes in the circular file because they don't control me. If they send me away, they'll have to pay to feed me and I still won't do what they ask.

You are too valuable to the

You are too valuable to the r3volution to sit in jail. Plus, how will you be able to continue your hobbies, and utilize your many talents if you are in some stinking jail? Find another solution Mike.

As far as ignoring the survey....I may do just that, but after today's phone call I am probably already on some list.

I won't go to jail. They'll have to catch me first.

I'm way smarter than they are. Remember, they tried to recruict me.

I probably would have told her...

That she can come in as soon as she comes over with someone capable of breaking down the door.

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Absolutely fucking NOT. Under the constitution only a census of the population is allowed every 10 years for apportionment of house of representatives. Anything you receive in non census years should be thrown in the fucking trash. You do NOT even have to give your name during the census. I received two ACS surveys this year from the cock roaches at the Commerce Department. I refuse to fill them out. I have not received any calls yet harassing me about answering there obvious communist socialist unconstitutional questions. If they try to contact me in person it will be quite difficult for them as I never answer the door unless I know that a friend or family member is on there way. If they try to enter my home to obtain answers to there unconstitutional questions they will fucking eat lead. The census is to count people, to count heads and that's the extent of it.

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Read more here:


  1. Rightwing CowboySaturday, May 02, 2009

    Let me es- splain to them fella what like to read yer blog, here, Stormin’. Done got me a pair o’ mean mutts what hate people they don’t know come walkin’ through the gate. When their ruckus starts up, I appear in the doorway cocked .45 in hand. Don’t get too many visitors, save the relatives, the kids that is, an’ Ceasar an’ Patton are familiar with all o’ them. Jus’ wonder how them census revenuors plan on comin’ knockin’ at my place.

    As far as them silly forms go, I got a package from them once before. Kinda think and sorta nosy. Hell it was already posted so I filled it out with jus’ my name and mailed it back. Never did hear back from that there DEE-part-ment of Commerce.

    By the way, how do they know who be totin’ weapons?

    Okay, back to the campfire. Damn coffee done got cold on me. Damn that global warmin’!

  2. There are enough assaults on our rights and freedoms without manufacturing some more.

    How would a gps receiver know whether or not there's a weapon in a given house?

    Some of the RonPaulists also think 9-11 was an inside job.

    Liberty Card

  3. Right!

    What a bunch of idiots!

    It's scary how many stupid people there are on the web!
