Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama, before you close Guantanamo...

Do you recall saying,
"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Check this direction. It's ugly!

...and they were Muslims!

When you have a change of heart, please let the American people know. Let us know which way the wind is blowing...


1 comment:

  1. Let me tell ya somethin’, Pard. I’ve been settin’ here at my campfire, munchin’ on my salted pork an’ biscuits. An’ I’ve been doin’ some thunkin’. Innerestin’ title for this here blog. “Obama, before you close Guantanamo”. I reckon the ol’ boy better do some real tall thunkin’, him an’ his pals inside that beltway.

    On September 11, 2002 I snuck into the house while the wife was out to the grocery store. I was watchin’ ol’ Shep Smith do his thing when ever thing went to hell in a hand basket in NYC. Then I saw, SAW, the second plane hit them twin towers. But it didn’t take the second jet to tell me we were into our second Pearl Harbor.

    What? Less than 24 hours an’ we done found out where the porkers came from. Then a few months later we done found out that not only did some of our intelligence people knew of these headcases but that they were blocked from passin’ info to law enforcement but a bunch o’ lawyers. ‘Cuse me I gotta go wash my mind out with a shot. Lawyers. What a putrid after taste I get in my mouth.

    Okay, I’m back.

    Pard, it ain’t gonna take more than one incident with some o’ them 8th century, women-hatin’, pedophiles, that gits an American killed, to git the hair up on the back of Americans’ necks. We ain’t gonna put up with no Chechnea or nothin’ near like it.

    Got me a long piece o’ hemp here in my hands raht now. Done put a pair o’ loops in it, an’ I done wound one end around those loops a wove it in reel good. Only one loop, now, is useable. It’ll fit raht nicely around a politician’s neck or the neck of some red diaper dopper baby’s neck. I don’t thunk there will be too many people will wanna put up with suggestions of negotiations with the ragheads, or blue berets or anyone else.

    There’s ‘bout 500 suits what need to be kicked outa office raht now. After them we need to go scoutin’ out some o’ those country blood blue bloods. They ain’t no better than the beltway boobs.

    An’ that’s my comment.
