Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Obama and the 'M' word...Are they mirror images?

"Despite the collapse of Communism, there are morons who still believe that the system is viable..."

2013 And 1.5 Billion Souls Still Imprisoned Behind the Crescent Curtain
by Bernie @ Planck's Constant

Happy New Year to all my readers. I would like to wish all of you a prosperous New Year but with the economic genius Obama still in the White House we are looking at more unemployment and more taxes and more businesses going bankrupt.
We Are The World Part 2
from Green Opinion
But this idiot will not always be President and so one day we will have the chance to overturn all his disastrous economic policies.
However, there are still more than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and we have not instituted any policies to liberate these poor souls from their delusion.
I have traveled to more than a few dozen countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Asia and have met many Communists who actually believe Communism is a good thing but was implemented badly in the last century. They cannot face the truth that Communism is an evil, vile ideology that does not exalt man but denigrates him; further, they ascribe any evils committed by fellow Communists as done by outliers, people who are distorting the ideals of Communism.

Collage by Norman E. Hooben
Likewise there are Muslims who cannot face the the truth that Islam is an evil, vile ideology that does not exalt man but denigrates him; further, they ascribe any evils committed by fellow Muslims as done by outliers, people who are distorting the ideals of Islam.
Despite the collapse of Communism, there are morons who still believe that the system is viable and should be emulated. Our President is one such moron. Likewise our President believes that Islam is a noble religion and that Muslims have contributed great things to our nation.
We need to ostracize every country that has a Muslim majority. Stop giving them aid, stop doing business with them. The best defense against a spreading contagion is quarantine. We unwisely kept Communism alive by sending them tons of food whenever their crops failed under Soviet Central Planning, as they always must. Had we quarantined them decades earlier, Communism would have collapsed decades earlier.

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