Sunday, April 24, 2022

They're not predicting food shortages; they're planning one!

We were suspicious when Joe Biden, Bill Gates and other Leftists interjected the forthcoming food shortages in their political rhetoric while there were no economic indicators that we could rely on...just their words and like magic the grocery store shelves will be empty because "they" said so.  
Isn't this another America wake up call?  Ho hum, I've said that before...

Update from a resident in Illinois (also a friend). 
"This is planned! Gates is buying millions of acres of farmland (he isn't a farmer), China is buying thousands upon thousands of American farmland. Some of the most productive farmland is being taken out of production where wind farms and solar farms are being constructed. The Democrats in Springfield, IL once proposed banning home vegetable gardens! Then they tried to legislate "The Right to Garden Act" which would allow the State or local government to regulate gardens on residential properties. Democrats are unhinged. Either they are trying to create food shortages or are trying to force us to buy food from Mexico and Central American countries." - Connie S.

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