Saturday, December 5, 2015

Listen To Judge Jeanine...ya damn sure better not be listening to Obama...he'll get us all killed!

Watch this Video and read my Text. I tell you what The Judge cannot say on the air!Click here to share the video❎ EXPOSED "REFUJIHADI" BARRY HUSSEIN ( ADMINS PLEASE RE POST.. FRIEND PLEASE POST IN YOUR GROUPS)Read his plan and STOP HIM before he destroys America.❎ REFUJIHADI BARRY HAS A PLAN.. AND WILL NEVER LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE Click here to share: Hussein "Barry" Barack Obama, speaking in the Philippines on Wednesday, took shots at politicians back home who are trying to close America's borders to refugees."When candidates say we shouldn't admit three-year-old orphans, that's political posturing," Obama said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Manila —He added, delivering another jab: "These are the same folks often times that say they're so tough that just talking to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin or staring down ISIL (ISIS) or using some additional rhetoric will solve the problem — and they're scared of widows and three-year-old orphans."HEY HUSSEIN YOU FREAKING ASSHOLE DO THESE JIHADIS WHO COME TO AMERICA LOOK LIKE FREAKING 3 YEAR OLD ORPHANS ??They come into America .This is his plan.... ➡ He wants the "Refugees" in America so they can create chaos and mayhem.➡ Their "endgame plan" prognosticates that this chaos will result in Patriots retaliating.➡ This will bring out the Black Lives matter and the Illegal Aliens gangs who will then retaliate against the America Patriot groups.➡ The result of all this will be urban anarchy with the apathetic Americans which are the vast bulk of the country begging the Government to do something.➡ The Obama Cabal will then call for peace and invoke extraordinary powers to "protect America"➡ These powers will include "unrestricted searches and seizures" Banning the ownership of weapons. Confiscation of guns from Law abiding Americans under the ruse that it is "equal justice" and for our own safety.➡Then they will call emergency meetings of the Congress and demand removal of the 2nd Amendment from the Constitution so that they can enforce "peace and harmony"➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ AND then the End game plan will have been completed successfully.➡ After removing the Second Amendment, all things are possible to take down America and convert it to a Islamo/Afrocentric/Socialist Empire where you and I will be serfs.❎ ITS PART OF THE OBAMA CABAL PLAN.. President Obama needs to veto a House bill aimed at temporarily halting a resettlement program for Syrian and Iraqi refugees.Calling the legislation,"untenable," a statement from the Obama Administration said the House legislation would not increase national security but would "create significant delays and obstacles in the fulfillment of a vital program that satisfies both humanitarian and national security objectives."The House is planning to vote on the bill Thursday and the bill is expected to pass.It would ban new Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the country unless federal intelligence and Homeland Security officials certify the entrants don't pose a security risk.The bill was drafted in response to the Paris terrorist attacks last week, which were carried out by at least one person who entered Greece posing as a refugee.AND the End game plan will have been completed successfully. After removing the Second Amendment, all things are possible to take down America and convert it to a Islamo/Afrocentric/Socialist Empire where you and I will be serfs.❎❎❎It is the Hegelian Dialectic of bringing about change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis."Top DownBottomInside out!!"The first step (thesis) is to create a problem. The second step (antithesis) is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria). The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two."BACK TO THE ORIGINAL STORY...President Obama would veto a House bill aimed at temporarily halting a resettlement program for Syrian and Iraqi refugees, the administration announced Wednesday.Calling the legislation,"untenable," a statement from the Obama Administration said the House legislation would not increase national security but would "create significant delays and obstacles in the fulfillment of a vital program that satisfies both humanitarian and national security objectives."The House is planning to vote on the bill Thursday and the billPASSED.It would ban new Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the country unless federal intelligence and Homeland Security officials certify the entrants don't pose a security risk.The bill was drafted in response to the Paris terrorist attacks last week, which were carried out by at least one person who entered Greece posing as a refugee.In the statement, the Obama Administration argued the bill would "divert resources" from existing vetting programs, which are "evolving" and "improving."❎ REFUJIHADI BARRY HAS A PLAN.. AND WILL NEVER LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>VETO AND REMOVE OBAMA.. OR WE ARE RISK OF LOSING AMERICA.SO HOW DO WE TAKE HIM OUT ??ASK THE EGYPTIANS.. THEY DID IT RECENTLY..NOW ONLY A PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION SUPPORTED BY THE NCO'S IN THE MILITARY... CAN REMOVE HIM...The top brass have all been forcibly retired and replaced by Obama Lackeys!ONLY WE CAN STOP HIM...
Posted by John Gaultier on Sunday, November 22, 2015

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