Wednesday, October 25, 2023

CASH - Say goodbye to cash!

Well what am I going to use at yard sales?  The flea markets?  The church collection basket?  The street vendor?  The beggar?  How can I buy that car from my cousin Vinny?  How is Hunter Biden going to pay for his stash?

If you're looking for answers here you're out of luck.  We told you not to elect any Democrats so now you get what you voted for.

And non of us voted for Klaus Schaub (Head of the World Economic Forum); the Democrats let him in.

19,000 ATMs Have Shut Down Across US as the Govt Prepares to Roll Out CBDC Digital Currency

Thousands of ATM cash machines and local bank branches have been closing down as we move toward a cashless society and the government pursues the roll out of digital surveillance and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The excuse for shutting down ATMs was to prevent COVID germs from spreading on cash. In the UK, over 8,000 ATMs were shut down, amounting to 13% of all cash machines. In the US, over 19,000 ATMs were shut down and access to cash is becoming more scarce. Catherine Austin Fitts said that unless we have a sovereign state government protecting sovereign individuals who are free to transact, including transacting privately, without invasive technology, we will have no sovereignty. It will be replaced with central control by the bankers. She said that this technology, combined with other systems, will turn your home, your car and community into a digital concentration camp. It will be the end of human freedom through the financial system.  




  1. My my Norman you have been a busy man for sure. No grass grew under your feet. An honor to somewhat know you and call you friend. Thank you so very much for your service. We should be forever grateful for men like you that made our country great. I know your heart must be ripped out. GOD BLESS YOU my Friend 🤗

    1. Now if I only knew who anonymous is... It would be an honor to somewhat know you and call you friend.
