Monday, June 23, 2014

Nutcase story of the day...if only China would have outlawed nutty people this would not have happened.

Note: China outlawed guns in 1957 but not axes and nutty people.  The following statement surely must qualify for the nutcase category:
"I am still alive. If I could be released, I would never do the same again. I would stay at home and take care of my parents." ~ Captured attacker Murzahti

Assailant apologizes for Xinjiang axe attack
Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-6-22 16:51:13 via Global Times

A teenager from Hotan in southern Xinjiang Autonomous Region has apologized for attacking people with an axe, in an exclusive interview with China Central Television (CCTV) on Sunday.
Murzahti, 19, entered a games room in Hotan on June 14 intent on attacking innocent people.
His two accomplices Abduzahir and Abdughappar died from serious injuries after civilians fought back. According to the narrator of the news piece Abduzahir was the ringleader.
Murzahti, who holds temporary jobs, told CCTV that Abduzahir said to him "those who wage a holy war and die for it will not be judged after his death and will go directly to heaven."
He said Abduzahir told him to hack at whoever he saw.
CCTV showed video footage of Murzahti waving an axe towards a woman in the games room.
Murzahti told CCTV that he and his accomplices surveyed the games room from the outside for about 90 seconds before staging the attack. "We thought it was an easy target to kill and run," he said. "I was scared when people fought back. I didn't expect them to fight back. They hit us with desks and chairs in the room..."
He added, "When we tried to run, more people ran towards us with sticks. I thought we had no chance to escape."
The three kept hacking at people with their axes but were eventually brought under control by police and members of the public.
Four civilians were injured but not seriously, according to police.
Abduzahir and Abdughappar died in hospital after treatment failed.
Murzahti told CCTV he was sorry for carrying out the attack. "I am still alive. If I could be released, I would never do the same again. I would stay at home and take care of my parents."

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