Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama Did It, Then Denied It! Here's Proof !

EVIDENCE FOUND!!! (from 1998) Clinton administration's "BANK AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" They forced banks to make BAD LOANS and ACORN and Obama's tied to all of it!!!

All Muslims Lie To Non-Muslims

And don't you forget it!

As I said on many, many occasions, "This financial meltdown is and was deliberate!" When America wakes up they'll know! We have so many brain-washed naive Americans that are not willing to admit it simply because they have been brain-washed. We now have a silent majority of chicken hearted American that refuse to take a stand on the truth. We have hard core party members that refuse to note who really is to blame; it's always the other party's fault! These people will be the first to appear like this

when Hitler stormed through Paris...these were the so-called Obama supporters of the day! It hit them like a ton of bricks! They all said, "What the hell happened?" I know exactly what happened! They didn't listen to guys like Norm!

I only study this stuff between 12 and 18 hours per day. What do you do" Listen to CNN, the New York Times...all about 30 minutes per day? Give it up folks or kiss your country good-bye!

God Save America! The Democrats can't! And that is not to say, "I'm a Republican." for most of them are just as bad. When you are truly INDEPENDENT you can be truly OBJECTIVE!

I'm not white, I'm not black, I'm not upper class, I'm not lower class, I'm not middle class, I'm not French, I'm not Irish, I'm not Asian, I'm not European, I'm not Hispanic, My children are not half Hispanic...They are and I am what I am, An American! And I'm not hyphenated! And that makes me independent! I think for myself and never am I influenced by some political party; those of you who are influenced by a political party are ruining the country. You're ruining the country because you are too damn lazy to think for yourself; you would rather have a dictator do it for you...go back and take a look at the picture above. Then look in the mirror. What do you see? A 'What-can-I-Do-About-It' American...most of you are like that you know. You can do something. You can vote out every single incumbent and replace them with INDEPENDENTS! The PARTY is over! - Norman E. Hooben October 13, 2008

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