Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Take Note: President Obama is intentionally crashing the economy..."

Liberals Are Wasting Our Economy Away

What are the characteristics of a political messiah, let alone a spiritual messiah? First of all, he would redeem the situation and provide deliverance. Certainly President Obama was our most radical left-wing senator.

Many campaign promises have evaporated, others are coming into focus. The great lie of change and hope is that federal spending and socialist/marxist policies will fix our economy and nation.

Such change and hope are un-American, fraudulent and anti-Christian. Nationalizing our failing economy and destroying and redistributing personal wealth are marxist dogma. Saying that the private sector "doesn't work." Debt is being created (3.6 trillion); not wealth, not jobs. Taxes are being increased, to punish corporations, the successful and the responsible. A class war, a war on capitalism.

Take Note: President Obama is intentionally crashing the economy, because he regards America as an unjust and unfair capitalist nation. Since the federal government is broke, spending is being financed on a credit card — stimulating more financial fraud, with unrealistic plans of repayment. Liberal socialists talk of a central world bank that would issue currency.

Where are our patriots, at a time when individual liberty and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights are eroded day by day?

One who openly violates his oath of office, to uphold the U.S. Constitution, should be removed by impeachment. What American patriot would give credibility to President Obama and his administration? Please call and write your elected representatives. Socialism is here. It is oppressive and ugly.

Tom Mehnert - Waynesboro


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