Sunday, December 9, 2012

Obama, stick it where the sun don't shine! "we do not have to nor will we comply" ...KrisAnne Hall says it much more eloquently (see video)

VIDEO: A Rousing Defense of the Constitution and Nullification
Posted by Shane Trejo @ The Tenth Amendmendment Center

At a time when the Republican establishment is doing everything they can to alienate their constituents, and nullification measures are getting introduced around the country, it becomes more important than ever to step up and put our best foot forward when presenting our ideas to citizens desperately looking for a way to fight back against unjust federal power. Luckily, we have a shining example to follow in constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall who gave an eloquent defense of ObamaCare nullification at the Florida Senate Select Committee on Monday, December 3rd.

“Some claim that [ObamaCare] must be submitted to as law of the land since the Supreme Court made its declaration from on high. This admits that we are not a Republic of sovereign states, but a monarchy. The supremacy clause declares the Constitution to be supreme, not the federal government,” Hall said in her stirring repudiation of the bill.
She continued on to give a rousing endorsement of nullification and a warning to legislators saying, “The states, the people are the masters of the Constitution and we do not have to nor will we comply with the dictates not enumerated in the Constitution. To deny these states this right is in itself tyrannical and unconstitutional. You have to stand now in defense of the Constitution in honor of your oath. I submit to you that this is your opportunity to prevent a train wreck.”
If we are to follow the example of Mrs. Hall, we will continue to win over the hearts and minds of not just disaffected conservatives but all Americans. As our movement grows stronger, we are fortunate to have Mrs. Hall’s brave and patriotic display to serve as a template of how we should present ourselves to build upon our momentum and make nullification a reality in every state throughout our nation.

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