Friday, January 2, 2009

When the 2nd Amendment Ain't Suffcient, We'll Go To Something Else ...



  1. Rufus is a man after my own heart, because I've always had slingshots growing up and I was pretty good with it, but I'm afraid that if Rufus lived in Massachusetts, he would have to give shooting it. You see, slingshots are illegal in the "People's Republic of Massachusetts", thanks to Atty.Gen. Tom Reilly. The state of Massachusetts even sued on line distributors of knives and slingshots. Does this tactic sound familiar? This is what you can expect from Democrats.

    Massachusetts Sues On line Weapons Sites

    August 24, 2004
    You can buy just about anything on line, and state boundaries sometimes blur on the Information Highway. But Massachusetts officials are cracking down, with Attorney General Tom Reilly suing seven out-of-state weapons sellers and three out-of-state ammunition sellers, charging they sold illegal products in Massachusetts.

    The suits claim the weapons sellers sold and shipped stun guns, switch-blade knives, swords, nunchaku, throwing stars, sling shots and dirk knives to an undercover investigator in violation of statutes banning the sale of such items.

    "We cannot allow these dangerous weapons to get into the hands of anyone in Massachusetts, particularly our children," AG Reilly said. "If sellers think that they can hide behind a website and ship these illegal items into our state, they are mistaken."

    Sen. Zell Miller, D.,GA. was right when he implied that if Democrats like Sen. John Kerry, D. Ma. had their way, the American fighting man would have to fight wars with "spit-balls."

  2. We may have to reort to this once Obama takes command...
