Wednesday, November 27, 2024

WHY TRUMP WON (Because the 'has been' lost.)

Back in 2012 at the Democrat National Convention, the Party literally voted God off the Democrat National Platform.  God went without being mentioned in the years that followed.  I don't recall hearing them speak about God anytime since.  Deep down I felt that was a losing strategy regardless what promises of a future utopia they had planned for us.  And along came 2024 and my strategic forethought became a reality.  The Democrats lost not only the electoral college vote, but the popular vote as well.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, spoke of religion and Christianity as the biggest things missing from America today.  Surely the sound of God. - N.E.H.


I don't think it's necessary to mention the loser's name for she herself often said, "What can be, unburdened by what has been."  So we shouldn't be burdened by a 'has been'.  Everything about this Democrat Party’s run up to any preconceived victory was purely delusional. 

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