Friday, January 24, 2025

Dear President Trump, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. AND CONGRATULATIONS LT. COL. SCHELLER

Shortly after I read his book 'CRISIS of COMMAND', I found it compelling to write on behalf of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller for the injustice he received from the Biden/Harris Administration.

And so, I wrote.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Dear President Trump

Dear President Trump,

Trust and confidence of our armed forces has become a focal point during the Biden-Harris Administration and needs restoration to its previous respect on the world's stage.  At this time I can think of no other man to fulfill that task than former Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller.
Please re-call to active duty with a well-deserved promotion to General and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces...and future Secretary of Defense. 


Storm'n Norm'n
Apparently, someone up the chain of command liked my suggestion and made a wish come true; for today I came across the following headline:
President Donald Trump has tapped two former lieutenant colonels, Stuart Scheller and Matthew Lohmeier, for Defense Department positions years after they were relieved of command for publicly criticizing senior military leaders.

Now I didn't know about the other officer, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, but as a 21-year veteran of the armed forces myself, I'm highly satisfied of the decision maker's decision.  Scheller was right in his criticisms about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, not because I said so, but most of America's patriots also agree... and Lohmeier is a true American patriot.

By the way, Scheller's book is a great read from cover to cover and I don't recommend it to boost his sales; I recommend it to let the un-informed public know the truth when a corrupt Commander-In-Chief is sitting in the White House. ~ Norman Hooben

See also:

Trump Taps Officer Who Castigated Lack of Afghan Accountability for Defense Department Post
Fast forward to 41:50 on the next video.

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