Sunday, March 25, 2012

Frances Fox Piven (Obama's friend and cohort): Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists and Communists will transform America

There is something very wrong when the sitting president refuses to divulge huge pieces of information about his background. What is he hiding? Maybe the “birthers” were a little extreme, but is there something wrong with this “manufactured candidate,” whose history remains sealed from public view? What is he hiding? Could the “Hawaii birth certificate” be a forgery? Is there something much worse—like “sponsorship” by an unnamed special interest? I don’t know. I do know that the man in the White House now is an imposter. The only question is which kind of an imposter: an incompetent “pretender” ~ From
Fact Check (before reading the next article) : Jimmy Carter served as president from Jan. 20, 1977, to Jan. 20, 1981 and during that time distributed copies of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicals’ to community organizers throughout the country. Printing was at taxpayer’s expense and he used VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America, a government funded agency) to facilitate distribution. Alinsky originally published the book in 1971 and he died in 1972. These facts can be substantiated without a doubt and are presented here because the full-of-sailboat-fuel blowhard, Andrew Brown (referenced in Barack Obama and the Radical Left), makes an erroneous assertion that Alinsky’s book was published in 1989. ~ Norman E. Hooben
Piven: ‘Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists Can Transform America’

At a meeting of leftists, Frances Fox Piven discussed the Occupy movement and how it’s made up of Democrats, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists. She said they all must work together to transform America.
At last weekend’s Left Forum 2012, the annual pep-rally for liberal thought, renown leftist professor and activist Frances Fox Piven shown some light onto the makeup of the current America Left. In this minute of audio, Piven tells the packed auditorium which worldview philosophies embody their movement:
“There is room for all of us. Religious leftists, people who think peace is the answer, those who think that wholesome food is what we really need, ecologists and old-fashioned Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists and Communists.”
Piven goes on to discuss the major undertaking that the leftist movement is working on and why these ideologies must unite:
“We can work together because we have a really huge task before us, transforming America and the World.” (Read More)
That’s the American left for you – socialists, anarchists and commies. It’s a shame you never hear any of this from the national media. Oh yeah, they’re fellow travelers.

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