Friday, August 30, 2024

UNREALIZED CAPITAL GAIN or how the government will take control of your home...this WILL HAPPEN if you vote the wrong way this coming November.


...your mom purchased her home 40 years ago  She paid $50,000 for it. It's all paid off which is  great because mom is living on a fixed income.  It is now worth $500,000!! Kamala wants her to  pay 25% of that gain even though she has no  plans on selling her home. Now mom has to  take out a $112,500 loan on the home to pay  the Kamala's 25% unrealized capital gain. Mom  can't afford that loan on her fixed income with  rising inflation so she loses the home she  raised her family in and worked so hard to pay  off. But don't worry. A big corporation will  come in and buy her home and rent it back to  her.  They said you'll own nothing and be happy. Do  you now see how they will accomplish that?  Drain your savings and tax you out of your  home!  Capital Gains will also apply to your 401 etc.  DO A LOT OF THINKING BEFORE YOU VOTE  


If you expect to inherit your family home after your parents passing, forget it, you might want to call it an unrealized capital loss (pun intended). 


In the following video if want to skip to the chase (In reference to the title.) fast forward to 8:35 on the video counter.



Message from a friend. 

If you understand the link between Communism, Gorbochev, using the environmental movement to shut down other nations means of production and ability to defend itself, and Joe Biden killing the keystone Pipeline as soon as he got in office, then you understand that these actions are treasonous and affect ALL  Americans in a negative way. 

Please don't vote these people back into our government. 

Be honest with yourself. 

You probably cannot name one real thing that this group has done that's made your life better. 

I'm sure you can name every single bad thing you've ever heard about Donald Trump. 

And that's exactly what the people doing this to us want you thinking about. 

They made people hate the man so much that they would gladly accept all of the repercussions that came along with VOTING AGAINST a person, instead of voting for a person. 

Your grocery bills, gas, electric, mortgage, insurance, interest rates, are exactly the same as the other parties followers!!!!  

Don't vote for the party that sued States to make them keep their borders open for illegals and foreign gangs released from foreign prisons to come here. 

No matter your party, you should NEVER vote for anyone who will push to allow men and boys into girls bathrooms and locker rooms. 

Come on!!  We all have females in our lives that we love no matter our party. 

Pisses me off to see boys and men competing against girls. 

Stop supporting the people who are pushing this onto our girls. 

Not sure what it would take, but I hope at some point you see that the only problem these globalists have with Donald Trump is his America First policies.  

When Biden stepped to the podium and declared an end to the America First agenda, that should have opened your eyes. 

Then they shut down the Keystone Pipeline project, because of an environmental excuse. 

Damn. Imagine that, coming from a group that's done nothing but weaken our nation from the first day they took office.  

Every move has affected us all. Not one party's followers more than the other.  Basically equal. 

We're all paying more for our own destruction. 

Everyone sees it. 

Some just will never be able to break free from the hate. 

If you hate the man, the media has effectively conditioned you that way. 

Hopefully enough people will walk away from that plantation mentality that it will be impossible for them to steal this election.

Ron Arnold 

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