Sunday, January 5, 2025


 *Tucker Carlson interviews with people in-the-know are always informative, but some people do not have the patience to sit through more than an hour's worth.  The sit-down with former CIA agent Bernard Hudson reveals some startling (even scary) information about our present defense posture.  So rather than bore you with a lengthy video, I suggest you fast forward at least an hour and a half (somewhere around the 1:40:00 marker... after the 1:48:00 marker it gets a little scary) where they start discussing drones as a weapons system.  And for lack of a better title, I went 'overboard' with my possibilities of a Chinese drone attack.  Don't waste a lot of time with my graphics, the Tucker Carlson/Bernard Hudson interview will have you wondering how we will defend ourselves from the Chinese dragon.🐉 - Storm'n Norm'n 


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