Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Question: Do people like this vote? (see answer below)

Answer: Of course they do, that's how Obama got elected.

Then there's the 'almost-as-dumb-as' category: (from The Boston Channel)

Family Lost In Corn Maze Calls 911 For Help 

BOSTON -- A North Shore police department received an unusual emergency call on Monday from a family who was lost in a corn maze.
A man used his cellphone to call from Connors Farm in Danvers at about 7 p.m. Tuesday after he, his wife and two children became lost in the maze, police said.

Police alerted farm management of the man's predicament, and a rescue, including a K-9, was organized.
K9 officer Justin Ellenton said when he got to the entrance of the maze, he yelled and could hear people. The family was about 25 feet inside the maze.
The family was not hurt.
The maze, a tourist attraction that winds people down paths between of towering cornstalks, generally takes about an hour to complete. 

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