Monday, July 31, 2023


By Norman E. Hooben 

Much can be said about the beginning of the end...
We can go back to the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, or even to Woodrow Wilson but we now can honestly say that the modern day beginning of the end began with Barack Hussein Obama; for he accelerated the present division amongst Americans more than any of the aforementioned anti-Constitionalists.
Back in 2008 Roger Gardner wrote a piece for the Chicago Sun-Times called, "Elect Obama, Destroy America" ... it's rather a long read but you may form your own opinion from the following extraction:

Despite oft-repeated promises to "bring America together", by his own words and actions and revealing personal associations -- and that of his prospective First Lady -- for all of his undeniable charismatic appeal, Barack Hussein Obama is simply a racist. His vision of America is racist, and his solutions to our problems are racist. His appeal is to those backward-looking, self-destructive forces of negativity and defeatism inherent in all cultures at all times. His song is not a new one, it's that same same old seductive siren song of victimization which has lured countless gullible societies to their doom -- 'You deserve more than what you have, and you would have more than you presently have, had you not been victimized by Them, the Enemy, the Other -- the colonialist, the Jews, or the Whites.'

Thus, in Barack Obama's skewered vision, America is to be seen as a battleground: it is to be Us versus Them again. The historically suppressed colored peoples of this world versus the ruthless and domineering post-colonialist Whiteys. His appeal is to the politically naive or the purposefully ignorant, those who willfully, for their own selfish motivations, deny all political and cultural progress and achievement, no matter how obvious. Far from the high-minded rhetoric of their humanistic speeches, they are simply the latest genus of that same old species of self-serving politicians -- devious, amoral and cynical. They are intellectually, emotionally, and often financially invested in defeat. They are the dangerous products of protest movements gone awry.

As history has repeatedly proven, once a nascent protest movement begins to succeed and achieve a certain level of public acceptance and validation, it can easily devolve into an entrenched political entity, virtually indistinguishable from any other entrenched political entity, with its own newly-acquired set of selfish goals and objectives. This new political entity no longer has one single clear cut societal agenda (i.e. the Cause); their efforts now become divided. One of their most important goals inevitably becomes self-perpetuation -- often by even more ruthless means than the original tyranny against which they successfully battled. At some point, this political survivalist mentality can, and usually does, completely subsume the lofty goals of the original movement. Thus a new -- and perhaps even more dangerous tyranny is born. A tyranny, like all tyrannies, whose primary mission is to sustain itself at all costs.


The following from a friend:

This is how I see it. And it will likely get me jailed in good communist fashion.☠️
   What we have here is A shining example of a corrupt DOJ using a clearly biased jury to convict Trump - not for alleged "crimes" they certainly manufactured, but obviously for the purpose of eliminating the threat he poses to their criminal enterprise. The onslaught of ridiculous and unsubstantiated phony prosecutions and the ferocity with which they are leveled are commensurate with the fact that he is the front runner, and they don't intend to lose, regardless --- REGARDLESS of the will of the people or the survival of the republic they undoubtedly intend to destroy, PROVEN by the unconstitutional actions they have perpetrated in our faces ever since the first time he announced on the escalator. "Show me the man and we'll show you the crime" is the blatantly obvious methodology employed to shut down any hope of saving this republic. And they're doing it in spades.  Once they have eliminated Donald Trump, nobody will be in their way and your daughters and sons will be served up for their pleasure. All you indoctrinated Trump haters will reap the reality that you have been brainwashed by these criminals, and I will laugh when it hits you in the face that you are no longer free. I hope you enjoy owning nothing - not even your kids - and eating bugs... assuming they don't just send a million military aged male illegal invaders, armed and deputized as federal agents to round you up and finish you off. In the new post-America world, the best you can hope for is to die. I'll do so on my terms.

Thank you Ron Hollis

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