Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Ultimate Book Report...I haven't read it yet!

It's not every day that I can promote a book especially one that I have not read...yet!  But in these troubling times many people are returning to their roots and finding God in their lives even though God never left them.  This phenomenon was magnified immediately following the attack on the World Trade Center aka 911 and again following the presidential election of 2008.  On both occasions a certain fear was manifested in many citizens and they seemed to have found solace in attending church...as a somewhat regular church goer the half empty churches I attended were almost overflowing after those terrifying events (Yes, the election of Barack Obama was terrifying!).  Judging by the title of this book, I would be remiss if I thought it was a denominational conditioning, an area most people steer clear of when searching their way back home.  I don't believe the author has any intention of changing your religious sect but instead he is giving you the opportunity to get to know the 'One' you most adore.  And what better place to start getting to know someone by getting to know His name.  Please use the createspace link to order this fresh off the press edition of The Names of God in the New Testament.  ~ Norman E. Hooben (see postscript below book review)

Cross-posted from: createspace an Amazon Company
The Names of God in the New Testament
Authored by Publius Marcus
Edition: First Edition

The names of God in the New Testament are pretty much the same as they are in the Old Testament in the realm of power and wisdom, except for one - YHWH (Yahweh). YHWH is said to be The Name of "God". We shall see.
YHWH is a Hebrew name of God and the Lord made sure that this name is never used within the Greek texts of the New Testament because YHWH was replaced with the New Testament name of God, Jesus. Some use the Hebrew name of Yeshua for Jesus but this word cannot be found in the New Testament at all. Perhaps people use this name Yeshua because it sounds nice but, it isn't in the New Testament anywhere.
Jesus is the promised Messiah, plain and simple. As we will see within this book that the same names of God utilized throughout the Book of Isaiah are the same names that are used to proclaim the name of God, Jesus.
If you have read my previous book The Names of God you should have noticed that the Holy Trinity was mentioned throughout the Old Testament and, in the New Testament the Holy Trinity is once again spelled out but a little differently yet they are the same.
We will notice that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit will have their own names but they mean the same thing as the Greek Lexicons and other reference material so inform.

Publication Date: Jul 28 2014
ISBN/EAN13:1500678236 / 9781500678234
Page Count:430
Binding Type:US Trade Paper
Trim Size:6" x 9"
Color:Black and White
Related Categories:Religion / Biblical Meditations / New Testament
 About the author: Publius Marcus, aka Mark L Harvey, aka Snooper, began serving this nation straight out of High School. First, as a police officer and then as a member of an anti-terrorist tag-team. Mark started paying greater attention to the highly volatile political circumstances of the late 1960s after his brother was killed in action during the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam. The things he observed during that time often left him troubled and wondering what was happening in America. Why was radically anti-social and dangerously irresponsible behavior being appeased and then excused as nothing more than normal "teenage angst". Why were so many Americans willing to allow the enemies within to run amok virtually unopposed?
Mark served the United States honorably both in and out of military from 1976 to 2004, During that time he began a crusade to inform and educate others about the often subtle, sometimes radical reeducation and indoctrination efforts that were emerging from within the American education system. Mark utilized the "List of 45" as presented in the book "The Naked Communist" by W. Cleon Skousen to help him conduct his crusade.
During his service as a political and intelligence analyst, Mark came to realize that the battles fought to preserve the American way of life at home are just as important as those fought by the American Armed Forces overseas. "If we have no valid or operational Constitution, the battles fought overseas could be all for naught."
Mark has cultivated a loyal audience within the blogosphere and among Internet radio listeners,his personal insight and hard hitting commentary have made him a cherished personality. Mark's blog is available at The Snooper Report. Mark also operates an educational website where he writes about the threats of Jihad and radical Islam.

Norm & Snooper
Washington, D.C.
I think it was back in 2006 that we met on line as two people with similar ideologies with a fervent belief in a Superior Being and a dedication to all things Constitutional and the American dream.  Over the years we have kept in touch, although not as much as I would like, and eventually met during a mutually liked event in Washington, D.C. in 2009.

 What if ?


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