Friday, July 29, 2022

Do you have a sense that something is wrong? You're right!

By Norman E. Hooben 


"At The Rockefeller Foundation, we aim to develop effective Covid-19 vaccination strategies that can bring an end to this pandemic, while strengthening health systems to become more resilient to potential future Covid-19 outbreaks and other public health threats."

Taken right off their own website, the above strategies are an insult to the findings by reputable independent researchers and statisticians that if anything else the COVID-19 vaccine is a menace to say the least; it has a kill rate that would please Bill Gates depopulation wishes.

After reading way too much about the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and any connections between the two I begin to have strange thoughts about these so-called philanthropists. 

We know from previous studies that these people desire to control the world's population with Bill Gates admitting so in earlier TED talks.

The further one reads about these Foundations (Including the Clinton Foundation and the Ford Foundation) and the control/influence they have over governments you soon realize that no matter who you vote for the filthy rich are always in control...and you have no say in the matter.

Those strange thoughts I mentioned...I stopped reading and began to write what you're reading now.

I could picture myself walking through a doorway and upon entering the unknown being grabbed by both arms with John D. Rockefeller on one side and Bill Gates on the other forcibly giving me the jab in each arm.

Then shortly thereafter died...BECAUSE OF THE JAB!  YOU STUPID AMERICANS, WAKE UP!


Then there's this:

An excerpt from Dr. Mercola's dissertation:

"The Rockefeller Foundation also funded the “gene revolution” that brought us patentable genetically modified seeds. Today, The Rockefeller Foundation is part of The Great Reset cast, which seeks to gain total control over every person in the world — financially, medically, physically and psychologically.

Unfortunately, a majority of people are still unaware of The Great Reset and what it actually entails. According to Mattias Desmet, Ph.D., who popularized the concept of “mass formation hypnosis” as an explanation for the insanity we saw during the first two years of the pandemic, an estimated 30% of the population are completely hypnotized and unable to see or accept the truth." 

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