Friday, April 6, 2012

Preventing Obama Care From Gaining A Foothold...a way to go!

Idaho Nullification of ObamaCare Steams Ahead Despite Media Attacks

Idaho is widely considered to be a key state in the state nullification effort to stop the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" and the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 201 0." the two-part federal law more commonly known as ObamaCare. Last year the state's Republican-controlled Legislature passed, and Republican Governor CL. "Butch" Otter signed, the Health Freedom Act, directing the Idaho Attorney General to sue the federal government over an ObamaCare provision that requires citizens either to purchase health insurance or face a fine - and. possibly, even jail. Idaho joined more than a dozen other states in a joint lawsuit challenging the federal law on constitutional grounds that Congress had exceeded its enumerated powers. All told, 27 states have filed lawsuits to prevent imposition of the sweeping federal legislation upon their citizens. The lawsuits, however, may drag on for years, by which time much of Ihe foundation ofObamaCare may be laid, providing the program with a momentum and a large political constituency that will be difficult to overcome.
The nullification effort is aimed at preventing ObamaCare from being initiated in a significant number of states, by having the state governments utilize the principle of "interposition" - interposing themselves between the federal government's unconstitutional mandates and the citizens. Idaho's Gov. Otter spoke strongly against ObamaCare in January in his State of the State address, and specifically mentioned that Idaho is looking at the nullification approach. Idaho is considered by many political observers to be the state with the most favorable conditions for legislative enactment and signing by a Governor. Since Otter's speech, nullification moved from the theoretical level to the practical, as Idaho Representatives Vito Barbieri and Judy Boyle, and Senators Monty Pearce, Sheryl Nuxoll. and Steve Vick introduced House Bill 59 (H. B. 59) during the last week of January.
Anxious to prevent any nullification effort from gaining a foothold. ObamaCare supporters nationwide have been quick to try to stop the Idaho effort. John Miller, a Boise reporter for the Associated Press, has written several negative stories about the nullification proposal that have been given unusually prominent coverage in the national media. Although support for and opposition against ObamaCare have split generally along partisan lines, the Democrats received welcome aid from Idaho's Republican Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, whose office "blind sided" the nullification sponsors with an opinion strongly opposing their bill. The opinion was broadly circulated through Miller's Associated Press stories as H. B. 59 was about to be introduced.
The Attorney General's hostile opinion and the media kerfuffle caused a temporary delay in moving H. B. 59 forward, but as we write, the measure is scheduled for a hearing before the House State Affairs Committee on February 7. Senator Pearce informs The New American that he is "guardedly optimistic" that the bill will quickly pass both houses and be signed into law bv Governor Otter.

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