Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Friends of The saviour...Friends of the devil...SAME DIFFERNCE

That's a small 's' in saviour!

Cross posted from:


Read it all, View it all (videos). If you don't want to believe it, it doesn't mean it isn't. So don't have a pre-Columbian mentality. Facts are facts. You cannot change facts even if you believe otherwise. Pre Columbus days many people believed it as 'fact' that the world was flat even though the 'fact' was the world is round. Do we need another Columbus to prove you wrong or are you going to remain a flat-head? ...brain dead to those who don't understand? - Norman E. Hooben

Radicals, Terrorists And Tyrants Of The World Root For Obama

The latest terror group to weigh in was of course:


Cameron’s Corner, Fox News reports:

During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

“We don’t mind–actually we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle, and he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with domination and arrogance,” Yousef said in response to a question about the group’s willingness to meet with either of the Democratic presidential candidates.

Cameron wonders if this endorsement will be a problem for Obama. It probably wouldn’t be if it were just one example, all by itself. But let’s pause, and take a look at all the endorsements he’s gotten so far from the world’s radicals, terrorists, tyrants, and their supporters. They’re starting to stack up:

(Editor’s Note): Hamas has since withdrawn it’s support of Obama, following his pandering speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

“Obama’s comments have confirmed that there will be no change in the U.S. administration’s foreign policy on the Arab-Israeli conflict,” Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters in Gaza.

I think they’re leaping to conclusions, myself.

Hatem El-Hady:

Central Ohioans Against Terrorism is all over this one:

Two years ago, Hatem El-Hady was the chairman of the Toledo, Ohio-based Islamic charity, Kindhearts, which was closed by the US government in February 2006 for terrorist fundraising and all its assets frozen. Today, El-Hady has redirected his fundraising efforts for his newest cause - Barack Obama for President.

El-Hady has his own dedicated page on Barack Obama’s official website, chronicling his fundraising on behalf of the Democratic Party presidential candidate (his Obama profile established on February 19, 2008 - two years to the day after Kindhearts was raided by the feds). Not only that, but he has none other than Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama, listed as one of his friends, one of her 224 listed friends.


But his leadership of Kindhearts is not the only thing that has brought him scrutiny by federal law enforcement officials. Last summer, El-Hady was questioned by the FBI concerning his knowledge of possible conspirators in a UK-based terror plot.

Much more at Central Ohioans Against Terrorism.

The New Black Panthers:

The racist NBPP is led by notorious extremist, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and (was) a registered team member and blogger on Obama’s campaign website. His page has been scrubbed twice at last count.


In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Shabazz defended Osama bin Laden and blamed President Bush for the horrors of that day.

He has this to say about Obama:

“I have nothing but respect for Obama and for his pastor,” said Shabazz, referring to Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor of nearly 20 years.

Shabazz referred to Obama as a man with a “Muslim background, a man of color.”

William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn:

This association got some attention, tonight because George Stephanopoulos had the temerity to ask Obama about him at the Democrat debate. Bill Ayers and fellow Weatherman, Bernadine Dohrn have been supporters of Obama’s Senatorial campaigns in Chicago. In 2001, Ayers gave $200 to Obama’s state Senate reelection campaign.

In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

Dr. Young and another guest, Maria Warren, described it similarly: as an introduction to Hyde Park liberals of the handpicked successor to Palmer, a well-regarded figure on the left.

“When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,” Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. “They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.”

Obama characterized his relationship with Ayers as the same thing as being friendly with fellow Senator, Tom Coburn who favors *GASP* the death penalty for abortionists who perform abortions (except in rare cases to save the life of the mother). An extreme position to be sure, but does it make him a terrorist? Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were terrorists, no if, ands, or buts. Does Tom Coburn support Obama? Donate to his campaigns?

(Added April 23): There are some new revelations concerning more recent activities of Ayers and Dohrn at Powerline.

Still more at Michelle Malkin’s.

(Added July 27):

A good discussion about Obama’s association with these known terrorists on H&C:

Added (Oct. 5):

Here’s the final report on the Obama/Ayers partnership as investigated and reported by Stanley Kurtz. It’s important to understand that Obama’s relationship with Ayers went beyond bumping into him a couple of times, and living in the same neighborhood as him, as the Obama campaign, and his willing accomplices in the media have been spinning it.


From the two lap top computers obtained during an ambush back in early March:

According to information obtained, FARC Terrorists were hoping and expecting that Barack Obama would win the US elections in November because he was most aligned with the Colombian Marxist group.

The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support “Plan Colombia” nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement).

‘Nuff said.

Fidel Castro:

He likes Hillary too. Last summer he was urging Clinton and Obama to team up:

“The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket could be Hillary for president and Obama as her running mate,” he wrote in an editorial column on U.S. presidents published on Tuesday by Cuba’s Communist Party newspaper, Granma.

Daniel Ortega:

From A Columbo-Americana’s Perspective:

“Estamos frente a un fenómeno revolucionario”, aseguró el mandatario después de recibir el Doctorado Honoris Causa de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI). Muestra de ese “fenómeno revolucionario” del que habla el gobernante, es la “fuerza que ha tomado en la juventud anglosajona la batalla a favor de Obama”. ["We are facing a revolutionary phenomenon," assured the president after receiving an honorary Doctorate from the National Engineering University. The showing of this "revolutionary phenomenon" of which Ortega speaks is the "strength that has been taken up among the English-speaking youth in favor of Obama."]

Según Ortega, con la ayuda de Dios algún día habrá una revolución en Estados Unidos y sus gobernantes lograrán “actuar diferente, con sentido de respeto, paz, justicia y equidad”. El cambio, a juicio del Presidente, también dependerá de la juventud, esa “juventud que ha trascendido la discriminación racial”.
[According to Ortega, with the help of God, there will one day be a revolution in the United States, and its leaders will "act differently, with a sense of respect, peace, justice, and equality." The change, according to Ortega, will also depend on the youth, "who have transcended racial discrimination."]

Hugo Chavez:

Chavez has been coy. He stopped short of endorsing a particular (Democrat) candidate, but did say recently that McCain seemed “warlike”:

“Sometimes one says, ‘worse than Bush is impossible,’ but we don’t know,” Chavez told foreign correspondents. “McCain also seems to be a man of war.”

One assumes Chavez would be happy with either Hillary of Obama, although Obama has said he would meet with Chavez, something no other candidate has said.

Jodie Evans:

The head of a radical group that funds and supports Islamic terrorists as well as an America-bashing South American socialist leader has bundled more than $50,000 for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

Jodie Evans, co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink, is a huge Obama supporter who has personally given his campaign the federal limit ($2,300) and continues to collect big bucks—$50,000 and counting—from friends and associates in an effort to help the Illinois senator, a favorite among Latin American socialist leaders, move into the White House.

Code Pink also gave $600,000 to the families of Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, whom they claimed were fighting for their homes.

And who can forget our Che Guevara fan:

Maria Isabel:

The (Obama) campaign volunteer who hung the Che poster is named Maria Isabel (second photo above) and according to the Lone Star Times, she hung similar banners from her balcony at home. Apparently she’s no “low-level” volunteer either. She serves as a campaign ‘precinct captain” and the co-chair of the Houston Obama Leadership Team.

She’s still is an active member of the team.

This is no doubt only a partial list.

Is it unfair to ask why so many of our country’s sworn enemies, and their supporters endorse a man who’s running for the President of the United States?

Hello Ace, DPUD, and Cold Fury Readers! Welcome. If anyone can think of any more embarrassing endorsements to add to the list, please let me know. (John f’in’ Kerry and Teddy Kennedy don’t count).


Conservative Belle reminded me of Hanoi Jane. Yep, she fits right in here.

And I forgot about this guy, who I just spotted at Infidels are Cool:

Ali Abunimah:

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama is currently hiding his anti-Israel views in order to get elected, according to a well-known anti-Israel activist. The activist, Ali Abunimah, claimed to know Obama well and to have met him on numerous occasions at pro-Palestinian events in Chicago.

“The last time I spoke to Obama was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. But at that time polls showed him trailing.

“As he came in from the cold and took off his coat, I went up to greet him. He responded warmly, and volunteered, ‘Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race.

I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.’ He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy [and said:] ‘Keep up the good work!’”


OH for crying out loud!!!! How did I miss this one? Why didn’t somebody remind me?!

Louis Farrakhan:

Speaking to thousands of members of the Nation of Islam at their annual convention Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan praised presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama as the only hope for healing the nation’s racial divisions.

Of course.

UPDATE: (April 22):

I guess we can add the Iranians to the litany of shame.


A second wave of links! Welcome Michelle Malkin, Stop The ACLU, and Stingray readers.

UPDATE: (April 23):

We’re still waiting for Charles Manson to weigh in, but we have our suspicions.

Van Helsing of Moonbattery thinks he has the signature “Obama Nation” stare.

UPDATE: (April 29):


The “largest radical group in America”, ACORN has also endorsed Obama, for obvious reasons.

Okay…this guy is not a terrorist or anything, but heyyy.

This one here not only endorses Obama, he’s the webmaster for Progressives For Obama:

Carl Davidson:

He didn’t bomb the Capitol or rob banks like his contemporaries in the Weather Underground.

But Carl Davidson, a former vice president of the Students for a Democratic Society who traveled to Cuba to meet with Fidel Castro and still praises the dictator today, is another proud radical for Barack Obama, serving faithfully as webmaster for “Progressives for Obama.”

Discover the Networks on The SDS:

Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America’s democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America’s enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy.

Sam Graham-Felsen

Obama’s official blogger, and contributor to The Socialist Viewpoint.

The American Thinker had this to say about Graham-Felsen:

Sam Graham-Felsen, hired to run Obama’s blog, writes about Noam Chomsky in a Marxist publication that openly calls for revolution against the American government. This is a Presidential candidate’s choice to run the on-line portion of his campaign. That speaks volumes of his character and worldview. Contradicting what he says in public, Obama is surrounding himself with poeple who never seem to learn that their absurd ideologies end in misery and ruin.

UPDATE May 27:

It looks like Fidel Castro has gotten closer to a full fledged endorsement of Obama.

As Allahpundit says:

Why wouldn’t any rogue regime prefer a guy who’s willing to meet with them? The left’s “strength through weakness” foreign policy holds that bad actors actually love hawkish presidents because they make the Great Satan that much easier to demagogue; as such, only by smothering them in hugs can we defuse the anti-American sentiment the Castros of the world use to hold onto power.

UPDATE (May 30):

Father Michael Pfleger (or Pfather Pfreaky, as I like to call him):

This goofball’s been mentioned for a while now, by many, as another one of Obama’s radical clerical associates, but who knew he was this crazy?!:

UPDATE June 2:

Arab American Action Network, (or AAAN):

A group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a “catastrophe” and supports the terrorist activities of the Palestinians.

In 2001, the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit that describes itself as a group helping the disadvantaged, provided a $40,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, for which Khalidi’s wife, Mona, serves as president. The Fund provided a second grant to the AAAN for $35,000 in 2002.

Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

UPDATE (June 8):

Rashid Khalidi.

Hot Air reports:

Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat toady, got $75,000 through Obama and Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers from the Woods Foundation, and later Khalidi returned the favor by hosting a fundraiser for Obama. Obama “lavished praise” on Khalidi in 2003 when the former PLO functionary took a job at Columbia University, according to an LA Times article last year. It’s hardly ancient history, and Khalidi is hardly an acquaintance.

Here’a a segmant of Hannity’s American on Obama’s association with Rashid Khalidi:

UPDATE (June 18):

Moammar Qaddafi

See Dubya at Michelle Malkin reports:

“This will be a tragedy,” Gadhafi said. “We tell him to be proud of himself as a black and feel that all Africa is behind him because if he sticks to this inferiority complex he will have a worse foreign policy than the whites had in the past.”

Yes, incredibly, Gadhafi is under the impression that the “Messiah” has low self esteem!

UPDATE (June 22):

Oh my stars….this is the one we’ve been waiting for:

Kim Jong Il!!!

The Chosun Sinbo, the mouthpiece of North Korea’s Japanese front organization Chongryon and often for the North Korean regime itself, has announced its preference for Obama over McCain:

We will see a better relationship between the U.S. and the Korean Peninsula with Obama, who sternly criticizes Bush and who would meet the leader of Chosun without pre-conditions, than with the “Bush clone” and scarecrow of the neocons McCain.

Via See Dubya at Michelle Malkin, and LGF

Hat tip to Rhymes With Right.

Way to go, Obama, you’ve got ‘em all!

UPDATE (June 25):

Mike Klonsky

Here’s what Gateway Pundit found on the guy:

Klonsky belonged to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and was best friends with friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who later became famous for their acts of terrorism.
Today he posts a blog on the Obama website.

Screenshot at Gateway Pundit’s. Website, here.

Between 1979 and 1981, Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (CPML) chairman and Obama supporter Mike Klonsky was repeatedly feted with state-dinner-level visits to Beijing.

UPDATE (June 26):

Well that didn’t take long. Obama has already effectively thrown Klonsky under the bus.

For a working list of undesirables Klonsky has joined there, as well as those still clinging to the bumper, see Confederate Yankee. This list is certain to grow.

UPDATE: (Sept. 12):

Dr. Khalid al-Mansour

Via IBD:

A principle advisor to Saudi royals like Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Mansour pulled some strings to help Obama get into Harvard:

Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, born Donald Warden, is another interesting fellow from Obama’s past. He himself is a graduate of Harvard and has been a guest lecturer there. His writings and statements reveal him to be an ideological clone of the Rev. Wright, who married Barack and Michelle and baptized their children.

In his 1995 book, “The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered,” al-Monsour alleged that America was plotting genocide against black Americans. The first “genocide against the black man began 300 years ago,” he said at a book-signing in Harlem, while a second “genocide” was on the way “to remove 15 million black people, considered disposable, of no relevance, value or benefit to the American society.”

Al-Mansour told an audience in South Africa that “the Palestinians are treated like savages,” something our worst ex-president, Jimmy Carter, as well as Wright might agree with. He has accused Israeli Jews of “stealing the land the same way the Christians stole the land from the Indians in America.”

When he was known as Donald Warden, according to the Social Activism Project at the University of California at Berkeley, al-Monsour was the mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale.

UPDATE (Sept. 13):

Just found two more, thanks to Atlas Shrugs:

Marilyn Katz

Like several of the other radicals who populate Obama’s sphere, she once advocated guerilla tactics against police officers and participated in violent riots. Unlike some of her more infamous counterparts like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn—who are in self-imposed exile until November 5—Katz is deeply, and officially, involved in Obama’s presidential campaign.

Dr. Jamal al Barzinji

Jamal M. Barzinji Gave Obama $1,000, a gift that records show has not been returned.

… a noted American businessman and political operative, most recently associated with the International Institute of Islamic Thought, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth and the SAAR Foundation.

Barzinji is a long-term business associate of Muslim Brotherhood activist and al Taqwa Bank chairman Youssef Nada.[1] Barzinji also serves as a trustee and officer of the Amana Mutual Funds Trust, a growth and income mutual fund headquartered in Bellingham, Washington, along with SAAR co-executive Yaqub Mirza and Talat M. Othman.

According to Discover The Networks:

Member of board of directors for the Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy

Vice-president of the International Institute for Islamic Thought

Associated with seven organizations connected to terrorist financing

85 Responses to “Radicals, Terrorists And Tyrants Of The World Root For Obama”

  1. Moron Pundit Says:

    What a damning list! Awesome work!

  2. nicedeb Says:

    Thanks. I was up until 2:00 working on this.

  3. Nicki Says:

    Wow, impressive!!

  4. Litany of shame — to some Cold Fury Says:

    [...] I wasn’t just talking about the Right Execrable Rev Wright. For one, there’s the coveted (by Dems) Hamas endorsement: Cameron wonders if this endorsement will be a problem for Obama. It probably wouldn’t be if it [...]

  5. Conservative Belle Says:

    Great job, Deb. I’m linking ya.

  6. Radicals, Terrorists And Tyrants Of The World Root For Obama Infidels Are Cool Says:

    [...] Excellent post today by NiceDeb putting together a list (and details) of all the terrorists, tyrants and radicals around the world including Hamas, FARC, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, New Black Panther party, Will Ayers and others that are rooting for Obama. Is it unfair to ask why so many of our country’s sworn enemies, and their supporters endorse a man who’s running for the President of the United States? [...]

  7. nicedeb Says:

    Thanks, Belle!

  8. John Says:

    Great post, Deb. deserves some linkage…

  9. nicedeb Says:

    Thank you!

  10. ATNorth Says:

    Ace sent me.

    This would be worthy of a Pullitzer, if they still gave those out for actual journalism.


  11. Sparky Says:

    Don’t forget about the wolfman, frankenstien, dracula, chainsaw massacre, and even chuckie loves Obama. Hell, I imagine they’ll drag out old Lucifer next week.

  12. Team Obama Flattered By Hamas’ Remarks : The American Pundit Says:

    [...] the way, NiceDeb looks into the disturbing trend of terrorist and dictator endorsements of the Messiah. It includes everyone [...]

  13. Obama’s Moral Equivocation FAILURE « Nice Deb Says:

    [...] touched on this briefly in my Radicals, Terrorists and Tyrants thread: Obama characterized his relationship with Ayers as the same thing as being friendly with fellow [...]

  14. Admin Says:

    Deb, great job on the list. The more I learn about Obama, the better I like cuddling up with a rattlesnake!

  15. Admin Says:

    By the way, this is HoosierArmyMom, I don’t know why I am commenting under admin, except I clicked your link on Cao’s Blog to see the list/blog post.

  16. nicedeb Says:

    Sorry about that….WordPress!

  17. ChenZhen Says:

    Historians for Obama.

    Big deal?


    How about the Air Travelers Association? Now I know that’s a big deal, ’cause when you have those terrorists collaborating with air travelers, another 9/11 is right around the corner.

    And if that wasn’t bad enough, the friggin pirates (Pirates! arrr) have endorsed him too. This, my friends, is a recipe for disaster.

    Oh, and speaking of recipes, Obama also got the endorsement from the Culinary Workers Union. Better not eat out come ‘09, lest you want some anthrax in your lobster.

    Oh what the heck. The whole world wants Obama!

  18. Althor Says:

    Every time I hear a gullible young person, or what is worse, a Viet Cong flag wielding old fart, defend their Marxist “demi-god” El Ché it makes me want to puke!

    Having had the “blessing” of experiencing first-hand as a child, in Cuba, Castro’s and El Ché’s “communist paradise.” Having seen the horrific images with my own eyes, and having had the benefit of the impartiality of being a child with no “preconceived,” “indoctrinated, “ or “politically correct socially implanted views,” I can only call Ché a mass murderer. He stood people suspected to be against the “Revolution” in front of walls and shot them in cold blood in front of firing squads, or “PAREDON” (the Spanish word for big wall) without any of the “legal niceties” and “human rights” such as hand-wringing, Ché-hugging, would-be commies as Maria Isabel, and her beloved Obama, would grant avowed fanatical Muslim terrorists that will blow themselves without the least hesitation, if given a chance, to kill innocent school children on a bus…as they have so often done in Israel, and will eventually do here in the US if we leave our guard down! I still remember the day my grandmother had taken me shopping to Monte, we heard a barrage of gun shots, and as we came into the plaza, we witnessed the clean-up crews picking up the bodies, to be buried in unnamed graves like so much garbage, and the still liquid blood flowing down the gutter. Later we learned what had happened is that “El Ché” had arbitrarily chosen to carry out some of his “Revolutionary PAREDON Justice” on some who were suspected of counter-revolution on the spot, with no “human rights,” “due process,” courts, or worm-tongue slimy lawyers like the ones afforded the terrorists in Guantanamo.

    I wish I was a cartoonist who could make this cartoon of Obama I see in my minds eye for all the world to see:
    I see an Obama “Inauguration,” as president, with Obama swearing in over a “Koran” held by Rev Wright, to the cheer, applaud, and the raised fists of the communists, the Black Panthers, The Weather Underground, and Rev. Farrakhan, and there by him, Karl Marx, Lenin, Fidel, Hugo Chávez, Daniel Ortega, Ahmadinejad, Yaser Arafat, and every “hate-America” SOB that has ever seen the light of day, and of course, his uncouth negress wife, Michelle (old Spanish Proverb: “La mona, aunque se vista de seda, mona se queda” - “The female monkey, though dressed in silks, monkey remains” - how appropriate, forget Yale and Harvard!), who is the true soul of Obama, and who in her demeanor, mannerisms, and barely concealed contempt of America, resembles more Hugo Chávez - just as hateful, un-American, and uncouth, but only wearing a wig - than the First Lady she wishes to con us to elect!

    So, Maria Isabel, next time you hug that accursed murderer, El Ché’s image, you may as well hug the dust and bones, all that is left in unmarked graves, of the countless thousands he killed! Next time your demi-god Obama tells you about “Change” tell yourself that the people of Cuba have been awaiting in torture and depredation for “Change” and FREEDOM, from El Ché’s totalitarian “communist paradise” for almost 50 years.

    Cuba was a multi-ethnic country where whites, of Spanish descent, lived side by side with mulattoes, and blacks, and even foreigners like the Jews from Poland who emigrated fleeing the Nazis, or the Chinese who emigrated in the 30s and 40s fleeing the war and the communist take-over of Mao.

    Yes, there was poverty in Cuba, even as there is today even in America, but Cuba was cosmopolitan, affluent, and prosperous, the “Pearl of the Antilles,” but most whites of European descent fled Castro’s Cuba, and have turned the once sleepy winter town of Miami into a World-Class destination It was your beloved “Ché” and Fidel who have turned Cuba into an impoverished, “Third World” country, of illiterate, indigent, starving, blacks and half-breed malcontents - as Obama - more resembling that bastion of “Black Nationalism,” Haiti, than the Cuba I once knew. I suppose that was the “Browning of Cuba.” Is this the “Browning of America” that Obama portends???


  19. Nice Deb Liiiikes « Nice Deb Says:

    [...] Per Obama’s connections to unsavory characters: [...]

  20. Terrorists Prefer Obama The Ethan Show Says:

    [...] seriously — they do; I have proof (from Nice Deb): During an interview on WABC radio Sunday, top Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the [...]

  21. Michelle Malkin » Which terrorists support which Democratic presidential candidate? Says:

    [...] I had to leave off a lot of good stuff and juicy nuance. But a good place to go for some of that is Nice Deb’s deeper, linky roundup of thugs, tyrants, and terrorists boosting Obama. And then you might go look at Perfunction, where [...]

  22. Which Terrorists Support Which Democrat : Stop The ACLU Says:

    [...] Related stuff at Nice Deb’s [...]


  1. What a hoot!

    All you shown is that you can work google and cut and paste

    I can do the same thing with McCain-Palin and 'connect' them to David Duke, Nazis and rightwing terrorist, and believers in Biblical slavery.

    The 'ties' would even be closer, and I'd have a 'stronger' house of cards.

    But I don't, because its a fool's errand, proves nothing and avoids the substantive questions the country faces.

    If your readers don't want to be played for suckers, and most don't, they'll see through this little smoke and mirrors magic show of yours.

  2. Seems we have a Flathead here who wants to kill the messenger. The first thing you have to do is take each statement that you have some disagreement with and then try to disprove it...can't be done, facts are facts...the earth is round!
