Monday, November 21, 2016

Congresswoman Maloney Talking More Baloney

By Norman E. Hooben

This is sad...or as Hillary Clinton might use the word, "deplorable"... It was exactly one year ago today that I made the following statement regarding dumb people:
And here we are a year later and the dumb and dumber rise from their slumber and attempt to make us believe they're really not dumb at all; just smarter than the rest of us.  We need to get right into the headline of the day that has exposed just how dumb some people can be...the deplorable part of this is, the person is a U.S. Congresswoman.  The headline reads:
Congresswoman Suggests Trump Nominate Clinton for UN Ambassador ~
Now that statement is so dumb that it makes us wonder who's watching the hen-house; the red fox or the gray fox.  For one thing the UN serves no useful purpose and if it disappeared overnight none of us would miss it.  We do know that the UN has a few agendas that they want to impose on us; Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 both of which are plans to do away with the United States of America…both of which Hillary Clinton supports.  I could make it a whole lot simpler by simply stating that the only goals of the UN are to destroy what’s left to the former peacekeeper of the world… ah, to all the dummies out there that would be us, as in U.S. (I said, “former” because Obama, Hillary, and Kerry made us into a third-world weakling that nobody respects).  But just to expand upon what the disgraceful (I didn’t want to repeat deplorable) Congresswoman has said regarding the UN and Hillary Clinton.  She said that Hillary Clinton could “run the UN” …like do you mean the one in charge… Let me clue you in Congresswoman, even if I agreed with anything the UN stands for there is no way an American (if you consider Hillary an American) can ever head up, or in your words, “run the UN” it’s in the UN’s charter documents…it was most likely put there because they didn’t want anyone who believed in a Republic try to impose a freedom of and by the people mentality.  So enough of my intro let’s hear it from the smart one herself:

Congresswoman Suggests Trump Nominate Clinton for UN Ambassador The Whim News Desk

The Facts
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (New York) suggested that President-elect Donald Trump should consider former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for United Nations Ambassador.
Maloney, whose congressional district includes Trump Tower in Manhattan, said on Friday:
“[Hillary Clinton] will never stop working. She will always make a difference and will always be a part of the dialogue in a positive way to advance the values of America and to advance the causes that she believes in.”
She also said Clinton could serve as president of the UN:
“She could be the first woman to run the United Nations. She will continue to work and she will continue to give selflessly as she has her entire life.”
Sources close to the President-elect’s transition team have floated Richard Grenell as a top choice for UN Ambassador.
Grenell is a media commentator and the longest serving US spokesman at the United Nations.
This is one of those "In Case You Missed It" the first time here it is again...and by the way, did you know over sixty-million Americans did not see this...ahem, those were the sixty plus million who voted for Hillary Clinton.
Hillary afraid of the gallows? ↓

1 comment:

  1. How about Trump making the Hildabeast ambassador to Libya.
