Monday, July 29, 2024

“The most dangerous Communist out there is a Democrat that does not know that they are a Communist.”

From a previous post dated February 12, 2020 by Norman Hooben 

Anti-Constitutionalists, Globalists, and others in or out of public office aided/funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

(Sometimes I write the headline first and then change the subject just after I write the first sentence.  Today was one of those days; but don’t worry the Soros money lovers are listed below my commentary.)

It would be an understatement if I did not know George Soros’ agenda.  Would I be safe in saying that most everyone knows Soros is out to change the world into a God-less society with a Communist style of government?  I only wish that it were true for if most everyone knew we wouldn’t be where we are today.  Speaking of Communists, on the way over to the gym this morning while listening to the radio, a guest on David Webb’s radio program made this comment, “The most dangerous Communist out there is a Democrat that does not know that they are a Communist.”  Wow!  I caught that one instantly because I know people that fit that description exactly.  Without mentioning a name, this one person who once bragged about voting for George McGovern while the rest of the country, except Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., voted for Richard Nixon.  That same person voted for John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, and Hillary Clinton which clearly shows partisan politics which is dangerous and not to mention their naiveté when it comes to voting.  If you don’t understand what I’m talking about let me spell it out.  

If you are persuaded by a particular form of governance, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc., then you would vote for the person that meets your requirements for that ideology.  For example; if you voted for John F. Kennedy and you believed in his style of governing then logic tells us you should vote for Donald J. Trump.  On the other hand, if you consistently voted for Ted Kennedy over the years, then logic tells us you should vote for Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Pete Buttigieg.

Why is that?  For one thing, both John F. Kennedy and Donald J. Trump despised Communism and favored Milton Friedman’s reasoning that you have to have economic freedom to have political freedom.  All others mentioned above favor Communism and have been influenced by such notables as Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx.  In fact Bernie Sanders has pushed his communist agenda ever since he spent his honeymoon in Moscow.  Hillary Clinton of course is the crème-de-la-crème of Alinsky followers (although Barack Obama most likely used more Alinskyisms than both Bill and Hilary Clinton combined).

Winding down to Warren and Buttigieg: Elisabeth Warren has so many communist supporters/backers, that it’s best described by how a lab technician would report as TNTC…too numerous to count.  Besides she tells lies a lot (but all communist lie, so that’s not unusual). Buttigieg, of course, has lived his entire life under communist tutelage with his father being a Marxist professor who touted the Communist Manifesto while teaching at the University Of Notre Dame.  

The George Soros money lovers follow:

All Recipients

Chamber* Member Amount

President* Barack Obama (D) $120,895

Senate Charles E Schumer (D-NY) $62,600

President* Hillary Clinton (D) $45,250

House Nita M Lowey (D-NY) $31,000

Senate Ken Salazar (D-CO) $27,000

President William F. Weld (R-MA) $24,500

House John Cranley (D-OH) $22,700

Senate John Kerry (D-MA) $20,003

Senate Sherrod Brown (D-OH) $19,400

House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) $19,400

Senate Russ Feingold (D-WI) $19,300

Senate Bob Casey (D-PA) $19,000

House Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) $18,600

Senate Arlen Specter (R-PA) $18,500

Senate Jon Tester (D-MT) $18,400

Senate Michael Bennet (D-CO) $18,200

Senate Claire McCaskill (D-MO) $18,100

Senate Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) $17,400

Senate Mitt Romney (R) $17,250

Senate Harold E Ford Jr (D-TN) $16,600

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